I recently watched a video documentary about a cult like group that I was a part of for a number of years. The video was interesting (I thought) and did a good job of expressing some of the nuances of the experiences I've had in a way that I'm not sure I've been able to successfully convey to T on my own so far. It stirred up a lot of thoughts and feelings in me, so today I sent her an email about my reactions to the film with a link to the film itself (it's on youtube) for her to watch if she was interested. I guess the whole email was an implied request for her to view the documentary and discuss it with me later. I do think this could be helpful for me, but. . .
now I'm feeling embarrassed. Like maybe it is presumptuous of me to ask/expect T to spend nearly an hour of her time on something for me. She did tell me once that she'd be glad to look at any resources I had for her, but this is the first time I've taken her up on it and now I'm worried that she'll feel annoyed! Heh. What do you all think?