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At the end of January I ended therapy after three years. It was my decision to end it on that particular day, though I knew it was coming anyway as my therapist was going to be going travelling for an extended period. A month and a half later I felt the need to contact her to go back again - I feel a failiure - even though she said her door was always open I feel I should be able to cope on my own. I'm really nervous and worried that she will think I could have sorted things myself. I miss her so much and I'm not sure the ending was at the right time - maybe I was a bit hasty.
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Oh wow. This post is my life right now.

I plan on ending it tomorrow with my T. So i will take on board what you have said about you acting in haste.

I am sure every T in the world who has had a long term T relationship would say that you aren't a failure and the strength is that you are able to ask for support when you need it.
hi, sparklewhizz. nice to have you here! i can relate with where you're coming from. i ended therapy at the end of november. probably prematurely. i know painfully well the missing your T part and not sure about ending at the right time. in retrospect i would have discussed quitting with T before making that decision myself, because i know i have more work to do but quite frankly alot of my problem is putting a name on what it is exactly that i need out of therapy. AND, like fighting the feeling like you said:
she will think I could have sorted things myself

and thus feeling quite selfl-indulgent about going to therapy.

anyway, i'm thinking about going back for a session or two or at least emailng T because there are a couple of questions i have (but i struggle with both becuase i don't want to seem needy, since i don't NEED to get an answer for the questions i have. i'm just curious more than anything.

Sparklewhizz, i think you're showing good self care by returning and i think if anything your T will be proud of you for that. good luck and let us know how it goes if you care to share.

oh, and Welcome

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