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The PsychCafe
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Hey Forum Sweeties,

I am so overwhelmed by projects and
work right now, that I unfortunately
have to say good bye.

You all are a great bunch..and i learned
alot from knowing you all.

Best wishes with your therapies and
personal growth!! My life has never been better.
So stick with it, perservere. It's totally
worth it. Important-be honest. Especially
with yourself.


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Thank you for the warm wishes!!

Finally met with my therapist yesterday.
It was a 2 hour session...hugely productive
interlaced with all the love and connecting stuff.

Maybe Ill write a couple more lines later.

Love you all ~

Lamps-ive been thinking about you!! sure, come
back when I leave-fine. jk.
hmmm. maybe I can stretch out my departure over
the weekend instead of one day...and tell you
about the borderline stuff...cause its not what
most people think...(the list of dx symptoms)
ill see if i can make some time..
Understanding what it really is probably took
10 years off my therapy as i have the traits too..
and i can see why your new T said that.

this is going to be really, really good for you i think.
but still : (

added the letter t lol
(((xoxo))) i'm sorry that you're leaving but you have given us a lot and i have seen you grow and become more free and lighter and more open and that is truly inspiring and i'm so happy for you!!! i hope that you pop in and say hello once in a while, but even if you can't, i will think of you once in a while anyway and smile
good luck to you too xx


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