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I have a few in mind. Often though the selections are critisized like a jukebox at Pizza Hut. So what games do you REALLY want? There are quite a few I'm looking forward to! There are so many though and it's difficult. Plus you can't get them or play them all at once! The only way I get them is by REALLY wanting it. Hearing BIG HYPE about it.

I been wanting KANE & LYNCH 1&2, DEAD iSLAND, DEAD SPACE 1&2 FALLOUT 3&VEGAS, WET,.... TWiSTED METAL, SAW 1&2, LoLLiPoP CHAiNSAW,...,... DEAD RiSiNG 2....BULLY, DRiVER S.F.... As you can see my choices go on and on and on,... but not much is happenin' ! I feel I'm on the wrong track sometimes...


Designer Jewelry
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