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So, had an 11-1 session today, since I had no babysitting with H out of town. Told T I was having an internal battle over whether to ask for more time tomorrow and he offered it to me, so now I will be having my sister sleep over, watch my daughter, and I will have an evening session about 45 minutes away at his other office tomorrow evening, 7:00 or 8:00 pm.

Anyway, it was a hard session, because I have parts that are freaked out with daytime. There were several women in the lobby, which was stressful, and I started panicking and my eyes welled up with tears for no reason. T says he had never seem me walk in like I did today. However, once I was in there and he had the lights low and we were sitting together, there were lots of fun moments, joking and teasing with one another. Also, some hard moments and I tried to nevermind them away, but T pushed a little bit and kept me with what my reactions were, which was good.

At one point we were talking about my heritage (no clue how we got on that topic), so I pulled up some family photos from Facebook. Then, we looked through a bunch of photos I scanned of my childhood a few years ago and looked through them, passing my phone back and forth. We were eventually sitting pretty close, because he kept asking questions and I was getting annoyed at having to pass the phone just to answer who was who or how old I was in a particular photo. Some incidental contact passing the phone back and forth, which made me a little anxious, like maybe he was disgusted by it, but he seemed to be having fun and just happy to be connecting.

When I went to leave, T was standing in front of the door with it closed (usually he is away from the door when I leave, so I'm not used to him being in the way). I made a joke about whether he was blocking me from leaving or something. I blanked out pretty hard, so I feel like he turned the overhead lights on and then back off, in case I wanted it dim when I left to...and maybe opened the door and closed it again. And then made some sort of comment about a handshake (which we've never had). I offered my hand and he asked if it was OK timing or something. I jokingly withdrew my hand and then offered it again and we shook, which I barely remember, as everything is blank or fuzzy. Like, I have no image in my head of this moment, no thoughts or emotions...just, kind of the sensation of his hand in mine. Anyway, I do sort of remember that it felt nice, connecting, so much better of a way to leave then having to walk myself out while he says "God bless" from behind me.

I hope I'm able to connect again tomorrow night and actually really experience and remember it. T and I purposefully touched for the first time. I survived and so did he. He didn't spontaneously combust. I actually said that to him on my way out and I could hear him chuckling until I was almost out of the lobby. He didn't recoil in horror. Who knew it would take me one year and one week to be able to sort out something as simple as a handshake?
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Hi Yaku,
I am so very glad you got that handshake. I always shook hands at the end of every session with my T and I always found the contact very grounding, especially when I finally managed to also make eye contact. Like you, it told me that I wasn't too repulsive to touch, but it was also very safe. It helped me hold my T closer and longer between sessions. It was very courageous of you to bring up the subject of touch and I'm glad that there's been a step forward for you in this area.

Yaku... I'm very happy for you for finally having that important handshake and physical contact at the end of a session. That is a big, important step forward for you and for the relationship. And as AG says, it really does help to hold them with you in a longer and better way after you leave them.

You know my story about the handshake with oldT. He never shook hands or offered his hand to me in the beginning and before I knew about all this boundary stuff I just thought he was an odd, cold person who maybe had some weird aversion to germs while shaking hands or something And finally I did mention it in one session saying that when I met him I thought he was aloof and unfriendly cause he didn't shake my hand and he said he was "not adverse" to shaking hands. That is as far as I got. Well it was exactly one year and 2 weeks after our first meeting (it was the day before Christmas Eve) and I figured the holiday was a good reason to shake hands LOL and so I stuck out my hand at the end of the session while we were standing on the threshold of his office door and he took my hand and gave me a nice long and very warm handshake. The whole experience made me dizzy with emotion but I did NOT dissociate at all. I really was not scared, especially when he accepted my hand so nicely. It was not a perfunctory handshake it was almost as if we were sort of just holding hands because there was little up and down handshake motion involved. Gosh, I can remember this like it happened an hour ago. It is sort of seared into my memory. It was a very happy time for me with him. I was also going to miss an appointment because he was having knee surgery and so that handshake really kept him with me through the break and I was feeling really good. It was just 7 months after that when he initiated a hug on my birthday. He probably does not remember either experience and it was probably no big deal to him but it was simply amazing to me.

