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Hi Jane
I don't know if you like science fiction and/or fantasy? Cause if you do I have some good ideas. Most of the below are either fantasy or sci-fi with the exception of Austen and Wodehouse.

Guy Gavriel Kay - anything he's ever written although the Fionvar Tapresty is a good place to start

Neal Stephenson - again, anything he's written but my favorite is Cryptonomicon another really good one by him is his latest book Anathem

CJ Cherryh - Foreigner Series (Just published #12)

Kage Baker - Company series starts with "In the Garden of Iden"

Patricia Briggs - Mercy Thompson series (actually everything I've read by her is good, just still working my way through the rest of her books)

Patrick Rothfuss - The Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fear

If you're looking for light and funny anything by PG Wodehouse although his Jeeves and Bertie books are especially good. Laugh out loud funny.

Jane Austen - anything she's ever written which is tragically not as much as I would have wanted, she died young.

Lois McMaster's Bujold - Miles Vorkosigan series (lots of them, all really good).

Neil Gaimen - anything he's written although Graveyard Game and Stardust are two of my favorites

That's probably enough for now. Big Grin


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