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Over the past two weeks, my T has said, "do what you already know how to do" again and again... and she has never said this before.

On Friday, she said it again in response to dealing with huge trigger (a guy wo followed me home and the police had to come deal with). I wasn't really even asing for any coping or grounding skills, but just trying to process my fears... and feeling like I didn't know how to feel safe with people right now and it was upsetting me. So my t days well, "do what you already know to do to ground and relax and put this all away for the weekend."

Just a few weeks ago, we hit a really rough spot in our relationship. I asked my t to do more dbt coaching. This is the full extent of it. And it was in a moment when I was trying to grapple my grief of not feeling safe anywhere with anyone - and no amount of grounding is making that go away.

Do what I already know how to do?

Ok, then why bother talking with her if that's all that is needed.

I can't remember the last time we talked through a dbt skill, we have been doing more processing... and being told I should do wat I already know to do isn't what I had in min. It makes me feel like I'm just a dork too.

I feel deeply insecure in the relationship w my t. Something came up last week where she was finishing up w someone in the hallway, and she was clearly trying to shut down the conversation (the woman just kept chatting as she went out the door) and they spoke of someone they both knew... not me... but had my same first name... and woman said "oh hasn't she turned out to be a lovely person?" My t said yes and quickly said bye (again) to this woman...

I walked into her office and I felt jealous. I wanted my t to think I was. al ovely person. And I felt intense self hate inside because thereKs no reason for my t to think that. I have never felt jealous like this with my t at all in any way... but I did then.

She says she accepts and supports me, but it feels like it is in a way like she accepts me inspite of all my failings ad what a pain I am and how could I question her acceptance of me.

I don't want to just be put up with. Accepted.

I used to feel like my t was my ally. That feeling is totally gone.

The worst thing is that if I try to talk to her about how I have lost the feeling of her being my ally, she just looks at me blankly and says 5hat she is... and she doesn't know what to do or say because she feels like she is my ally.

I'm supposed to go see her tomorrow. There is one practical thing I think we can work on...

But outside of that... I don't feel like there is anything else to talk about. Processing trauma or asking to work on dbt skills just keeps leading to her saying do what I already know to do. And many silences.

Maybe this is just done. Maybe she can't do anymore. Maybe I can't.

I want to work on why I feel the way I do about her, to sort out what it from the past, parts that feel familliar, things that don't and work on being in relationship w her and people in my life in new more trusting ways (whem the trust is warranted) or in ways were my fear doesn't run away from me. My t is accepting of me, well, she listens, validates... sorta... it seems like this would be good thing to work on in therapy... and yet...

It is just falling apart.

I keep thinking she giving up. Or trying to just tell me to get my act together.

Maybe she is... what could be another interpretation of her saying
"Do what you already know to do"? Run. I know how to run very well. I can do that. I'm just tired of it. It is not what I want.

I am looking into finding a new regular t, but no luck yet. I don't know how I could start over again.

I feel so sad...
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I could see how that response would be unhelpful especially if you call in crisis. I only call my T if I've already done everything I know how to do. If I'm contacting her it's past that point. I imagine it is the same for you.

I may have missed some threads somewhere, but last I knew your T was threatening to terminate and I never did hear where that ended up. I could see how those threats could lead to you feeling like she isn't on your side anymore.

(((Jane))) I'm sorry. I get those same feelings when my T is like, "Just pray, accept your helplessness and trust God to carry you through it." I feel like if I had any success in letting things go in that way, I obviously would not have contacted you...and probably wouldn't be in therapy in the first place. Also, sometimes when you are super-activated, it can be hard to walk yourself through the step-by-step without a little extra coaching and support. It would be hard enough to receive that support from your T after feeling like she threatened the therapeutic relationship...then to not even have it offered sounds like it makes you feel untethered. I wish I could offer some advice. Frowner I do hear how frustrating and distressing this is and am sending lots of (((hugs))) and prayers your way!!!

I'm sorry things still aren't clicking with your T. It sounds so frustrating and disappointing. Frowner I know what you mean about wanting to process the feelings, and to be accepted while you are doing that. Her response would have left me feeling dismissed and shut down. I do hope you might be able to work this out with her...but if not...then I hope you can find a new T who can better understand and give you the space and acceptance that you need.

