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tons, and i dont' even know if i'm being realistic. i've been contained through a rather speedy divorce. it was helpful. self-confident. to consistently let more of my inner-child be part of my outward personality. i keep her pretty locked up. don't want her getting hurt again. less stoic, more trusting of others. less "self-sufficient", learn how to more easily ask for help. to be comfortable with myself and actually like myself. i guess love myself would be good, too. we'll work on like for now. to be more financialy secure so i can stop worrying about my future. stop using booze as an escape. i'm sure there's more. you'll probably be seeing me more in this thread. this is actually a GREAT question as i frequently struggle with "what the hell am i doing here"??? i know i need help, i just often forget why ... i lose sight. thanks for the question, muff.
Cute, AG.

I'll have and want a romantic relationship or will know for certain I want to be single not out of pathology. I'll be off medication. I'll have reciprocal relationships. that i will be less afraid of people. I won't allow my PTSD to interrupt my life with the things I need to avoid because of it. I will have more integrated thoughts. I won't hurt myself on purpose. I'll be less perfectionistic and anal retentive. I'll figure out how to relax. I'll know when to say no and not turn back on it.

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