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I thought that I was ok by now, as this happened 7.5 hours ago, but I'm still freaked out. Sorry if this is a little incoherent and long, I've got to tell someone, though Frowner

I got home from work today and there was a car sitting in the parking lot that I didn't recognize. Not a big deal, the parking lot for my apartment building is also the parking lot for two other buildings in the complex, so there are often extra cars around. When I got out of my car, though, the car turned it's engine off and rolled down the window. Turns out the guy (total stranger to me) was looking for me.

This stranger who was literally waiting for me in the parking lot told me that he never got paid for a job he did on my house four months ago. I did pay the contractor (a friend of mine) for the entire job. Whatever this guy did as part of the job was unbeknownst to me. Yet he's sitting in my parking lot, waiting for me, telling me the contractor cheated him and that he's going to sue me unless he gets paid, since the work was in my house. I told him to keep me out of it, and that I'd give him a letter and proof of my payment if he needed it, but to keep me out of it.

Then he goes on to tell me that he doesn't want me to tell anyone about this, as his attorney wants it quiet until he does whatever he needs to do to sue the contractor. At this point, I'm so freaked out I agree to keep it quiet. He asked for contact info, so I gave him my email (easier to disconnect an email account than a phone) and he left.

I went inside and lost it. Complete an utter tears. This contractor is my friend, and I just promised not to tell him this guy is threatening to sue me and him? Long story short (too late, I know) I spoke with an older attorney friend, and was encouraged to tell the contractor what had just happened. I also notified the local police department and asked for some extra patrol.

Now I'm scared. It's midnight my time, and I'm wide awake. Doors locked, deadbolted, and chained. I was out for the evening and as I pulled into my parking lot, I panicked. What if the guy shows up again and is pissed I told the contractor? What if he shows up again and tries to hurt me? What if he starts stalking me? I mean, he knows where I live, what kind of car I drive, my license plate, he even knows where I work.

I'm scared. Am I going to be looking over my shoulder every time I leave my apartment and come back? I'm going out of town for a few weeks, am I going to come home to bad stuff happening to my apartment? To my car? I can't leave it parked at my apartment while I'm gone now, what if the guy comes back? I did nothing wrong! I hired a good friend to do a job, paid him in full for the job, and that was it. This was FOUR MONTHS AGO, and now some crazy guy is showing up threatening to sue me?

I'm freaked out. I can't go to sleep. I couldn't even eat dinner (which is really a bad thing right now, I can't afford not to eat) and I don't know what to do. I want to talk to my T, but I don't think a phone conversation would be helpful, as there's nothing she can do about this. I want to rewind today, and not come home from work so that this never happened.
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((((((((R2G)))))))) Oh, that IS very creepy and scary indeed. I'm so sorry. Frowner FWIW I think you handled it perfectly (and from what you said, I have serious doubts as to whether he could actually sue you), BUT if something like that happened to me I'd be feeling the same way - violated, shaken, and very unsafe. Frowner I'm really glad you "told" anyway and asked for additional protection. Is there a friend who can stay with you, or you can stay with, for a few days? For support, I mean, so you don't have to be alone in this. Inconvenient, I know...especially this time of night...I'm sorry, I wish we could all just show up on your doorstep and round up the Psych Cafe wagons...leave her alone, you creep!!! Mad Eeker Mad

Boy do I wish that we could round up the Psych Cafe wagons... come to me tonight, and I'll be around to visit in your times of need...

violated, shaken, and very unsafe
That's it. I couldn't find those words but that's exactly what I feel. This guy totally scared me, I feel like my home has been violated, and I'm feeling incredibly unsafe.

I'm thinking that I'm sleeping on the couch tonight, with the lights on. I'm just a little too spooked with all of this.

I don't have very many friends that I would trust enough to call upon... I did think of stopping at one friend's house tonight on the way home from my evening, but I knew she'd be in bed already.

Most of the time I enjoy living alone, but sometimes it gets kind of tough, when I'm scared, actually... and that so rarely happens that tonight is even tougher... I did call the police and ask for extra patrols, and the station is literally a block from my apartment, which is good.

Thanks SG... I know you're dealing with a lot right now, and I appreciate your support! (((SG)))

Why is fear so freaking controlling?!?!
((((R2G)))) I don't blame you for freaking out. I would be shaken by that too, and seriously so. I'm glad you talked to an attorney and called the cops. That is seriously disturbing. There is no reason for that guy to do that. A friendly letter from his legal representation asking for a copy of your invoice should have sufficed. Obviously, he knows your address, so why confront you in person? I wish we could all teleport over there and be with you tonight, sit up and watch movies together and make you feel safe enough to forget this guy. Ugh. I am so very sorry!!!
Thanks Yaku. Last night was a little sleepless, but I hope that goes away tonight, cause I'm tired! (and have a very busy day!)

I agree, he had no reason to show up at my house (did I mention he showed up about a month ago, too, and while I was home, I had no idea who he was, so I ignored him for the 40 minutes or so that he sat and rang the buzzer and knocked on the door. Thank goodness for apartment security!)

I can't help but think that I'm supposed to learn something from this, but why do I need to be scared into learning whatever the lesson is?!
So this isn't going away. I panicked in the parking lot of Target today when I saw a vehicle the same kind as the one my "unwelcome visitor" drove. I am checking over my shoulder every time I get ready to leave my house, and I'm doing a drive by before I actually pull into my driveway, just to make sure his car isn't there.

This sucks. Weekends are supposed to be more relaxing, not more stressful.
Thanks DF and LG for the hugs, I need them right now Frowner

Great idea to jot down license plate numbers - I have a friend who is on the local police force, so she could easily run plates if need be. I also like the idea of talking to my friend and possibly his lawyer. I hate that this jerk is so intimidating - now that he's met me and seen my car, he could easily find me if he wants to which scares me even more.

I want to say it's ironic that this looking-over-my-shoulder stuff is happening right now, as last week I finally shared some of my BIG fears with my T, and this is one of them... so of course it's happening.

I hate being in this situation. And I truly don't have much, if any control over it because it involves someone other than me Frowner

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