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I gave the counted cross stitch and a (very long!) thank you card to my T yesterday. I can't believe I was ever worried. Big Grin

He was extraordinarily gracious about it. The best part was when he read the card, he kept reacting to things I wrote in a very visceral way. It was like you could watch each thing hit him. When he finished reading it, he was very choked up and a little misty eyed and he told me it was very moving. That he would want to read again more slowly because each line had its own story and was another step in our journey together. By now, I was grinning like an idiot.

Then he opened the actual cross stitch and his reaction was priceless. He read it and totally cracked up (the quote in the middle of the piece was my signature line, which I KNEW he would love.) He told me he was really overhwhelmed. I told him that if he was a cross stitch piece, that's what he would look like and explained why I used what I did in the piece. Then I told him that the weird thing was that as much as I made the piece about him, when I picked it up from the framer's I realized how much of me was in it. The the piece really represented our relationship. He told me that his job is to keep me very much in mind, so when I look at him I should see myself in him. He really seemed geniuinely pleased and very moved that I had made it for him. He talked about using art and creativity to express things that are so hard to put into words.

Then of course, since he's a T, he put down the gift and card and asked me what it was like to give him the gift and how I felt about it. We spent the rest of the session discussing it and it was all wonderful. I was able to tell him that it was really important for me to be able to express my thanks and have him receive it so graciously. That often when I thought of therapy, I think of being able to express anger, sadness, and hurt but it's also about being able to express joy, happiness and gratitude.

He told me that it really meant alot to him to hear this back from me, that it helped him to feel confident about the work he was doing with his clients. It feels so strange that after struggling so long with feeling like the relationship wasn't real and couldn't be trusted, to now KNOW that it's very real and incredibly deep, and can absolutely be trusted. I like it. We talked about how unique the theraputic relationship is and that most people really couldn't understand it, that unless you had been through it, it's hard to get.

I pretty much felt like I was a helium balloon for the rest of the day, kind of floating along a few feet off the ground. Not only did he like and accept the gift but he understood everything I was trying to say. Such an incredible gift to be accepted and understood. I really am so grateful for the healing I've been able to do and that I was led to him so that I could heal. And yes, I'm still grinning like an idiot. Big Grin

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Good for you AG! I knew he'd accept it so graciously and that he'd be touched. Yes, I agree that we eventually do learn that this is a "real" relationship with real feelings, experiences, and emotions-on both ends. To know they were able to contain us through all the horror, misery, and heartache and perhaps more significantly, to be able to enjoy sharing the good emotions that come from experiencing this sort of deep, meaningful relationship.

It's like the gift you were able to give your T was a gift you were able to give yourself at the same time. And his accepting it was a grand acceptance of everything this relationship means to him as well.

Feel free to grin like an idiot as long as you want!

I'm so happy that you were able to find the courage to give your gift to your T and be so brave as to verbalize your feelings about it. I am also glad that he was so accepting of all of it and validated your feelings about the relationship you have with him. It feels so good when we finally realize that our T's are truly here for us and it IS a real relationship with many feelings and emotions.

Thanks so much for telling your story. I am going through a "bump in the road" at the moment and I know I couldn't be as stable about it as I am, without the huge help from my T. But, reading your story reminds me of the good feelings I get from her, and has lightened my load for the moment. Your big, bright smile is contagious! Big Grin

I have a very blurry picture of the finished piece which I took with a cheap digital camera at the office which you can see here: Counted Cross Stitch Piece If you click on the picture you can see a larger version.

Thanks for asking to see it. Smiler

And thank you all for your rejoicing with me, and knowing what a big deal this was. So many people couldn't understand but you all have such insight into what was going on. Thank you for giving me a place to go to share this.

Hey I've never done an intercontinental smile before! I like it! Big Grin


Thanks for showing it to us. It's beautiful and it is obvious that it took a lot of work (and love) to complete. I hope your T hangs it up where all his clients can see it because it is a very thought provoking and true statement. Smiler


Wow, you are a long..... way away! That just proves to me that I am not alone in MY crazy world and that we are all human and have so much in common, no matter where we live. Funny, my son just started dating a girl whose family moved here several years ago from South Africa. And, my daughter volunteered in Tanzania for several weeks last January. Ok, blah, blah, blah. Just trying to say that this really is a small world and I'm glad that everyone on this board is in it! Wink

Thanks for the very kind comments about my cross stitch, and your joy for me. It's really lovely. And HB, I must say that he is an incredible man and an even more incredible therapist. No matter what I throw at him he handles it beautifully. He maintains very clear boundaries but is very emotionally available. I really do feel that there isn't anything I couldn't talk to him about. Actually at this point, I kind of feel like there isn't anything I haven't talked about with him. I am amazed at the progress he has helped me to make.

And if you're an example of a Zimbabwean, I REALLY like them. You are so filled with hope; I can't tell you how encouraging it is. Thank you!

I loved what you said about it taking a lot of work (and love) to complete. I really enjoy doing the cross stitch and find it very soothing. But the best part was having a tangible place to pour out all my love and gratitude to my T while I was working on it. There was one very funny moment when I gave my T the piece. When I was working on it, I took it everywhere with me, so whenever I was waiting anywhere I would take it out and work on it. There was a lot of repitition in the patterns so I was often able to work on it without looking at the chart. I was usually working on it when my T opened the door to let me in the room. When he was looking at it, I told him that the therapist in the next offie would like to see it because he had asked me about once when I was waiting. My T broke into a huge grin and said "this was the piece you've been working on?" I grinned back and told him that the best part of making a cross stitch for someone was being able to do it right under their nose. Smiler

And I'm hoping he hangs it up where all his clients can see it too. Big Grin

I'm hoping he hangs it up where all his clients can see it too

I hope he does too AG. My T did and even a year later when I see it on her side table I can't help but smile. This gesture of hers has meant the world to me.

BTW She hasn't given the scarf back so either she has forgotten about it or has decided to keep it rather than "borrow" it. Big Grin No more gifts from me though - I don't want to push my luck. (Well at least not for a while. Wink)
Update:I saw my T yesterday for the first time after I gave him the cross stitch and it was hanging in his office. Right next to his desk. And directly in my line of sight across the room. Which was incredibly awesome. The whole time I was driving down (ok, when I wasn't being terrified) I kept telling myself not to be dissappointed if it wasn't hanging up, he might not have had time, there's not a lot of wall space left, etc, etc knowing the whole time that I would be really sad if it wasn't hanging. But there it was, looking wonderful. When I saw it, (which admittedly didn't take long) I thanked my T for putting it up and he told me that several people had already commented on how beautiful it was. I grinned. Alot. It's such an amazing feeling, like there is a part of me in my Ts office all the time. Provides a nice feeling of security.

And River, I'm really happy to hear that your T "forgot" about the loan! But I agree with you, I think its going to be awhile before I try anything else. This went really well, and I don't want to push my luck! Smiler

AG -

I'm so happy to hear he hung up your cross stitch and the very nice comments! That has to be a very nice feeling.

River - I also think it's great your T "forgot" about returning the scarf.

I've never given any T a gift, probably because I'm to afraid of the feelings that would come before and after. I did give my son's T a gift last year but that was before I was really talking to her and so there was no real stress involved (except the usual which one do I pick/I hope she likes it that I go through when I buy a gift for anyone). It was a game she could use with her groups so it wasn't really personal, but useful. She told me it was the kids' favorite game to play, and it's the game she played with me and my son when we were going to sessions together.

You both took a chance and I think it's paying off for you, not only with the good feelings but working through the difficult parts too.


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