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Okay, every friday I am going to ask some random questions...just for fun, to help us get to know each other better.

1. What is your all-time top 5 favorite TV shows?

2. What is your dream job?

3. What is your favorite meal?

4. What's the best birthday you ever remember having? What happened that made it so special?

5. What is the most sentimental object that you possess? What's the story behind it?
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Originally posted by LadyGrey:
Okay, every friday I am going to ask some random questions...just for fun, to help us get to know each other better.

1. What is your all-time top 5 favorite TV shows?

Little House on the Prairie, The Golden Girls, Friends, 48 Hours Mystery, The L Word.

2. What is your dream job?

I would love to design movie sets.

3. What is your favorite meal?

Pizza, sushi, or Bangers N Mash.

4. What's the best birthday you ever remember having? What happened that made it so special?

A few years ago, my exhusband did a hawaiian themed dinner for me and we played hawaiian music and he even got me tropical flowers. It was so sweet that he did that because my bday falls on Cinco de Mayo and my bday's have always had a mexican theme to them. But Hawaii is such a special place for me so I loved that he stepped outside the box and didn't do the typical Cinco de Mayo margarita party. He also surprised me with a heart shaped diamond necklace which I wasn't expecting at all but it was something he knew I really wanted. It came as such a surprise. It was such a happy time in my life.

5. What is the most sentimental object that you possess? What's the story behind it?

A glass duck. There is a really long story behind it, so I will just give you the short version. It was from our honeymoon.

photo album of my birthson, who was adopted at birth 20 years ago. His birthparents have sent me photos over the years, and it is one of the first things I would grab in a house fire

Oh wow, I can only imagine how special something like that would be. That is so wonderful that they have sent you photos over the years.
Originally posted by permafrost:
What's a greek pizza? With feta cheese and olives?

I like ham on it... and a lot of cheese. I used to like pineapples on it. Thin crust!! Also, very, very little sauce. I don't like when the pizza swims in sauce.
They often sell Pizza with sausages on it in Italy. Never had it. You may like it Big Grin

A greek pizza has feta, sundried tomatoes, white sauce, olives. Its yummy.

I like the Hawaiian pizzas too (ham, pineapple, red onion).
LG- hello my excellent asker-of-questions! This is fun...I've really enjoyed the responses. BG's actually made me cry- good cry. Yours were also so beautiful. Everyones' in fact.

1. What is your all-time top 5 favorite TV shows?
We don't have TV, but we rent TV shows- so- Frasier, The Simpsons (early shows) and Big Bang Theory is pretty good until they run out of material- and all start sleeping around, just for the sake of interest. Smiler

2. What is your dream job?

Still- after all these years- to be a concert pianist. I just can't get over that one, for some reason.

3. What is your favorite meal?

Yup- sushi. LOTS of wasabi. Addictive wasabi-buzz- highly recommended. That and golden bunnies.

4. What's the best birthday you ever remember having? What happened that made it so special?

One of my sweet older brothers- he kinda raised me in a way- who has some kind of undiagnosed autism, bought me a bottle of wine on my 21st birthday- and we laid under the stars in the park and drank it together, while sharing all kinds of confidences. I miss him.

5. What is the most sentimental object that you possess? What's the story behind it?

My wedding band. We had crosses engraved on them, but they turned out horrible- all mis-shapen. My H had hired a cheap, and inexperienced jeweler. Then my H- for the first and last time ever on something like this- had them beautifully redone by a professional jeweler- at great expense to himself. Last year he lost his. He put up a reward- and a person with a waterproof metal detector miraculously found it- buried deeply in the sand and the water at the beach. It was another great monetary expense. My H is rather a miser- so all of this meant quite a lot to me. It's my wedding band...a symbol of our union.

Thanks LG- so many beautiful responses...loved reading them...will continue to read them!
What a fun thread! Thanks for starting it LG - it's been a roller-coaster week, and while I'm not up for responding on other threads at the moment, this seems like the perfect way to end my work-week!

1. My all time, top five, favorite shows, in no particular order, are: Friends, Gilmore Girls, Kids Incorporated, Behind the Music, and Good Eats.

