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Yesterday morning I had my last session with T.

Two months ago I said goodbye to her. That was supposed to be my last session. But at that time I was really angry with her, and my feelings were so overwhelming that I had to stay in hospital almost all December.

I miss her. I started missing her In August, I think. Then she became so absent. I think I was doing some really important things inside at that time, I really felt my inner child for the first time. Some of my inner childs feelings were so wonderful.

I am a preschool teacher, have worked for 20 years with 4-6 year olds. But last fall I started working with 2-4 year olds. They are so great and I don´t know if this change in work woke up my inner child. Children this age are all working on attachment. They really need to attach to their caregivers, more this age than the older ones. They showed me so much love.

In my therapy it was also the right time for my inner child to emerge. Finally I could really trust in someone. I had been „traveling“ with T for 4 years. It wasn´t always easy. It took me a long time to learn to trust her, and with trust came attachment. I found it really confusing and first when I felt those feelings I thought maybe it was love, I thought maybe I loved her like some lesbian love. But with myself I slowly realized that I loved her like I should have loved my mother when I was a baby.

Combining my occupation and my inner work at therapy made me feel my inner child really deeply.

I remember when this infant showed up for the first time. It was during nap-time at work. I was lying there on a mattress, with my blanket, surrounded by my little 2 year olds. Everything was so still and quiet. Most of my little ones where sleeping, others relaxed and where almost falling asleep. Suddenly I felt like I was one of them. I became a 2 year old girl. I felt good and I felt so secure. It was new to me feeling like that… and ahhh… it was wonderful.

After this I could reconnect with this feeling when I wanted to. I often did that when I was going to sleep at night. I encouraged my inner child by listening to lullabies and Celine Dion´s Miracle also helped me connect with my baby feelings. I felt like T was my mum and I was safe and secure for the first time in my life. Sometimes I even suck my thumb. Sometimes I also imagined that I was this babys mother and I stroke her little cheek and told her I loved her.

I told T about this work I was doing inside of myself and I told her I really felt it was harvest time in our therapy. She was glad about that, but I felt something was not right. I felt she was away, she was not really into this with me. She was somehow different than before. She was absent.

I tried to keep up the work with my inner child. I could feel this was something I had to work through. But somehow I felt alone in this work. I felt T was not there anymore.

Some of the babys feelings where wonderful, but soon I realized that this baby was also really hurt, those where the feelings of neglect and abuse from my childhood. And I began acting with T like I did when I was a child in real life. Withdrawal had been my way of coping with a mother who could not attach to me. When I was a child I could feel that my mother did not feel good and now I transfered those feelings on my T. I knew she was not feeling good because recently her friend had died from cancer. But I also told myself her migraine was a sign that she wasn´t well. And I told myself maybe it was because of me, maybe I was too much to handle and she had taken me with her when she quit at the mental ward and began working at the cancer ward at the hospital where she works. I told myself she was overstressed and she was working too much, now there were more patients than before. I could not tell her that my inner child was hurt. I pretended everything was fine with me. Just like I had done with my real mum when I was a child.

Later I said to myself, this is not how therapy works, I have to tell T that I´m not feeling good. It was hard, but one session in September I told her about those hurtful feelings. But she was having migraine and belittled my feelings. Ouch…that hurt…

Next session she said she did not have time for our weekly sessions any longer. We had to meet every other week. I felt my trust in her was fading, but I tried my best to cope despite all this. But it didn´t work very well. I couldn´t sleep, I couldn´t eat and I felt miserable. For almost three months I tried to tell myself I have to thrive on what I have got. But on the 30th of November I collapsed, I could not do it anymore. I was admitted to the psychiatry hospital.

Now I´m trying to build myself up again. It is hard. I haven´t got a new T yet, but next Monday I will meet one. I hope he will be ok.

I was not going to write such a long post… I just wanted to show you the collage-painting I gave to T as a goodbye present. At first I was just going to give her a necklace I made, but the night before our final session I made the painting. It had been developing in my head for some time. It was a really symbolic collage of how I feel about T and how I feel about ending this therapy. I could really feel the passionate feelings release while I was working on it… phew… It felt good… In the morning I had not slept but I felt I was so full of energy after throwing it all on the canvas.

