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AG, that's a really powerful argument for putting as much work as I'll admit I did into finding a T. I can't imagine doing any of that with the Ts I moved on from.

And, you're really brave? I can't imagine doing any of those things in therapy atm. I mean, even with Tfella it'd be really hard. I'd have to really trust someone to do that.

I might also need to be a slightly different person, but I hear that happens in therapy, too. Smiler
It wasn't so much brave as desparate. I've penned up the emotions and been scared of them for so long that the only way they come out is to burst out so to speak. But it was such a relief to know I was somewhere safe enough to let them come out and that my T could help me not be overwhelmed by them. And I'm pretty much a drippy faucet everywhere, I'm a cryer. So crying in therapy isn't the huge shift it would be for some people.

I remember my husband once asking my T is he wasn't doing therapy right because he didn't do all the gut-wrenching crying I did. Smiler My T told him that he did fine expressing his emotions and that I had been storing mine up for a long time which really fed the intensity. So there's no virtue in doing that, I just think its the way it comes out for me.

And yeah, you may become a slightly different person, but here's one of the paradoxes of therapy, the more you change the more you'll feel like yourself. Big Grin

Well CalmT hasn't chased me away yet, second session.

He's wondering I think what we're going to work on, and I've told him a fair bit about my dad and my experiences there, and I mentioned that there are some times that I sorta had to "bracket" (avoid) for my sessions with Tfella, and he spent a fair bit of time this last session trying to... trying to figure out the shape of them, I guess?

It's this weird thing that all the Ts so far have done. I'm like, "hey, there's this set of experiences I haven't really talked about, they pretty much sucked," and they keep....they keep _picking_ at them. "What _kind_ of memories are they," those sorts of questions. What the heck is _kind_ of memory? I pretty much got him to throttle back on these questions, but... well, I didn't feel threatened. That was good. I'm going back. That was good, too. But I don't know why CalmT can't just let that stuff rest, for a bit, and stop poking at it. I know him to the tune of two hours or so. I'm kinda not ready to talk about that stuff yet. I'm a bit surprised he keeps asking.

*Edit* I'm trying, by the way, to not let him push on this in order to not disclose too much, get scared, and run away. I don't think that would be a Good Idea.
Glad to hear its still looking good after the second session and I think trying to handle things so that you don't feel the need to run away is a good idea (coming from someone who spends a LOT of her time wanting to run away.)

He's asking because the usually the most important stuff for us to talk about is the stuff we really don't want to talk about. We all save the most painful stuff for last. So telling a T there's something there you're not willing to talk about is like telling a kid to stay out of the drawer, there's chocolate in there. Smiler They're trying so hard because really the best thing for you is to be able to talk about it.

But seriously, I would consider telling him that you need to get to know him better and form some sense of trust before you're willing to go there. If he can't accept that, its not a good sign. But something tells me he'll get it. Its your information and you should be the one to decide when and to whom it gets told.

Hi Hummingbird, that was interesting. I think a lot folks do the same thing. They vent some of the deepest stuff in the first session and then never come back.

It's to your credit that you didn't let it stop you.

In my work as a therapist, I'm amazed at how much change can occur for the client without going anywhere near the heavy stuff. That's been a big part of my learning curve in the last few years.

So, I guess this'll be my last word on finding a T. I think this new guy's gonna work out. Three sessions into it, he hasn't done anything that's scared me off, and he seems like he knows which way is up. He saw how skittered I was getting last session talking about talking about things I haven't talked about to anybody before (follow that one 'round a bit), so we talked about the effects they had on me. Dreams. Nightmares. Triggers. That kinda thing.

And when I'd gone into some nice scrummy detail about the nightmares, and I mentioned that doing that pretty much ensured I'd get some tonight, he went through (without saying he was doing so much) how I'm safe at home, how I can be safe at home, asked what works to make them go away, and whatnot. All subtle-like, not that I didn't catch on after a while. <---slow. But it was good. Like, the idea of me writhing in terror for a night was clearly a not-okay thing, so we talked about ways to make it not happen. Serious plus.

Found a T.
Found a T

Hurray for Wynne!!! Seriously I've never done back flips before and you should've seen me soar into the air for you over that!!! Big Grin

Now the fun REALLY begins. Big Grin Bwaaaaahahahahaha! (pokes self in head, "stop that!")
Sorry, my bad. Roll Eyes

No really I am truly happy for you. This has been a long quest and I am certain it is going to pay off. If you work half as hard IN therapy as you do trying to get INTO therapy, you got it licked! No doubt! Smiler

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