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Hi all, Im new as this is my first post. I wanted to discuss the fact that I'm going back to therapy after taking a 4-5 hiatus. The scary thing is that my therapist (which I met for my intake) is very young. I'm scared that she won't be as experienced as an "older/wiser" therapist.

What if she's not strong enough for me? Or maybe I am just jumping to conclusions????

Yours Trully,
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LMAO Heather !

Welcome Cami!!!

I'm with Heather on this one! My P is almost 70, I love her to bits but when she retires I'm gonna go crazy (sorry crazier)!! I'd think that if I started over with therapy, I'd ask for a referal to a younger P( one younger than I am). My assumption is that they wouldn't be set in their ways yet and that they would be up on (and more inclined to use) newer techniques Smiler

Just a thought! Embrace it Cali and if it doens't work out ... YOU have the choice to look for someone else !

Be well!

Hey Cami,

Did you not have a choice who your new T was? If it doesn't work out, then you can ask for a referral to someone more mature OR find someone yourself if that's an option. I didn't have an option in the P that I got, but then I had never been in therapy before so I didn't know if I had a preference to older/wiser or younger/new techniques Smiler I'm still not sure which way I'd go if I had the choice to do it all again.

Make the best of it and if it doesn't work out .. try try again Smiler

just my fast thought here.. sometimes younger is good for fresh new perspective.. eager and energetic.. non burnt out...

i say that b/c i ran into the same issue.. was so used to my older wiser T... ended up witn somehome my age.. didnt think i could handle that... she was one of the best therapist i ever had and because of her fresh perspectives, she was very perceptive and caught onto stuff my pld T never did... and i honestly think it's because my older T is used to the routine and while that's sometimes good, it can also make you become more numb to things if your not completely mindful or aware of it... at least thats a thought..

maybe you shosuld tell her how yuou feel and 'process it ' lol...

good fortune

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