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I have two very good friends who don't seem to understand a lick about living with a dysfunctional brain. (I really don't know what PC term to use so forgive me if I offend anyone.) I have chronic depression and anxiety, my husband has his own mental challenges as well. We have a very high energy young child who can easily wear us both out within an afternoon. The daily challenges of marriage, parenting, and work are hard enough and they get that, they have husbands and children too, but trying to manage everything while being constantly emotionally challenged means that I have to do things a lot differently than they do.

When we have the normal girl talk about being a mom/wife/woman I find it so difficult to be really honest about what is going on in my life. I have told them both about my and my husband's mental challenges, and they know I see a T, but any disclosure beyond that is met with a lot of advice and challenges. "Just do this" or "you shouldn't feel that way", etc. They are not ignorant about mental health issues. They have either been to a T (a long time ago) or have taken classes in this stuff but I guess they don't want to see me as a "patient" someone who is "unstable" who could go wacko on them at any moment. Instead they treat me like I am just overreacting to things and just need a little advice to help me pull myself together.

I get completely stymied when this happens and don't know what else to say to explain myself. I have a hard enough time talking to people as it is especially when it is about something this personal. I love these women, they are the best friends I have, but it sucks not being able to really be myself with them. They are not mean or uncaring, I think they think they are being supportive, but I do have to be careful about what I tell them.

I wish I knew someone here that is more like me but if anyone around here is they aren't telling, and I don't blame them. Glad to have you guys though. It is very refreshing to be understood and cheered on. Thanks.
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I know I could do that, I could ask them not to offer me advice and to just listen but I guess I want something more from them than just a listening ear, I want to just be myself. I want to be loved warts and all and not feel so different. I suppose I don't want any special treatment but I don't want to be invisible either. Relationships are so tricky!
I think that's one of the toughest situations to handle. People who geniuinely love you and care but just don't have the ability to comprehend what's it like for you or understand your struggles. There are some people I can go to with this stuff and some I can't. I am blessed in that I am close with one sister who has also done a lot of work in therapy, so she really gets it. Life is difficult enough to cope with without haveing to deal with such emotionally wrenching issues as we do. They take so much energy and effort but that doesn't make our other responsibilities go away. Sometimes it feels like the only person who completely gets it is my T and that can get lonely. They just have no referrent to start from. But keep posting, we'll either get it or be able to accept what you say about what its like because we at least understand how far reaching this stuff can get.


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