I was not sure I had the courage to give her the painting, it is kind of harsh, but in a funny way. I was scared that she might become angry or hurt. I´m really glad T liked it. With tears in her eyes she said it was wonderful, and she asked me about the symbols in it and we had a good laugh! I´m glad we could have a good final session… I still feel I have a lot of things I want to tell her… I really miss her… but this is the end.
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Thank you Unbroken

It feels good to "hear" your compliment Big Grin
Maybe I should do this more often it was so good to release my feelings this way.

Funny, when I was posting the picture here I realized that on the counting board it says "Now ser..." I hope I get ...ving (or wing) with my next T. Maybe the one I´m going to meet on monday!
Thank you LG Smiler

This is a picture of how I feel about leaving T.
My T has helped me break 100000000 layers of steal and stone that surrounded my heart, I was never going to let anybody hurt me so I was never going to feel anything. Behind the canvas (should have taken a photo of that)there are two boxes made with plexiglass,inside are hearts made with red glass they are placed behind T, in the chair and Me, the little chick. Mine is broken, but glued back together!

I also somehow feel like the steal and stone was my protection like the eggshell for growing chicks. And when I crawled out of my really tough eggshell my emotional life was (and is) really fragile just like newly hatched chicks.
I needed birdymums protection and then in time I would grow feathers and wings and could eventually fly on my own.

The bird standing on the nest is also T. She is throwing me out of the nest, but as you can see I (the chick)am not ready. And little chicks like that can not survive if thrown from the nest... but hopefully I will survive this, thats why I placed a balloon in a string around little chicks waist Smiler

T has a watch, thats a symbol of her not having time for me. And she has way to many patients at the cancer-ward where she works, thats symbolized by the counting board. In this session she is serving patient nr. 56 today!

Here is the heart. One can open the painting and look at them. When I was making the painting in my head I was going to put a stone heart in T´s box, thats when I was really angry with her, but in the end I put a glass heart inside her. I told her this and said I was not angry anymore and I knew her heart was really fragile Heart face
Thank you LG Smiler
Just hope she will not put it in her office,he, he!!! Think I would run away if I would see a picture like that in new T´s office.It would be like she had a picture of "The Scream" in her office Big Grin

I told her that... and she said she knew just where she was going to hang it... at home. I was glad, because at first I was afraid she would be offended by it. But she was really glad, I could really see that Smiler
Thank you Catalyst.
Glad that I have inspired you!
Maybe you should try Collage. This is my firs one, I find it really a good way of expressing feelings. I was working with Mod Podge, it was easy and fun.
If you try it I would really like to see yours. Thank you for telling me that my(now)ex-T is fortunate.

Liese – Ahh... thank you for the hug, it felt good! I´m glad you mentioned something about what I´m saying in this long post. I know I have written too many times about this same thing, again and again... but this terrible trauma feels a little bit better when I talk/write about it. And this forum seems to be the only place in the world where someone understands how much it can hurt to lose a T that you really care about.

I have tried to do that in real life. I tried to talk about this with the staff at the pshych- ward, A mental nurse that comes to my house every week, one T came to my house but he was terrible. I´ve tried another new T but she thought I was too much to handle. Nobody seems to understand me. And I have been grieving dear T for soooo long. And it was a real conflict inside, because how could I grief something that I wasn´t even supposed to love in the first place Frowner

I feel I have been so alone in this because no one understands.

I am going to see another T tomorrow, hope he will be ok. I am so exhausted…
And it was a real conflict inside, because how could I grief something that I wasn´t even supposed to love in the first place

Hi Little Me,

My P who has been very patient in helping me heal from an awful termination would say it's a healthy sign to love your T because it would show that you are open to love. He told me this when I was chastising myself for loving my old P in the first place. Had I not loved him, I wouldn't have suffered the way I did in the end.

For many of us, it's very risky to let ourselves develop love in therapy and then when it ends painfully, it seems as if we are even more alone. I went to several Ps and Ts before I found this one who was willing to openly discuss the painful termination.

I think many Ts and Ps are very uncomfortable with the topic of terminations. It's part of their "business" but I got the feeling as I tried to find someone to work with that they often don't want to acknowledge just how much pain a badly handled termination can cause. Or in some cases, it doesn't even have to be badly handled, but having to say a permanent good-bye to someone who means so much to us can be incredibly painful.

The grief after a termination is like nothing else that I've ever experienced. My P has helped me deal with it and I've accepted that my feelings were valid in my therapy with the old P even if he mishandled them. Now, unfortunately I dread the day that I will have to say good-bye to this P.

It can be an exhausting process and I do hope you find an understanding, compassionate T to help you through this.

Nobody seems to understand me.

