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Well writing this post has turned out a lot harder than I imagined. Easy enough for me to moan about bad Ts but when it comes to describing a good T - I seem to have a mental block.

Following on from the shitty rejection by psychoT (as in other thread) I ended up seeing a new T who has turned out to be the type of T that I’ve been looking for all my life!

Her approach is integrative psychotherapy and she has experience of dealing with abuse, trauma and DID (none of which really apply to me.) But I’m getting the impression that it’s those Ts who do deal with these issues that are the ones who are able to offer the kind of therapy that I’ve always assumed therapy is about (if that makes sense!)

Have seen her for five sessions now and my impressions haven’t changed - she’s nice, kind, caring, sympathetic, empathic, friendly, gentle, open, genuine and very sure of what she is doing, without coming across as arrogant or know-it-all. She not only says all the right things but also explains why she is saying things - and is being very very clear that we are in this together, that the relationship between us is the important healing thing and that therefore we will spend a lot of time clarifying and checking with each other and making sure we talk about ‘us’. Urgh this is now getting icky again and I don’t understand why...

Maybe a few quotes from my journal will better explain just how wonderful this new T is. (And how much it’s freaking me out!) These are snippets from all five sessions.

She had this really open accepting smiling demeanour.

She said that actually she works with transference and countertransference and projection - but she’s not an analyst. Spent some time explaining to me how she works (we’re in this together, we do it together), that she makes sure that I am safe - in between sessions, that the sessions contain the feelings, that it’s important to establish the relationship first before plunging into dealing with the feelings, that I’m more than cognitive enough that it’s time to look at the emotional stuff. That CBT type therapy would only reinforce the cognitive stuff at the expense of dealing with the real emotional experiential stuff.

Today was a really good session - or at least was, in terms of how a good therapist should be - she’s really so amazingly kind and sympathetic and gentle and understanding. None of this pissing about with lengthening silence at beginning of session, and when she talks it’s in direct relation to what I’m talking about.

She said hi when we sat down - yay a normal human beginning, and I said hi - slight pause said I don’t really know what to say and my god she actually said it ‘how are you feeling’. The question I’ve waited fucking years to be asked and when I get asked it I don’t bloody know what to say!

She seems to think that the anger isn’t really the issue so much as the pain and that we will work to getting to the pain, to letting me stay with the tears. She said she felt very sad about the life I’d had as a kid - it just doesn’t get in does it? I hear the words I know she means it I even know it’s true, but it doesn’t mean anything to me. I’m not letting any of it in. Said it was so much harder for me to go with the ‘softer’ feelings, the pain, than the anger, which is defensive and protective.

She heard me. Well at least I’m coming away with the impression that she really hears me.

She said a few times that we will see if I can’t stay longer with the feeling - the tears, the pain. She’s saying and doing all the right things.

My confidence and hope in her not misplaced. She’s exactly the sort of T that I’ve only read about and never believed I would ever find.

Amazingly enough it is so much scarier with her than with any other T I’ve seen - she’s going right to the core of things.

At one point she said I’m going to suggest something risky and you don’t have to do it. Would you touch my hand? Me - total freak out hell no that makes my hair stand on end (laughing always laughing). Then I said well I could make myself but it wouldn’t be real. She was soothing and encouraging and I talked about that being something that really scares me therefore it’s something I ought to do. Then I said oh hell yes I will (something in me spontaneously made me decide) and lol she then said I didn’t have to but I did anyway and wow blow me down but if I didn’t burst into tears. And she said, I thought that might happen. That touch is a really important thing for me to learn, to take, whatever.

I felt really crap - I hated myself for those childish tears, for I don’t know what just a real self loathing and contempt - it’s not serious. And that now scares me that there’s nothing wrong with me nothing bad in my life, no trauma nothing anywhere near as bad as others, and that it’s all trivial and unimportant - can’t explain it but I feel - ashamed? I don’t know the word. It really is only about bloody crying, pathetic. Nothing to do with external reality nothing to do with anything anyone has done or not done to me, all to do with pathetic trivial unimportant petty boo hoo hoo crap.