Many hugs,
Thanks kashley R hugs back at you.

Sorry I've been so absent from responding. It has been an extreely difficult week. Problems with my apartment mean I likely have to move asap and it is the sae week of a huge anniversary related to trauma that happened just before a move. And I've been sick and totally maxed out with it all.

I saw my regular t today, and brought up a lighthearted issue... like one where I though we could focus on the emotions easly... and we did... and it. Was really helpful! Then she asked about the apartment situation... and it totally disintegrated. The relationship, the connection, the helpfulness, everything. I think my t was trying to help. I got so triggered... I began to panic. Then she tried to help in a practical way. I kept saying no I just need help with the panic please... then it just went bad to worse... she said stuff, and I told her and explained how it felt like she didn't belive me and I was now feeling very much like I don't know how to prove myself to her or make her happy. I used those words. Huge sign I'm totally regressing or triggered or something bc that is what I felt I had to do with family or I would not be safe. She didn't reassure me she believed me. I begged to know how I could have her believe me, be on my side... and it went even more downhill... I continued to act like I was stuck in another unsafe relationship like the past and she very well fit the rle of not hearing what I was trying to say and telling me what other people believe is what has to be accepted, and I said what about this? Litterally sobbing holding a letter about my apartment that was different than the apartment complex said in another letter... she didn't even read either. It was horribly confusing. I was so triggered. I kept asking for her to help me calm down and she just kept talking of the letters. I told her I don't need you to help me solve this. I need your help with my emotions. I left the office. I went someplace private and um... didn't cope well and retured a few minutes later... I went back and time was almost up... I just told her again I needed help to be n
Emotionally ok... not to deal w my apartment in a practical way... and dissociated again from there...

I have never been so dysregulated and dissociated with her... and I don't recall ever being this dissociated quite like this...

It really bothered and still upsets me to feel like she didn't believe me. I don't understand why she kept saying what matters is not who she believes... she could say she did believe me either... what matters is what they said. Others said. Period. Where did my voice go?

I'm really out of it now. Beyond stressed out. I'm at home, my current apartment, just trying to breathe. Especially before going back to apartment hunting in a hurry...

I just don't get why I got so upset, why we couldn't solve anything again, and I have no idea what to do differently...
Thanks DF. my t was going on like this about the apartment folks, in almost exact same way she responded about the doctor. And no, never found out the dr,s beef w me. The apartment managers are clear, and just have sent letters that contridict the people I oay rent to (it is a weird set up. I moved in under different ownership, and these new folks have been nutty to deal with).

It feels terribly invalidating when he gets too far into problem solving logistics mode. I don't know why she is going there so far so much...and I worry it is bexause she's triggered or feeling like she can't help w the processing part... when that is what she ismost helpful with... so then I start thinking I've failed at the processing part or she would see better how helpful it is... which is putting a lot on me that I know I shouldn't be putting on me....

I haven't gotten anywhere but rejected in terms of finding a new t. I feel so alone...

All of this makes me want to quit w my eq t. Badly. I think I just so scared that will turn into a big triggery mess too. I just wat my regular t to hear me... to believe me or give me a path or way for her to believe me again... or to understand how to get out of this loop... I'm sure she is

It is all leaving me terribly dysregulated and I think my t feels really awful and helpless about it. I just don't understand either. How do I tell her, I feel like you would tell me all that matters is what others say... in a way that reminds me too much of when that meant leaving me stuck w an abuser that no one believed me about until... well the damage was so bad no one needed to believe me about the abuser hurting me...

When I was the most triggered and dissociated with her, I kept saying to her "how do I be good enough for you?" ... and it of course made no sense to her...

I just wanted to feel heard and safe.
((((hugs))))) to you Jane. I'm so sorry that your T isn't understanding and being responsive to what you need right now. To feel discounted, not believed in, is in my mind one of the more awful things someone could do, especially someone you trust. It undermines everything. Why doesn't she understand that? I'm still keeping you in my prayers, sweetie. You are being held there.

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