2. My dream job would be producing and directing family-friendly movies and tv shows. That, or photography. I will say though, that I do love my current job!

3. My favorite meal is anything I don't have to make! Really though, we have a great pizza place nearby that I love. I also love breakfast food - cereal, toast, eggs. My favorite, though, is probably the little vegetarian restaurant about a half-hour away. It's a treat when I go there!

4. The best birthday I remember having would be turning 30. It's the first time I got to do what I wanted on my birthday. I did have to leave town to do so, making it the first birthday I didn't spend with my family. I really (sadly) enjoyed it!!

5. The most sentimental object I possess. Hmmmm, this is a tough one! I think my baby blanket that my aunt made me is one, a stuffed animal a mentor gave me when she was leaving town for a while and I wanted something to "hold on to" while she was gone, and honestly, my laptop would be my last one - it holds so much of my life, I'd be lost without it!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone a little more!
A fun thread to take a break from my bummed-out-ness.

1. What is your all-time top 5 favorite TV shows?
No particular order, and not sure these are really the top five, just ones that came to mind...Star Trek: The Next Generation, House, Quantum Leap, Veronica Mars, Firefly (though it lasted less than a season, so if it doesn't count, then Buffy).

2. What is your dream job?
Writer (poetry, fiction, inspirational, whatever) or teacher.

3. What is your favorite meal?
Too many choices. Right now, our tritip "stew" comes to mind. We take marinated tritip and cook it in a pot with carrots, bell peppers, mushrooms, onions and garlic over rice. I usually just eat all the veggies and H eats mostly meat. It works out really well.

4. What's the best birthday you ever remember having? What happened that made it so special?
This is kind of triggering, because many of my birthdays were forgotten and I have a lot of very negative experiences too, especially my 30th this last December, because of the family conflict. Frowner The best one was probably in 2004. My husband took off of work early, surprised me at the train station (I didn't have a car at the time), took me out to dinner and brought me out shopping for an iPod. I think it has been the only time anyone has actually "surprised" me for my birthday ever. I usually have to plan my own parties. Sorry to be a bummer with my answer.

5. What is the most sentimental object that you possess? What's the story behind it?
This is hard. There are a couple things that would qualify if I can find them. One is an audio tape of me at three years old, interacting with my grandma, who was my "positive" caregiver and passed away when I was 16. Another would be a letter written to me by my English teacher from freshman year High School, who still corresponds with me and is like a mentor. I probably wouldn't have lived through high school without him, so it means a lot to me.
You come up with some really fun threads, thank you! I've really enjoyed reading everyone's responses. It's good to be back. Big Grin

All time top 5 favorite TV shows: Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, tie between Angel and Dollhouse (BIG Joss Whedon fan), Gilmore Girls and the Office (yes I know I cheated and snuck in six shows, please, it's like asking me to choose between chocolate and Champagne. Eeker)

Dream Job Becoming a therapist. Unachieveable dream job would be becoming a therapist and interning with my T. But I do love my present job as a technical writer as I really enjoy writing, but I had always imagined writing the next great Fantasy novel, not directions for using software. Big Grin

Favorite meal This is even harder than the television shows! BUT best meal I ever had was at the Hotel Dundee in Scotland. Fish chowder, chateau briand for two (two of the best filets I've ever tasted on a silver platter surrounded by beautifully prepared vegetables) and candied wild fruit for dessert. It was on our honeymoon and it didn't hurt that it was a lovely Victorian hotel, our table was next to the fire and really lovely classical music was playing. Then the waiter came over with a card signed by the staff who offered to "stand us an after dinner drink." Then we left the restaurant at 11:00 in the evening to see the last streaks of sunset in the sky (this was early June and the days in Scotland were long). Then we returned to the castle we were staying in and retired to our four poster bed. The rest is nobody's business but ours. Big Grin