I fear that she sees it’s not serious, not compared to others who have real problems, who have real things that happened to them to screw them up.

She is like a text book T a la forum come to life - it’s uncanny - the things she says the way she is. She mentioned neuroscience and cumulative trauma - because I told her about my sense that I’m making a fuss about nothing that there’s nothing bad enough in my past to warrant the tears etc - and yes she’s heard that before...

I can accept this because that’s part of my problem - not taking my own feelings seriously. Also, she is on my side, SHE takes it seriously, where I can’t. But it all makes me squirm, I feel REALLY uncomfortable about it all, about her kindness and pushing me to - take - really. All the gooey sentimental weak pathetic dependent no mind of ones own shit. And that makes it scarier and I’m infinitely more defended about it than any amount of anger or resentment or petty jealousy stuff that I was prepared to go into with psychoT.

Oh she said that too, repeated in fact, about my cognitive abilities already very well developed and that this stuff is on a non verbal level and that’s what we will be trying to get to - setting aside the rationalizing thinking me to get to the feelings.

Boy do I so not want to go to tears, to touch, to getting on that mummy level - it really makes me feel so ick even thinking about those kinds of exposed revealed weak and pathetic feelings - the total exposure of the core badness that is me...

Well. Wow. Phew. This is going to be SO hard. It’s the second time now with her that I’ve sat there towards end of session and just wanted to go - feeling like ok good I’ve finished now I just want to go home. I don’t think I’m even aware of how much is going on in me with all this touchy feely lovey dovey stuff. There’s so much fucking pressure - she’s pretty full on focused on getting me to go to tears, to experiencing the needy wanting/not wanting stuff. Giving me so much kindness and caring and gentleness so openly and it’s just too fucking much. Part of me knows it’s genuine and right and it’s what I need, part of me is really backing off from it - seeing it as insincere, manipulative, part of some game plan that has nothing to do with my actually getting.

But there’s so much more and I haven’t a clue what’s going on. It’s addressing a part of me of which I’m really not aware at all - or at least only obscurely.

I only shed a couple of tears today - I’m well and truly shut down, batting off what she says. She really pushed the giving to me bit (and for the life of me I can’t remember the words she used) I’m really batting it away - it’s like I’m sitting inside somewhere and presenting this mask - which moves its mouth and talks but which isn’t really what I think or feel or say - keeping me well protected or rather well hidden away. Not disconnected today, but like I’d got a short circuit in my brain, in my thinking - I sat there for quite a long time at times just not knowing what to say what to think - just feeling ‘I don’t know I don’t know’.

I don’t feel good at all - I feel quite freaked and really want to shut down and not do this - (but of course I DO want to do this - I have enough rational understanding of what it’s all about to know that it’s right.) It’s an internal thing - I don’t have any intellectual understanding or rational knowledge about myself as far as this stuff goes - so my reactions are entirely subconscious automatic not aware up here at all. I don’t already KNOW this stuff I can’t anticipate how I will react.

I can’t just make myself let stuff in - I talked about that to her today - not letting good in. But I can’t just make myself take it in. It actually is a negative to me not a positive. All sorts of things - getting past the fear and the automatic withdrawal, making the hideous mistake of believing it’s meant for me only to be fucked about with, to have it shown NOT to be for me at all. Fuck. And here she is offering all this good stuff to me and all I can do is bat it away. Baby steps, she used that phrase, even though it’s a cliché, but it makes sense. She is patient...

So ok sorry even editing like mad I’ve ended up with a typical LL megapost and I’m sure it’s TMI. But I wanted to post the journal entries because it sort of explains why I’m finding it so hard to describe new T - on the one hand she’s fantastic and the sort of T I’ve been looking for for years - on the other hand she’s so damn good at this that I’m totally freaked out at the places we’re already going to - I’ve never had a T (or anyone in real world for that matter) be so kind and caring and understanding and SO focused on me and my needs before - and it’s scaring the hell out of me - in a completely different way from the fear I was experiencing with psychoT. It’s all so new to me. Lol and I end up with a T who sees touch as an important part of therapy and here I am the one person in the world who really really really does not want touch and hugs. Go figure.

