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Just had a 66th anniversary dinner with my parents and I've never felt more alone, inadequate, insignificant or a misfit than I do right now. The tears started as soon as I got in the car to drive home and have since had a major panic attack. If you were to meet them, you would think they were the kindest, funniest, most wonderful (adoptive) parents on the planet. How is it that only one look from a mother can send an adult child into a tailspin??

I hate me and don't feel anymore worthwhile than a pimple on a flee.

The Kid
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i had a similar experience at my mother's 80th birthday party nearly 4 years ago. i do believe that was a turning point in my life. i was surrounded by "friends and family" but i never have had such a strong desire to just be anywhere else on earth but there. i had never felt so out of place and uncomfortable in my whole life. and she could charm your socks off, and you would wonder why i'm so removed and "not there". tailspin, indeed.

please don't hate you and consider yourself not worthwhile. you ARE worthwhile! it's just your past coming back at you, and that's what's ingrained and that's what we're all here trying to tease out. hang in there, okay? you are worth it. keep coming here if it helps. and i hope it helps. (((TK)))
Li'l one is feeling alone, isolated and extremely unlovable. Damn...the tears started again as soon as I typed "unlovable". That's a biggie for us.

Thank you for asking, RE.

CD - thanks so much for letting me know I'm / we're not alone in our feelings. I live alone and sometimes I think that doesn't help with the feelings, either. It does help to know we can come here and safely share our innermost feelings.

Thank you for that...we don't take it lightly.

The Kid and li'l one

i imagine living alone does not help with the feelings. i have two daughters currently living with me, and the realization that some day they will leave is nearly more than i can bear! so i understand where you're coming from, i'm just not totally there yet.

absolutely you can come here to share your innermost feelings. i have found this forum to be incredibly helpful.

as far as "alone, isolated and extremely unlovable" ... i think you've come to the right place. there's alot of good support here.
Hi Kid Hi Hi Li'l One Smiler

I'm pretty much alone too. It's nice not to have to hide feelings in your own home, but sometimes it gets scary too, hearing your own sobs and nothing else and feeling all alone... I think this is where you two work together, talk to each other, hold each other, and build up a pretty strong friendship, because you're seeing each other through the worst of times... Plus there's all of us here, and somehow just from reading your words, I know you're lovable. I hope you can feel that.


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