Well I'll be dipped in doggie doo...
Did a consult today. A T online who has written some excellent blogs on shame. I figured he may be able to help.
Of course, both T's know that the other was consulted, and I want to stay in integrity.
And what came up was... I have issues with male authority figures (oh, am so amused, this guy is dead on) How many times did I tell my T that "nobody talks to me this way, not a boss, not a client, not my mother, and NOT YOU!
And... that my T may feel a bit threatened by me. I admit, I tend to interact with him as if we were peers. We are the same age, both work in healthcare, and he has told me that I'm very, very intelligent. (I certainly don't feel that way as of late)and usually he doesn't have a problem with that, we actually very much enjoy our interactions because of it, not despite. He also knows that if he mentions something that I'm curious about, I will research it to death. His way of putting it: When I decide I want to learn something/get better at something, I really throw myself into it.
Oh, my. I can only imagine.. from what I have seen on this forum, there are some VERY intelligent women here. Are we "difficult and challenging women?" Seriously, I'm smiling...
OK. So not demonizing my T. As a matter of fact, this new insight helps tremendously. We have a tendency to interact a certain manner. He DOES seem to have a big ego, and I DO NOT respond well to being told that I must "be humble and listen" or "submit" by a male authority figure. AT ALL! Then there is this self-worth issue that I have. I'm one of those who feels as if I may be worth a damn ONLY AFTER I graduate, AFTER I pass my boards, AFTER the next seminar, and the next, and the next... He does not see it that way. I'm also in a constant state of anxiety about making mistakes. It's getting more and more clear!
What we get is a mess. So I'm willing to tell him my issues, and hope that he can tone it down and we can work through this. The consult T said that as long as we continue this dynamic, it's not going to help me with deeper issues. If we relate as two adults, we get along VERY well, but I don't know if I want anyone to be a "parent" to me- at least not as a critical parent, I had enough of that to last several lifetimes!! The consult T did say that living completely in the "adult conceptual world" has probably been one of my primary defenses.
Now that I have "dumbed down" a bit, and have allowed some of my more primal emotions to come through,(or perhaps it is simply a matter of getting through midterms and remembering to take my fish oil supplements)
I'm feeling shame, and want to block, perhaps dissociate this unpleasantness, to turn back time somehow. I can't believe that I said certain things to him, and now even sharing smaller things with him feels like shame.
Almost laughing, the fact that neither one of us sees this...
But we were so far IN it, neither of us can see the forest for the trees! I DO like him though- he has MANY good qualities.
Now I am wondering if I need to integrate the adult and child parts of me, and if he will be there to help. I would like that.
The consult T also said that it does not help to simply tell the patient to STOP engaging in their primary defense mechanisms, which for me is intellectualization, black and white thinking, lack of trust.. and becoming spontaneously stupid. He must help me figure out WHY I default to those defenses. And it would also help for him to not freak out/blame me when I break down crying or want to snap at him when we open these cans of worms.
Thanks so much xoxo, you are right. If we can talk about this, it will be an enriching experience. It feels better to know that I'm not the "broken one"-and he the "perfect one" that we are BOTH human. I WANT and PREFER him to be REAL.
I have also spent the last 30 years or so building the person that I think I am, and along comes this person who informs? me that I'm not the person that I thought I was.. independent, intelligent, strong, capable, talented, adventurous, etc. Even though he says I am those things, it is as if it's an afterthought, and part of an overall mixed message- the primary message being that I am dependent, weak, needy, easily offended, damaged, and now... "stupid"
AND.. and this is important to the shame piece... THE ONLY ONE LIKE THIS THAT HE HAS ENCOUNTERED. DAMN, SHAME!!
This is going to be more helpful to me in the long run, because what he is providing me with is an opportunity to work things through with a real live person. For me, a male is the best thing for me, due to my past experiences with my father.
Sorry if I got so far off track that it was a bit of a bait and switch, but excited I got!