Anyway hope that’s given some idea of new T - and why I’m feeling pretty confident that yes, I’ve finally found the right T for me.

If you’ve made it this far, thanks for reading Smiler

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Oh dearest LL!!!!! I'm joining Deepfried and Draggers in the joy and the dancing and the tears too! it just is so, so good to read of you being cared for in this skilled and gentle way. You've waited so, so long, and worked so very very hard to find this.

You've no idea how much feeling ran through me reading this. I want to give you a great big hug (sorry!!!), and to just, I don't know what! I want to tell her that if she hurts you I'm going to come over there and let her have what for!

But you know, my feeling is I don't think she will. I don't think she would have been able to access all these beautiful, deeply protected feelings in you unless she was very, very skilled and genuine. Oh LL... I'm just so very pleased and excited for you. And I'm scared for you too - not in any way because I think there's anything wrong - everything sounds absolutely right - I guess I just feel scared *alongside* you, if that makes sense, in a positive way, because this is such a big journey for you.

Anyway I'm going to button up before I start making even less sense - but I'm sending love. You're great, and you really deserve this care.

dear LL - this sounds really really good and I feel so heart warmed that you have a T who is genuinely caring and kind and able to be right what is needed.
thank you for posting all that, I found it helpful for me to read. I have not allowed my self to cry infront of either the new T or the P - yet - but I still have to get to know them a bit.
it is all good, well done.
(((((((((((LL)))))))))) Thank you so much for sharing this!! It wasn't TMI at was wonderful to read. I know how long and painful your search has been and I am SO HAPPY FOR YOU that you finally found a T who KNOWS, without you having to beg for it or explain it or defend it or feel bad about it, how to give you what you have been asking for. I especially LOVE that she asked how you feel. It is what you have deserved all along and I am doing a happy dance for you today. Big Grin Smiler Cool Razzer Big Grin

And I LOVE how she explained that you are more than cognitive enough, that it's time to look at the emotional stuff...I think a LOT LOT LOT of T's focus so hard on the cognitive stuff that they miss those of us who "get" that already and are looking for this deeper, more fundamental connection...THAT is why they react to us as though we're "too difficult"...and it is so painful when they do that, I know you know even better than I do, with your tale of "forty" T' I am THRILLED that you have finally found a T who "sees" YOU, who sees what YOU need...and can go there with you.

And I can totally relate to all the seemingly paradoxical feelings and reactions you are having to her open invitation to feel. I started quoting the things I could relate to, but then realized I was quoting everything you I'll just skip that part and say I can relate to everything. Big Grin And of course you are balking at your T's invitation to feel, and to stay with the tears...I do that a lot, too, and I think that is our defenses kicking in...but I do make "baby steps" here and she said, just give the relationship will come...she sounds like she's really there for you and really knows what she's doing...I am so happy for you, LL, that you finally found your T. Big Grin Wink Big Grin

I am really looking forward to hearing more about the work you do with her. Big Grin

Big hugs to you,
oh my godness dear lamps... I`ve got to read this poster two more times, in order to fully understnad it. It was a truly personal, honest and genuin poster which always moves me to read. Thanks so much for sharing from your journal. Your T comes across as someone who will (and already obviously does) have major inpact on you and your life, your feelings and your healing. Its amazing that you have found that T you have been looking for all this wonder, why that also is frightning you and make you feel all this paradoxaly/ambivalent feelings. It all looks normal and healthy. It lookes like your T have managed to touch onto you and connected with you, in ways no other T`s have managed before... And its a very good sign, that you allready now, only after a few sessions, have started to experience so meny shifting emotions..that means you`re both engaged and that things "start to move". I am also impressed that your T so quickly managed to see "through" you anger (defence mechanism) and find your sadness/pain to be the "core"...hence to your tears. i am sorry though- that those hurtful/painful feelings from your childhood -(?) are those feelings you "have to" face and let "come up" in your healing process.

