I have blankets at home that I like to snuggle with on the couch. I bring wolfie and max (another wolf) to sessions in my backpack for the littles, but they rarely need them anymore, like maybe once a month. T sometimes puts one of his blankets on us, but they are wooly, not very soft. But, still, 'cause he has put them on when we're shivering/shaking, it feels special. But one very little part has a really bad reaction to blankets, so I guess I have to be careful with them.
We hug the soft pillows in Ts offices too sometimes. In fact, I believe that might have been like 1/2 of last night's session.
Right now, when I take naps, if my real kitties don't come to snuggle, I hug the white tiger H surprised us with our last family trip to the zoo. I sleep much better like that for some reason, but I feel too embarrassed to do it if H is in bed too, so only during naps.
Wow, this is embarrassing. I'm not a total freak, right???