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I had my first ever dream about current T. I am a very very realistic vivid dreamer so this was sort of the dream I’ve been waiting for; a chance to “be” with her in my own terms in my own world.

The session was set in a typical hospital room but it was very bright. I remember feeling that the room was very white and sterile, yet warmed by her presence.

I sat casually on the bed, on top of the covers, with my leg dangling lazily over the side. She stood at the end of it, dressed in white with the sun shining through the blinds and illuminating her. As we talked, she walked across the room to answer her cell phone. After spending several minutes on the call, she became visibly more upset. When she came back to the bed, she apologized, said it was an emergency and that she had to go. She told me Dr. Zumbonie, her supervisor, would come and finish the session with me.

As she was crying I took her hand into mine and slowly reached up to softly whisk away the tear from her cheek. Our eyes met and lingered there as I whispered “I’m sorry”. She let another tear roll down and breathed out “thank you”.

As we waited for Dr. Zumbonie, the next patient, a man, came in and sat on the other side of the bed next to me. She explained to him that she was leaving soon.

As Dr. Z came down the hall, I reached for her hands once again. Holding both her hands in mine, I brought them to my lips and tenderly kissed them. I held on to her as she walked around the bed, toward the door, her arms stretched out still clinging to mine. As I let go, the new guy patient, takes her hand, pulls her into a lean toward him and kisses her cheek. She momentarily looked flustered, as if it was a common gesture, but one she did not want her supervisor or me to know about. I remember wishing I had thought to kiss her on the cheek, but that I probably would not have been allowed because I was not a guy.

Then Dr. Z sat down with me and begun to talk very very slowly.

The end. (I told you they are vivid dreams Wink )

I am also a daydreamer. Although, I have not done much daydreaming lately, after that dream, I was sitting in a coffee shop later and had a fantasy daydream of kissing her. In the daydream, I was convinced the kisses were therapeutic because they were not erotic, but clean, gentle, affectionate. Not romantic. I imagined that when we kissed, she could read parts of my thoughts and that we had discovered a new way of sharing.

I guess the daydream was my mind’s response to the night dream in wishing I could have kissed her.
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Hi Forlorn:

Thanks so much for sharing your dream....As you suggested the kisses were a sense I believe it shows the intimacy between you both (not erotic/sexual)....

I used to dream about my T when I was in dream that comes to mind is we were both in the middle of the ocean just moving up and down in rhythm with the ocean's worries, no cares just hanging out together in the vastness ocean expanse....

Thanks again for your sharings!!
Forlorn, this is such a beautiful dream!
Are you going to tell her your dream?
Since it's the first dream about your T, it is very important. You were so close together and so connected in this dream... must have felt so good...
I've never dreamt about being so close to my T without something painful happening. When I dream about being close with a man, feeling loved etc, the man in my dream never was my T (my dreamweaver disguised him?).

Anyway, good for you! A great dream Smiler
Hi Forlorn,

I don't have much time right now, but I just have to mention how neat it is how detailed your dream is. It seems like the connection between you and your T was so strong in this dream. So neat.

Coincidentally, I just dreamt about my T for the first time (and it was my first dream about therapy ever) after my last session. My dream was only a brief moment, but it was plenty for me. I dreamt that my T hugged me (I've never hugged her before, nor have I ever really felt the urge to do so), and though I leaned in for something quick and like 'yeah, yeah,' she held me there and said kind things to me while she continued to hug me. I actually didn't remember it until a few minutes after I woke up, and when I did remember it, I was a little disconcerted at first, though I'm not sure why.

Anyhow, I'm glad you shared this!
Hello all!

Thanks for letting me share my dream. Although I feel bad having started a new thread and didn't realize Amazon already had a dream thread going.

I'm bad with searching for already posted topics *sigh*

Sarah- thank you. Your dream sounds very serene. And so close with it being just the 2 of you together. Nice.

Amazon- I'm sorry. I didn't mean to restart your topic again in a new thread. I get so excitable about these things and I just go off posting about them willy nilly.
I am not sure if I will tell her. I want to share but am so afraid of overwhelming her with too much freakishness that she thought she could handle but can't. And what's worst is that I worry more about how she will feel knowing I think this way than how I will feel if she rejects me. But as you said it is important. And it happened at a point in our relationship where things were rocky for me emotionally regarding her.

Kashley- hi! Your dream sounds super sweet. Like your internal realization of your T's care for you? Did/will you tell her about it. Does she have boundaries against hugging?

MacLove- Thank you for your interpretation. That was really cool. It must've been the weekend for first-time T dreams.
Wow and your dream is packed full of meaning. How moving they can be. I'm also curious if you have/will share this with your T? I am still so afraid of freaking mine out that I worry about doing anything that may be repulsive. And especially after the whole hiccup we had recently, I want so badly to pretend I'm not a freak and she is not repelled by my constant love and admiration for her.
Are there things in real life you feel you have or will give up for the sake of "being" with your T? (of course you do not have to answer that unless you want to.)

Thanks for allowing me to share here everyone!
Originally posted by Forlorn:

Are there things in real life you feel you have or will give up for the sake of "being" with your T? (of course you do not have to answer that unless you want to.)

My T asked that exact same question right after I finished telling him. I told him no (which is the truth). I really can’t think of anything. I told him that maybe the dream wasn’t meant to be interpreted in a negative way- like he’s holding me back- but rather just to show how important and influential he is in my life. He said that was very honest.

I understand you not wanting to tell your T about your dream with what’s happened recently. But I really don’t see what is at all strange, let alone repulsive, about your dream. I would think that she would be flattered by it. Maybe at least just keep in the back of your mind and tell her about it sometime when you feel safe.
Originally posted by MacLove:
But I really don’t see what is at all strange, let alone repulsive, about your dream. I would think that she would be flattered by it. Maybe at least just keep in the back of your mind and tell her about it sometime when you feel safe.

I guess I figure the whole dynamic would be weird to her. This girl who loves her T like a mommy, but daydreams about kissing her. Yeah...

So the dream I worried she would see as sick.


I shared it with her. I printed it out and let her read it last session. We talked about it a little. Then I couldn't deal with discussing the daydream piece so we moved on. But I was very relieved she didn't appear grossed out. whew!

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