Little Me, I felt like that for a long time also. I didn't even understand me. But when you think about it, we all must have the same basic needs, right? Maybe some have a little more, some a little less. But there can't be anything that different about your emotional needs that they can't be sorted out.

What complicates things are our defenses. I don't see this as something that can't be sorted out either.

Although I know you probably don't want to look for a new T, I'm so glad you are looking for one. If I might be so bold as to make a suggestion here: I think you need someone who believes in you, who believes that even if neither one of you has the key to unlock you right now, that together, you can figure it out.

Why not be upfront in the interview? What do you have to lose at this point? No one seems to understand me and I don't understand myself. I need someone who is willing to stick with me for the long haul, someone who is willing to help me unravel my mysteries. It might not always be pretty or fun. But it might turn out to be extremely rewarding for both of us. Are you willing to do that?

"And I have been grieving dear T for soooo long. And it was a real conflict inside, because how could I grief something that I wasn´t even supposed to love in the first place."

And why weren't you supposed to love? Who made up that rule? You can't love on command or vice versa. We are human. We are supposed to love. It was a gift that you gave her. There is nothing to be ashamed of.

And I have been grieving dear T for soooo long. And it was a real conflict inside, because how could I grief something that I wasn´t even supposed to love in the first place

I feel I have been so alone in this because no one understands.

Hi Little Me... thank you for sharing your story and your picture... you re very talented. I'm sorry you are so hurt but I wanted you to know that we here really do understand the pain of losing a T that we have loved and how truly devastating it can feel. So... you are not alone any longer.

As far as loving your T...why shouldn't you be able to love her? You are grieving a true loss of someone who was like a parent to you, someone who was very important in your life and on whom you depended. When you work intensely and intimately with someone, of course feelings develop... if they did not then you would be unhealthy. It's very healthy to attach to someone. My T encourages my attachment to him and he is not uncomfortable with my affection and yes even love for him. He says he is attached to me too (in a healthy, appropriate way for a T to be attached). And he always encourages my inner child to come out and be present with him. He is not afraid of her (although right now I want nothing to do with her). So... you did nothing wrong by loving your T and you certainly have your right to grieve this loss. I went through the abandonment by my oldT and experienced deep, intense, gut-shattering grief that left me traumatized. It has taken a very long time, and an amazing, talented, wonderful new T to help me get through this.

You will get through this too. And we are here to support you in your journey.

Hi Little Me,
The painting that you created for your T is beautiful. Thanks for sharing it - you are very talented. What a great way to release some of the feelings you have around terminating with your T.
I know transitions of changing T's can be painful and challenging. I'd also lost a T who I had not wanted to end the relationship with some years ago. I found it extremely painful. I hope though that your appointment today with a possible new T has worked out and you find that it is a person that you might feel comfortable working with.
WOW! Thank you ((( Unbroken, LadyGrey, Catalyst, Liese, Summer, Echo, SomeDays, Liese, Laura K, True North and Autumn))) Group-hug

This is amazing, you have been so much help, you have been more help than the whole health care system here in my country. I am so glad that Shrinklady made this webside, hug for her too!

TN: Thank you. You said just what I needed to hear. Even though everyone in my real world doesn´t want to admit it and don´t understand it, I am grieving a real loss of someone I truly loved.... and as you say, it is healthy.

I´m struggling with acknowledging that, and hearing the medical people saying otherwise isn´t helpful. But you are really helping. I´m sooo glad for this forum, you are all the best help for me right now

I bursted in tears when I read your post... it is so beautiful and true... I can really feel that you can understand how hurtful this has been. Yes T was like a parent to me... and somehow, somewhere in our progress everything started to swirl downwards, faster and faster in circles.

Now I can see that I really experienced my childhood trauma, with a mother that was so absent and didn´t take care of me, just minded her own business trying to find a new husband. And when she had found him, I felt he didn´t want me around. Back then I just had to grow up fast, become invisible, try not to feel a thing and take care of myself.

It was somehow the same with T. At the same time my inner child was emerging, T was too busy at her new ward. She became absent, and later said she didn´t have time for me. The similarities to my childhood trauma are scary. Her new ward, the cancer ward, did not want me around, I didn´t belong there.

My way of coping with the trauma was not helpful when I was a child, or it was not a way to become a strong and a whole person and it would not be helpful now either. I have to feel my emotions, I can not bury them in a coffin inside my heart. I have to work this through to become a healthier person.