That you find her kindess and caring "too much" or too good somtimes, and hesitate to take it all in, is only a natural reaction, the way i see it.It IS HARD to take it all in, yeah- its impossible. But, bit by bit, it will be easier and less overwheming. at least fwiw, I experienced this kindness from T(i dont know if its the same) making me scared and confused, and i couldnt/wouldn allow my self to trust T`s goodwill.. i thought it was a mask, that covered up for a judging mind.. This fear was major for me the frst period of therapy..looks like its somehow similar to what you are in touch with. I dunno. lots of interesting stuff that i relate to here... I can tell that your in the beginning process of your therapy, which is a phase full of shifting/ambivalent and intens feelings regard to the new way to be met. Being heard und understood FULLY like that, for the first time, forces all kinds of defenses and feelings and shame and thankfulness and hope and fuzzy feelings, and anxst, in a really mized way. arrg- this is the most messy poster i have ever written, i guess all i am trying to say is that i am so glad you have found this T. I believe in her too. Thanks again for letting us "In" to this sessions and your valuable reflections and thought regard to this. Its something sweet too, i think, that you are at a place now, where all your understanding and knowlidge, must "rest" for a while, and come second hand, in a way.. And use all the -head<knowlidge to run after and catch up with all the It can be so hard, having to let our feelings correct our knowlidge, and not the oposite. Feelings dont lie. I loved that your T also take your feelings so serious, that seh takes you serious, despite that you think of them as pathetic and silly.. I loved reading that. Slowly, you will too, start taking your feelings as serious as your T does. and see them, with the same acceptance and goodwill as your T. Thats the healing and the process, in a way.
Lamps- I read with delight, here. This is good news, and the best finally a skilled T. I always had a feeling that what you needed was a trauma T, LL, even though you've always insisted that you have no trauma and do not deserve that much care, and etc... It looks like now you have found one, and all the feelings that will come up can be handled if it's with someone *who cares.* Impossible, as you have so wisely posted in the past- to go there alone. Need a companion on that painful journey, and looks like you have found a good one. She sounds like the real deal.

Good for you, Lamplighter..feeling proud of you, if the truth be told.



I am so pleased for you!! It sounds like this is the T that you have waited for and searched for so long. I think that she sounds much like my T and that is a good thing. Wink I would like to offer a word of caution for you. Even though this T is great and it sounds like she is exactly what you need, it doesn't mean that the relationship will be without any turmoil or trials. So, I want to gently encourage you to anticipate that there will be bumps and times that you might (you might not) seriously doubt the relationship. This is part of the work and such a critical part at that. I just want you to be aware that even in the best of relationships with the most experienced and professional T who knows her stuff that she is still human and mistakes will be made on both sides. Stick it out and work through them. That is where the healing is. I've been there with my T as you know and sticking through it has been some of the best progress that I've made at times.

Again, I am SO happy for you!!! It sounds like you are in great hands. It sounds like you have truly found someone to walk this journey with you and that makes all the difference. It is going to feel scary at times and your instinct will probably be to retreat. That is normal and expected. Just take it slowly, there is no rush.
Woooohhoooooo! Big Grin Smiler Razzer Wink Cool Big Grin Smiler Razzer Wink Cool

I was so happy to read your post! All of your courage and perseverance have finally paid off, I believe you've found the right T for you. And of course you're scared! You finally feel "safe enough to be scared." I thought her wanting to go behind the pain to the anger made so much sense. I really do believe that your anger and not wanting to be touched and even shying away from taking in good feelings to the point of finding it difficult to talk about them all points to you "protecting" yourself from getting close to anyone.

I am sorry that it's so scary, I know it's not a lot of fun being terrified but I know you have the strength and courage to face that. I am just glad that you have found someone who will make the pain worth it for you, that can help you heal.

And thank you so much for being so open and sharing from your journal, it was neither too long nor TMI. Big Grin


At last!! 'The Lamplighter's Guide to Good/Bad Ts' is finished, all research completed and stars awarded ... Big Grin Big Grin and a seemingly fab T has been discovered! Yea!!

