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I decided to plan a trip a couple of weeks ago...when I so wanted to feel like I go to a place where I belonged.

I went this past weekend to the city I was born in as well as the city my mother passed away in. I thought maybe by going to her would fill something in me. This action, on some level, I hoped, would lessen the feeling of not belonging and of wishing I had what I never had.

I also went, in part, to speak to the people who had orchestrated us living in this awful home for years. I looked for them through Social Services and was not able to find anyone. I wanted them to hear how awful it was to live in that home and how could they have sanctioned these people to care for children when they were so cruel?

The lady who was the Case Worker for us already had retired and no one knew if she was still in the area.

I could find no one and the agency itself had closed within the last few months.

Does anyone know what it is like to be looking for something in a place only to realize there is absolutely nothing there for you? The realization of that hit me when I could find no one who knew anything about our placement into that home...

The city I went to felt so dirty. There was trash strewn everywhere. On the sides of the peoples yards...Ironically, here I was digging through the trash of the past, trying to make some sense out of it, trying to find myself-and there was nothing there. Absolutely nothing.

I didn't go to my mothers grave. I had been there one time before. Years ago. When I was realizing there was nothing in this city for me, I realized, too, there was nothing for me at her grave. She had not been there for me while living, what could I possibly get from her, while dead?

I thought maybe by going to the place I had come from, I could put myself back together in some way.

It may not be the answer I would have liked as far as finding nothing there. Perhaps it is the beginning of answers. I will stop looking where there is nothing.
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TAS you were very brave to make that trip. I wish you would have found that social services woman to ask her how and why.

I have been drawn back over the years to where I was born and lived the first 13 years of my life. I think it's because we are trying to make sense of things that happened to us and tyring to put together a coherent narrative of our past lives, especially the years that we endured trauma. I have described it to others as returning to the scene of an accident. You go back to try to absorb all the things that happened and how and why.

I think in the end that we will find the answers within ourselves. By that I mean, the way to move forward and begin to focus on the present and find the way to look towards the future to give us satisfaction, pleasure and peace. In fact, maybe we are looking for some peace from the past and that comes from within.

I don't have any clear cut answers but I do want to say I understand that pull to the past places of our lives. I hope you somehow you find what you need and what you are searching for.

Tas what an extraordinary and moving story.
I think TN is right - going back to the place where you endured hell on earth is an attempt to organise and make sense of trauma.
There was a point when I was 23 or 24 and I was watching a movie and there was a line about how you reach a point in life where the home you grew up in isn't your home anymore. That really resonated with me.
A few years later and shortly after I'd started woking on my own healing, my dad died suddenly at home in my parents room. It was the room I'd been abused in for 10 years. As my mum had died when I was in my teens my brother and I had the responsibility for cleaning out belongings. My dad was a real hoarder so it took us ages to get through it all. And it was awful, to have to return to that house of horror over and over again. Each time I left, I felt like I was confronting more and more that nothing good had happened there, that I'd fabricated and embellished the positives to make the hell survivable. That there really was, and always had been, nothing there for me at all. Just pain and heartbreak

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