Best Birthday Again a difficult choice as I've had a lot of good ones. But I think I'm going to have to go with my 40th birthday. My husband surprised me with a large party with friends and family in attendence. He held a memorial service for my youth complete with a coffin, tombstone and an appearance by Death (my wonderful BIL rented a costume). Everyone stood up to tell funny stories about me (sister embarrassed me the most!). But the best part was my gift. There was a particular political figure I really did NOT like at the time (I will refrain from specifying as I don't want to offend anyone who thinks differently) and I got to beat him up!! LOL My husband had actually rented an inflatable boxing ring to entertain the kids at the party. A friend of ours dressed in a suit and wore a mask of the political figure and we got in the ring to box. I had already had a little too much champagne and my friend did an awesome imitation of the guy and was hysterical! I was crying I was laughing so hard. It was just a really awesome, unique gift. Big Grin

Most sentimental object Too hard to choose, way too hard. Can I do three? A Peter rabbit sweater that my mother in law knit for my older daughter when she was very little. She loved the Beatrix Potter books and loved that sweater, I had to sneak it off her when she was asleep to wash it. I love it because of all the memories and knowing that my beloved MIL put so much love into it. A baby quilt my best friend from high school (we've been friends for 36 years) made for my older daughter out of her children's baby blankets. It is carefully cleaned and vacummed sealed to use for my grandchildren someday. My Ts blanket that I traded him for. It was very important in our work together and a potent symbol of his care for me. I keep it close even though my whole family calls me Linus. It's a precious reminder of all that we did together.

Thanks for the welcome! And I know, I hate that they get cancelled. I still feel guilty I didn't watch Firefly when it was on TV, I actually saw it on DVD. I've watched it more times than I can say, always hating that there wasn't MORE. (Love Nathan Fillion, actually love all the characters.) I honestly think that people who GET Joss Whedon really love him, but a lot of people don't get it. My whole family and a fair number of friends used to laugh at me for watching Buffy. Then they started watching it, got totally hooked and had to eat crow. We own almost all the Buffy seasons on DVD and I think my kids have watched them through about 20 times each. It's nice to have a fellow fan to commiserate with. Big Grin

1. What is your all-time top 5 favorite TV shows? The Jetsons, Friends, Real Housewives (currently), Tell Me You Love Me, Gossip Girl.

2. What is your dream job? I'm not really sure. I go back and forth on many things. I think I'd have to say something that I truly enjoy that doesn't feel like a job. I'm not sure what that is right now.

3. What is your favorite meal? Hard to pick! Probably something with pasta. I love Italian food.

4. What's the best birthday you ever remember having? What happened that made it so special?

I can't answer this. I don't really recall many.

5. What is the most sentimental object that you possess? What's the story behind it?

I can't answer this either. I can't think of any or don't have any. I guess the stone that T gave us is pretty sentimental, but that is recent.

I feel like a freak. I really couldn't answer most of these questions.
1. Favorite TV shows: St. Elsewhere, Survivor, Friends, Live sporting events, especially college football, Cosby Show, The Flying Nun!!

2. Dream job: Princess(not many opportunities seen in the classifieds for this) or Physician

3. Favorite Food: So, so many. Pizza, Ice Cream, Thai cuisine, steak, and the list goes on.

4. Best Birthday: 32nd birthday. My daughter was born the day before. Best gift I ever got.

5. Most Sentimental Object: I'm not a very sentimental person, but probably my "morgie", a stuffed animal, floppy earred dog that was my lovey as a child. Or maybe my scrapbooks that I have compiled through the years.
In an effort to get a bit more involved here, I'd like to play.

Top 5 favorite TV shows:
Not much of a TV watcher so I'll have to include some oldies here...Alf, Golden Girls, Miami Vice, Twilight Zone, Judge Judy Red Face. (odd mix, when I see it in print).

Dream job:
Either the field of forensics or as an art therapist.

Favorite meal:
Chicken and dumplings and even better if I could have my grandma back to make it.

Best birthday :
My birthday history is much like Yaku's, in December and largely a non-event. I did, however, have a memorable 5th birthday. I had a real birthday party with cake and ice cream, and all of my friends but the ony reason that happened is because my best friend's mother (neighbor and my first "surrogate" mommy) pretty much forced my mother into having the party for me. My mother was too preoccupied with herself to be bothered with silly celebrations. In fact, she completely forgot my first birthday until my grandmother called in the afternoon to wish me a happy birthday.