I am soooo pleased that new-T sounds so wise. She is gently pushing you into that uncomfortable territory that is way beyond cognition and intellectualisation, but that will lead to you a greater understanding of feelings and emotions. And that can be painful - you've done way better than me Lampers - I think I was about 6 years with T before I cried!! And I agree with STRMS, there might well be ups and downs as you work into the core of your difficulties, but your T sounds already as if she is open and experienced and won't be fased by this, but at the same time is sensitive enough to support you through any hurdles that come up.

Go gently LL, don't start kidding yourself that you are not deserving of this T and her skills
[QUOTEshe has experience of dealing with abuse, trauma and DID (none of which really apply to me.] [/QUOTE]
she has sound experience and that's what's really important and she would see your needs as equally important as anybody elses's, which of course they are Smiler

LL I was so delighted to read the post about how wonderful your new T is. And let me say that I love reading your thoughtful and honest posts and I'm so glad you decided to share all of this with us. Specifically for me, it helps me to read and hear about your experience with a new T as I am going through the same thing in trying to find a new T and to feel comfortable with someone and to know how others feel about the experience.

I am most especially happy for your LL because I know how you have suffered, how much PsychoTs rejection hurt you (and I do know this and it really stinks what he did to you, grrr) and how hard you have worked to try to find the right fit with a T. You perserverance paid off this time and I think you can look forward to a very solid and healing experience with this new T.

I like that she is not afraid of the emotional side of things and that touch is not forbidden by her and she accepts it as an important part of healing. It also seems that she is good at listening and hearing you and that she gets it. I do think you are going to be freaked out now and then in session but she sounds up to containing you so that it will be okay.

I also like that she explains the why of what she is saying and that she recognizes that it's the relationship that is most important and she knows to establish the safety and containment first before trying to get you to go to the scary places. She is good.

I really look forward to hearing more about your sessions with her if you are up to sharing them. I really am doing the happy dance for you!!!

Wow I’m bowled over by all the good wishes and plain happiness from you guys about my new T. Lol now I feel that if it doesn’t work out with T (sssshhhhh!) I’ll be not only letting myself down but all of you as well. Suppose I had better hang in there no matter what eh? Seriously, I am really moved by how happy you all are for me - and it means a lot to me that you see it so positively as my perserverance in trying to find the right T rather than (as I see it) being too demanding and expecting too much. It’s SO nice to feel your amazing support. Thank you all.

And thanks to those who have (very nicely) let me know that it’s not going to be all sweetness and light - just remind me when I (inevitably) start picking holes in this therapy that I’m not likely to find a better T.

And thank you for being so accepting of my posting great chunks of my journal - I really was worried about having exposed too much.

I’d really like to reply individually to everyone who posted - but that would make a mega massive post! - so I’ll stop at saying THANK YOU once again.

I’ve been laying a bit low at the moment - taking a few deep breaths before therapy starts to spill over into the rest of my life (inevitable) - so I’m sorry that I haven’t been posting much to other’s threads. But I am reading and thinking of you all and sending my silent support.

Hello Lamplighter
I've not introduced myself before but have been reading your posts! Hi!

It's taken a lot of effort and heartache along the way but your new T sounds excellent and a good fit for you - so happy for you Big Grin

Never worry here about posting too much - everything shared is, I believe, very safe here and it's amazing how much we learn about ourselves from others!
Take care LL
Hello Morgs, nice to meet you too, and thanks for the kind and supportive words. And thanks for reminding me it's ok to post as much as we want on here - I always feel I'm talking WAY too much. Though I'm guessing just about everyone feels that way at some point too. At least that's what I tell myself Smiler

Hope things are going ok for you.


I am so happy for you that you found a wonderful T. Thankyou for sharing your journal about you and your T. I thought it was beautiful. It is just great that that the relationship is important between you both and that she knows that touch is a healing thing for you. I couldn't be more happier for you. You have worked and searched for such a long time and now have found it. Please keep us informed.


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