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Hi. I am new to this site, and this is my first post. I have had various struggles since I was about 12 years old...they lasted through my teen years, then got somewhat better in my early-to-mid 20's, but resurfaced in a big way when I had my second child 2 years ago. My last 2 years have been a lonely, stressful roller coaster. I am realizing that I do need help to fight this off, especially for my kids' sake. However, I'm so afraid of the stigma attached to mental illness. I know I need people around me for support, but I don't want to become "the girl with all the drama" or the "whack job". I can't even come clean with my husband, because I don't want to disappoint him.

fyi, I think much of my fear stems from my teen years, when my mom said my situation was "humiliating", and when she told me that for her daughter to have a mental illness was a huge embarrassment to the family, and she hoped no one would find out. I am so ashamed, and so lonely, and so tired of hiding. I spend most of my life acting, fake-smiling, hiding how I feel, and now I just feel way too low to do this alone. I want to stop thinking of the worst. Anyway... I'm not sure what I'm looking for with this post... I guess any advice on how to ask for help? Is it ok to ask from friends/family, or does that lead to being shunned? Is this something I should try to seek a therapist for and keep my struggles confidential? I'm just so scared to lose the few people I love dearly. Thanks....
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Hi Lonely in hiding.

First off I want to say that you are a very brave person, you seem to have the weight of the world on top of you and you have been made feel as if you should not make a sound or bring any of your troubles to anyones attention.

What your mother said to you in your teens seems like a very hurtful and devastating thing to hear when you are in distress. You are not an embarrassment and your feelings are as valid as anyone elses.

I can empathise with the feeling of fake-smiling, pretending etc. I often feel like that's what i spend my life doing as I don't want to burden other people and that even my friends get sick of my situation at times. But you need to know that you don't have to pretend from now's important to know that,at least on this forum, you can totally be yourself and express your feelings,however dark or sad they may be.

Your post really touched me and compelled me to post straight away. I want you know know that I'm thinking of you, little or no comfort that may be. We are all here to talk and listen to your story.

Take care xxx

I second crazy lady's post...what you said really touched me too. You did the right thing in reaching out; I hope you keep posting and let us know more about you. Whatever is going on with you, you will very likely find at least one person here who has gone through that, too, and hopefully you will find that you don't have to be hiding in loneliness anymore Smiler

I also lived with certain problems for many years because the few tentative attempts I made to get help were met with lack of understanding and impatience. That is a really lonely place Frowner But when it just got to be too much, I started looking for a therapist, and have been seeing my current therapist since January. And although it's happening really slowly, there is progress being made.

So if you're looking for a safe place to be yourself, I think you've found one here Wink Hopefully you can also find a therapist who is a good fit for you, not so you can necessarily keep your struggles confidential (although they'll do that for you anyway), but so that you can learn to let your guard down and start to heal.

Welcome to the board! I'm glad you're not hiding anymore Big Grin


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