TN You are lucky to have found a new T. A T that is willing to work through attachment and encourages it. I´m glad to hear that there are T´s out there that allow patients to love them and realize that they are working with true affection.

The little one inside me would really love to hear a good T say that she was welcome to this world. Maybe I can learn to trust in someone again, like I did with x-T. And maybe if I can ever trust again, I can attach to this new T. Right now it hurts so deeply and something inside says „Little Me you´r better of never trusting or attaching to anyone.“ But another part of me knows that is not right. Hopefully I will walk the trust and attachment path again. And hopefully I will find a T that is willing to go with me all the way.

Maybe it will be the one I see at three o´clock today.

(I wrote this yesterday before I went to see the new T, didn´t post it because I had some traslation difficulties)

Summer: I can „hear“ that you know what I´m going through. I´m sorry that you had to go through awful termination with your x-T, but I´m very glad to hear that you are able to work with those painful feelings of it and that you have found a P that is patiently helping you healing.

Thank you for telling me that your P told you it was a healthy sign to love your T. I really needed to hear something like that. As I´m struggling with the grieving process because I constantly tell myself I wasn´t supposed to love my T.

Hearing you say this helps the little weak part of me who sais the same. I have to make that part of me stronger. I can feel that it would be very healing for me to believe that I was doing the right thing loving T.

It was very risky to love someone like I loved my T. I had not been able to do that in real life. I can see that now. Yes I could love my two daughters, my pets and also the children in my preschool, but that was a different kind of love. I did not have to rely on them, I was not weak, I was not counting on them. In that kind of love I did not allow myself to be the fragile, sensitive self, that emerged when me and T had broken layers after layers of steal and stone that I had built around my heart since my childhood. It is not healthy never to rely on someone. I was right allowing myself to feel weak and sensitive for the first time in my life. Therapy should be the right place to test those feelings. I was right loving T the way I did (maybe I have to tell myself that 1000 times a day). Big Grin

Liese: I read your post before I went to see the new T yesterday. And I decided that I would take your advice and be very upfront in the interview.

The interview was kind of strange. There were the psychiatrist from the mental ward, a psychiatrist student, the psychologist and me.

They told me what they have got to offer; I would have a group DBT therapy once a week, a psychiatrist who would take care of my meds and I would meet her every 2-3 months, and I would have weekly sessions with the new T… but just for 6-9 months.

I told them that was not what I needed. I need; A T that is willing to work with me for the long run. A T that will not leave me until I am ready. It is essential for me to believe he will stay no matter what, otherwise I can not trust in him. He also has to accept attachment, he doesn´t really have to understand it, but he has to believe that it is a part of my healing to attach to him, he may not look at it as hindrance but rather as an important part in my travel towards independence.

The psychiatrist had announced what they’ve got to offer. But when I had told them what I needed the T was kind of nice and said that this was like I needed a car but they could only offer me a hay-wagon. I liked that metaphor and it showed me that he understood what I was saying. He also looked patient and I could see that he really listened to me.

I know the health care system here in my country can not offer me what I need. I am scared. I have tried to see a T at a private clinic but she told me it would be too risky to take me in at a private practice because of how severe my illness is. She said it would serve me better to stay at the health care system because there I would get more, f.ex. a T that works in the system could have me admitted to the pshych-ward when he felt it was essential.

Now I am confused. Should I take the hay-wagon and hope it will get me a littlebit closer to become healed? I don´t know. I´m scared that this short schedule will not allow me even to trust in this new T. And I know from my previous therapy work that the real work doesn´t begin until I´ll be able to trust.

But what does a person do when she can not get what she really needs? Maybe I´ll just have to make some patchwork blanket to make myself warm. I´ll have to collect bits and pieces of therapys here and there and hope I´ll be able to stitch them together... phew... is there anyone here that has done that kind of therapy and had success with that?
(((((LITTLE ME)))))

I don't blame you for being confused. Confused

I don't know about anyone else but I think it was amazing you asked for what you wanted. And the way you said it was perfect. I"m so glad the P was understanding even though they can't offer you more. I don't know where you are or what the system is like so it's so hard to comment. They can't possibly offer anything else? It just doesn't seem right that they recognize you need help but can't give you the therapy you need. It sounds screwy.

Can you do both? See a private P and stay in the system?

" .... he may not look at it as hindrance but rather as an important part in my travel towards independence."

Just wanted to comment that that was so beautifully said. Why is it shameful to love? Or to not be able to be completely independent for a while? It will always be a mystery to me.

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