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Has anyone had any good endings with their therapists? If so, how did you prepare for it? Did you have any special requests? Did your T "indulge" you?

I'm thinking about moving away but I'm not really sure when. If I had my way, I'd go this minute. I was thinking about spending the summer with the kids in the area where I want to move so the reality is, I might be away from my T all summer - a first for me. I have fantasies of loving it so much and the kids loving it so much that I just enroll them in school and stay there. Eeker

In thinking about leaving T permanently, I thought about how I always wanted to see his house. I read a book by a therapist. One of her patients moved away and asked if she could see the therapist's garden. The therapist said yes. I told my T about this yesterday and his first response was, "I don't have a garden." Oh, he's a funny man. I told him he has a lot of time to think about it since I probably won't move for a while. Eeker It would be hard to do something that he doesn't feel comfortable with even if he said yes. He used to have an office in his house so I didn't think the request would be so out there but I know he wasn't that comfortable with it.

I also told him that I would like to go whale watching with him. Eeker We both decided that was a weird request but you can't always explain these things.
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Does anyone ever just want to leave therapy and deprive their T of a good ending? I do and I feel so ashamed to admit it. I suppose I'm angry because the relationship will end when I leave therapy and, because of that anger, I want to deprive my T of a good ending since I'm not getting the ending I want. I go back and forth between sticking it out and bolting.

I also have this horrible sense of not wanting him to feel as though he had anything to do with my progress - if there has been any. I did it. I did it on my own. I don't want to stroke his ego. I think it's transference but can't really figure out from who.

Anyone else struggle with these awful feelings?
Hey Liese,

I don't think the whale watching desire is weird at all-- it seems like a good image for therapy, to me. Think of the ocean as like the soul or the waters of the unconscious, and you are poised above it with your T, floating, waiting and watching to see what creatures will emerge from the depths. It's also a beautiful and peaceful thing to do. I've been whale watching before and I loved it.

It would be so cool if he said yes. Smiler

No advice about endings. I don't like to think about those.
Hey Blu,

I know that's what they say but when, really, do we get a healthy ending in life?

I did read a shrink say that if shrinks in general were truthful with themselves, they'd acknowledge that good endings are for their benefit as well. After all, what shrink could feel good about a bad ending?

Maybe I should just consider skyping until I get settled and find another therapist and that might cut down on all this nonsense I'm putting myself through.

Awww, Held, thanks for telling me my whale watching desire doesn't sound so weird. The only problem is that we'd have to travel at least 2 hours to see the whales but they've haven't been swimming by our island in the last couple of years and so the sightings haven't been as consistent. Frowner

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