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My therapist got offered a new job a month or so ago and I had to stop working with her. We worked together for a little over a year. She was the first therapist who i really opened up to and who really helped me. I was heart broken when she left. We had connected on such a high level it was ridiculous. She had just started being a therapist about a year ago so she still was working on not having emotional attachments. We connected to eachother so well and were so close. it was hard for us both to move on. In our last session we both gave eachother gifts and pretty much just sat there and cried. I will never forget her. I have my first apt. with a new therapist today and I am no excited at all. Everything reminds me of my old therapist and I want her back so bad. I feel stupid because i know she was just a therapist we weren't relatives or spouses but, it just hurt so bad. I felt like i lost a huge part of me. I wish it didn't feel this way.I really wish it didn't have to happen but, I'll get over it. I'll find a new therapist i like. and although our relationship will not be the same, i might still find them to be a good therapist.
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First, Welcome MissingDrB!

Second, I'm very sorry to hear you lost your T. She sounds like she was a really good fit for you. Don't be too hard on yourself, Missing. It takes so much courage to open yourself up to someone and just the fact you worked so well together says a lot about your relationship. You won't be able (and shouldn't try) to replace her. The next one might turn out to be a different kind of good fit.

In the meantime, keep coming here for some moral support.

Take care,

The Kid
So sorry to hear of your pain Frowner It's completely understandable that this would be a very upsetting time. I think it's hard for people who aren't in therapy to understand how painful this sort of thing can be, so I'm glad you are reaching out to ones here who know just what you're saying. I hope you can give yourself time to process your grief, and even speak of it with a new T who can help you through the emotions. Best wishes to you

MissingDrB- Im really sorry that you've lost your 1st T. The pain of wanting and needing the T and the emotional destruction of losing them, and being forced to "move-on" has to be very difficult. My opinion only, and only being 6 months new to Therapy, is that T can become an emotional replacement for the parents or whatever we've never had, or they can be the friend or spouse or anyone that we haven't been able to talk to. And the kicker is they are hopefully non-judgemental, kind, caring, considerate etc. So its really hard not to get attached to them, and has to be very difficult to have to move on, or in some cases terminated. Please give your new T a chance, and please DO NOT COMPARE the new T, to your old T. Please give them a fair chance, because hopefully, if you do this, you will find yourself being healed much quicker. Hugs to you, I know you can do this!
Last edited by eme
Thank you guys so much for your love. I like my new T and although she is no "beckster" (nickname for my "first" T) she is helping me cope with the feelings beckster gave me, as well as helping me understand I CAN feel this way and I SHOULD let myself feel sad about this because this IS a huge loss. I have an appointment today with the new T. We will be talking about my recent attempt and beckster. wish me luck. Have a wonderful day guys. Flower

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