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The PsychCafe
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After another member wrote a few poems I thought it might be a good idea if we could start a thread for those of us that like to write a bit. Some of us might be able to communicate this way better than others. We can bear our souls without letting too much away. I appreciate that some may express themselves in a triggering way. It would the be up to the author to put a warning at the start.

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Just wanted to say I love the idea and I love the poems! I have so many poems that I would love to share on here except for one thing...somewhere deep down inside I wanted to publish them one day, and if I have written them all over the internet, I'm not sure if I could? Then there is another fear - I've not shared them with family or friends...shock of all shocks if they ever read them! So I will enjoy reading all of your's because I do love poetry, but I'm too nervous to put any of my own up. Frowner


"Tell me the purpose

of pain,"

said the student

to the teacher.

"Tell me, does God know?"

asked the children

to the preacher.

But neither knew

the others reply-

and God remained mute

as they each asked 'Why?'

They repeated the question

again and again-

Looking to the heavens

as they each asked 'When?'

Their rage grew

and the earth rocked

because the people

felt they had been mocked-

Mocked by the One

who had created them-

(at least that's the story

told by men)

So, still they wait

in an incensed state

wondering if the

answer lies with fate-

There have been many of you who have been so encouraging when I or any of us have been struggling...

I love to write and want to share my poetry and encourage others and also, in a way, to give back.

If we want to use anothers share on another forum or just simply to does one do that?

Maybe we could PM each other if there is anything we would like to use Smiler

Does anyone have any other thoughts on this? This is a great supportive community and being here for each other is very important.

All the best,
One more, just for Sunday Smiler


'You didn't do enough-

You didn't say enough-

You didn't give enough-'

"I gave all I could,"

was the reply-

"More than anyone

ever should-"

These words silenced the jury

who judged the years

while they witnessed

the fury

wrapped in tears-

So much so they left

their seat-

As they locked their arms

against defeat.

They took the planks

of silent strength

and built a bridge

to go any length-

It reached to all

no matter the rank-

From those in the ship

to those on the bank-

From those who rise

to those who fall-

From those who have nothing

To those who have all-

We meet ourselves

along the way

No longer judging

what others may

We stand up tall

from anothers strength

as we travel the bridge

to go any length.

Just wanted to say, I finally overpowered my curious anxiety to read this thread and really enjoyed your writing. Smiler Thanks for sharing. Sorry I am too much of a chicken to share mine so publicly. Maybe by PM or chat some time if anyone is ever interested. Keep posting! I like to read and poetry is just the right size for me to pursue with a constantly interrupting four-year-old. Big Grin
i'm sorry i'm not sure how long i'll keep this up...


this is not my body
this useless lump that i carry around
how did it get here? it doesn't belong to me...
i'm rejecting it like a donor organ
full of holes and abused
by someone else.
the pain
vaguely familiar
like the insistent itch of a phantom limb,
the shame
i wish i could carve out like a tumour
before it spreads like a deadly disease.

my body knows all that my lobotimized mind forgot.



it balloons out from inside of me
taking over everything
pushing everyone aside
colouring my soul
in darkness and suffering.

this vortex of hate
is it vengeful beast
or tortured little creature trying to escape?
will it swallow me whole
or is it too late, i speak from within its hungry vault?

i can't see beyond it
i can't see what caused it
what was
my deadly mistake
that you won't forgive?

the numbness
like soft snow stills me
after the storm.
the holes get filled again
her cries muffled and weak
i put her to sleep
sedate her with promises she doesn't believe...



there were flowers of betrayal inside me
the day i split in two

to make the depth in my eyes like a mirror
i had to fold myself, like a page,
in two
Wondering, mind wandering. Nothing unusual there

The hand outstretched in hope

No fingers in mine today; no-one to hold

No mail, no message, no call,

Is anyone there at all?

An empty sort of calm is this

It doesn’t hurt, but it does somehow

Disconnected like redundant junk

Watching the screen, watching the clock, watching the phone

Nothing. Disconnected.

Mind still wandering.

Wondering if one day my time will come.

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