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We have so many helpful threads that started on all sorts of topics, and if this one has already been started somewhere, please direct me to it!

I thought it would be nice to have a "positive session" thread where we can post notes about positive experiences we've had in therapy. Feel free to add to it, respond to others, read, or just pass on by - whatever works for you!
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And I'll start Big Grin

I had a GREAT session with T today. I felt very "heard" and T was very talkative today, which is unusual. It was really helpful though because we were talking about a very tough topic, and T, knowing my inability to go very far with this topic, turned it into more of a conversation, which felt very connecting. I left feeling very grounded, which was nice!

Great idea for a thread. Yeah! So glad you had a good session today. I was stressed all week and had a lot to process emotionally by myself. So I was happy to see T and report on everything that had been going on. It wasn't a gloomy session because I had worked through everything already. Always nice to see him. Always lifts my mood.

Wonderful idea Smiler

I'm so thankful you had a good session today! Hug two

I had a great session too - kept processing what I have been the past few weeks. I was able to look at T2 while I talked to her almost all session (a first with her I believe, I've been getting very good at this). I have been much more relaxed lately and feel like I brought the ease and willingness to session. I feel like an event that was triggered in me with her a couple weeks ago was finally worked through deep down.
I'm glad to hear of these good sessions. My session started out angry and bad and ended up okay and almost positive. I guess it was positive that we worked through what I was angry about. My T is so good about making me smile which really ruins a bad mood!!

He was really happy that I was acting angry with him because it tells him I'm feeling safe, secure and attached to him. He asked me if I would ever tell oldT he was not helping me or that therapy with him was useless. I had to crack up because I would be terrified to say that to oldT. I had to take care of him so he would not leave me. I don't have to do that with my T now. I can be any way I want (aside from threatening/violent) and it's okay.

I am sad though because he is leaving for a week (I miss 2 sessions) and I miss him already. I gave him such a hard time today and he was so good and accepting about it. We had a great handshake at the end and he told me I did really really well and he was happy with me. That was nice to hear. He also told me I could call or email if I need to. I will usually send him a check-in email midweek so I may do that again. It helps me make it through the week.

Thanks R2G for the thread.
I'm looking forward to reading about all the positive therapy stuff here... and hopefully will be able to contribute more than sporadically!

R2G - Me too! What I think I'll have the biggest problem with is still 'agreeing with my post in the morning'. I think sometimes my perspective changes hourly so I think this will be a great archive for me! Heheheh.

((Liese)) Thank you for the hugs - you're sweet. I'm glad your T was able to lift your mood.

((TN)) Check ins help me get through too (sorry about the break). I'm glad you could act angry with your T. I did that w/ my T today too and it was what made things the most connected.
Cool thread! I had my monthly session this week. I thought I put forth a good effort and T did too. Very productive. My T is so blasted patient. I told her that she was and then asked her if she was as patient in her "real" life as she was in the therapy room. She answered yes and that made me like her even more, if that is possible.

I actually started working on something that I pick up on this forum. Something I read on here clicked and a previously cloudy thought became a real idea. I really love this forum, as I have learned so much.
R2G - great idea for a thread Big Grin

My Wed session this week was very positive. T first words before I'd even got my coat off was "well how did it go" (I started an intro to counselling course this week) - and then we spent our 50 mins well chatting really about the course. T was soooo excited for me and really wanted to know everything about the course and my reactions. T was just beaming at me from ear to ear through the session. It was a great reminder to me that it's easy to forget to celebrate in T sometimes when we do something new, make progress

just wanted to share and look forward to reading more posts on this thread (and hopefully contributing one or two posts)

Glad the thread was received so positively Big Grin

Today was probably one of the best sessions I've ever had. It wasn't easy, it still had the requisite tears, but I felt so at ease with T, despite the conversation topics. At the end we talked about a topic that isn't therapy-related, but is something I need practice with. T is an expert in that area, so she actually gave me some suggestions and shared a bit of her experience - it was so connecting... I somy T!
I had a good session with T1 on Wednesday even though I felt horrible... it was just how things were able to feel settled in session. At one point I said... 'Why do I feel so nervous and freaked out right now' and she said 'Probably because you're looking at me...' I've been so good at that lately so every time I do that Big Grin I feel good. I was able to read her a prose thing I wrote and................ let her photocopy it (it was hand written and I ... I dunno) a definite new level of vulnerability and I still feel anxious about it - it wasn't about her I just wrote it for me but felt it had relevance to our work. So from a PROGRESS perspective it was amazing lol

I had a good session with T2 today. We did some SE work that really attuned me with her I left feeling great.

Good to hear everyone's updates Smiler

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