My current T shakes my hand coming and going. He did from the first day I met him. I remember when he shook my hand first time I asked him "are we allowed to do this?" and he laughed and said "of course we are". Some time after that he started patting my shoulder or arm when I leave him and that made a HUGE difference in my feeling safer and more connected with him in the beginning of our relationship.

While touch in therapy may not work for some or it may work at varying times (say after the relationship is on solid ground) it should always be open for discussion and I think it really helps Ts if the patient can go in and articulate how they view touch and how it makes them feel.

Now... if I can only find the courage to have this discussion with my T. I really really yearn for a safe, non-sexual, nurturing hug from him.

Yaku, I am so glad you asked for and are getting another session tomorrow and probably another handshake too Big Grin.

How fantastic, Yaku! I'm so glad you have been able to at least hold on to the sensation and feelings of the handshake. I'm also really glad you got a session tomorrow. You should be proud of yourself for bringing it up since I know how hard that can be.

Thanks for updating us on this great success! I hope you're able to hold on to that warm, connected feeling. Smiler
My 2 cents- I get hugs from my T- usually at the end of a session. Last night - at the beginning and at the end. He usually initiates (because I wouldn't, but he does not touch me- he puts out his arms, and it is up to me to respond or not. Funny though- I still don't feel his hugs.
I am glad you can feel the warmth.
Thanks everyone for celebrating with me.

T also said my journal where I said that we really need to discuss all the touch stuff, the context, the meaning, where it comes from, etc. before initiating was really good, helpful to him and also very wise. Smiler So, I anticipate this is just be beginning and we'll continue to discuss it as openly as I can handle from here on in.

Also, super glad I'm not the only one who finds that physical contact makes them go fuzzy and blank. I have been working on tracking those things and actually gotten more comfortable with pats, like from friends at church, so I'm hoping that it will get easier to stay with it with T too. Smiler

It was so hard to even let him know my ambivalence about asking for another session, so I am so glad he just openly offered it with no reservation. Anxious about driving to a completely new place, but I haven't had any problems with driving in months, so it's mostly just that I'm afraid I'll get lost. I hate going new places by myself. I'll probably read the map about fifty times before going. Roll Eyes

I have to tell you stuff in PM, because I'm after writing stuff, I'm apparently "not allowed" to post it here. But, I did not get another handshake, because we ended the session in kind of a different way, as I had a rough time with potential memory stuff and T walked me out to my car, since I was in an unfamiliar area. He also called, as he forgot to check if I was comfortable with the directions home, and said he'd leave his phone on for 40 minutes in case I got turned around and needed help. Smiler So, even though I wanted another handshake or a hug or something, there was kind of an internal red alert about having any physical contact outside of the office, especially after being walked to my car. That would have been weird and I didn't want to put him in the position of having to point out the boundaries, so I just got in the car and said goodbye. It was hard to adjust to a new setting, but some parts felt safer in this office, so I hope to go there again at some point. It took nearly 30 minutes to feel like my T was my T in this other place. He did lots of nice stuff and made it very safe for me and was so steady and reassuring and patient.

I don't know exactly what was happening with my driving, but a few months ago, I was blanking out while driving, more than highway hypnosis. I'd be leaving my friend's work and all of a sudden, I'm in the hallway outside my condo, yelling curses at myself out loud. Or, I would "wake up" punching the steering wheel. Plus, last October, when H was in France, I had a minor (albeit expensive) car accident in my carport, because I blanked out for just one minute in between the U-turn I use to get home and my parking space, and came back to myself hitting the storage unit in front of my space. I barely drove at all for a few months after all these things, and now I do it only as an absolute necessity. I even had my pastor drive my H to the airport (we rode along), because I won't drive when I'm emotional or feeling even slightly fuzzy. Anyway, I don't think I've had any problems at all for like three or four months now, though I do wait a bit after sessions to be sure. I only listen to CDs, so I don't have random songs triggering me, and I have some techniques I use if I feel like I am getting spacey. Anyway, I don't really know what all that weird stuff was around driving, whether to call it switching or whatever. I just know, as others pointed out at the time, I need to be safe.

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