Most sentimental object:

It would have to be a handblown glass pendant/necklace my older son had made for me by an artisan friend of his. The reason it is so dear to me is that he included a note which said, "Mom, this is a gift from me to you. Thanks for teaching me how to be a man." He sent this to me shortly after his father walked out to embark on a midlife crisis. My son lives at a distance so I wear the necklace to keep him close.
Thanks for the welcome back! And I felt the same way about your photo album that PF did (Hi PF!). I am so touched that you have been able to see the good that your loving act did for your child. I have such a deep respect for how you handled the situation.

I'm doing well. I had a really wonderful, relaxing vacation and had a good time with family and friends. Things did get a little rough after arriving back home this week, which you can read about here. On the upside, it means I'm seeing my T tomorrow morning. Life is never boring! Big Grin Thanks for asking.

And while I'm here, I never had a chance to respond to your Velveteen Rabbit post in my thread and I've wanted to thank you so much for that. I LOVE that story and especially the passage you posted. It was incredibly reassuring and healing to read it, I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to respond. But I'm hoping this is a better late than never situation. Big Grin

You're not a freak at all. If you notice it was my 40th birthday I picked. All of my good birthday memories have to do with me as an adult, with the friends and family that I CHOSE. It's not freakish, it's just sad, that you don't have good memories of your birthdays. Personally, I think your birth is an excellent reason for celebration. ((((STRM))))

Holding On, noticed in your signature over 10 years. Don't be embarrassed, it's over 24 years for me. Just think of us as really expensive coffees, we're slow roasted. Big Grin

I love the necklace your son gave you. What a throughful unique gift and what mother wouldn't be thrilled to recieve that note from their son? I am glad it provides solace and a reminder of your connection with him.

Most sentimental object:

It would have to be a handblown glass pendant/necklace my older son had made for me by an artisan friend of his. The reason it is so dear to me is that he included a note which said, "Mom, this is a gift from me to you. Thanks for teaching me how to be a man." He sent this to me shortly after his father walked out to embark on a midlife crisis. My son lives at a distance so I wear the necklace to keep him close.

Oh, how precious, Irish Rose. This brought tears to my eyes! What a beautiful thing your son wrote in that note along with the gift.
Anytime you don't respond, I assume you're busy / overwhelmed with life / if you're ever pissed at me you'll have to let me know directly!

BG, really good assumptions! Big Grin And I'll keep in mind the direct path Wink although frankly, I can't imagine being pissed at you. Thanks for understanding. Thanks for the well wishes about the appt.

Double-edged sword describes it perfectly. I'm very happy I'm going to see him, but dreading digging up this stuff. On the very upside though, I know it's really safe, I need to allow myself to feel this and I'm going to feel a lot better about an hour and a half from now. I'll let you know how it goes, thanks for the support. And yeah, do you think there's some universal law that says that all the de-stressing you do on vacation MUST be undone in your first week back? Big Grin

TV Shows:
Friends, Seinfeld, Project Runway, Brothers and Sisters, Flipping Out.....(shows from past. I watch no TV right now)

Dream Job:
Photographer, Therapist

Favorite Meal:
Sushi, Spring rolls

Best Birthday:
Hmmmmm. Not too many good birthday memories as a whole, but some good moments. I always love having lunch or dinner with a good friend. OH!! My kids recorded themselves singing Happy Birthday to me on my cell phone and saved it as a ringtone for my last birthday....LOVE it. Smiler

Most Sentimental Object:
Pictures, recordings of, and notes from my precious kids - they are so thoughtful and beautiful! Objects from T - rock, bear Roll Eyes - embarassingly important to me.

AG, I am so glad to hear you are taking care of yourself and seeing T when you feel the need! Thinking of you and hoping your cup is filled today!

Hi again,
Thank you all for the encouragement about sharing more and I really do intend to but there's been a lot of grief associated with both the memory I processed and leaving my T which stands in sharp contrast to how incredibly good the session was and all the positive things that came out of it. So I am struggling to process all of my emotions. I don't want to write about all the grief and give the impression that things are bad. On the other hand, if I talk about all the good stuff, I feel like I'll be trying to push my grief aside, so I'm just trying to sit with it all for awhile. I really appreciate all the understanding and support.


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