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Thank you Beebs and Unbroken. I do hope you can take some inspiration from knowing that someone came back from the depths of hell after termination and found an understanding and very smart T and is so much better now. Not great or where I was 2 years ago but much better, despite some ups and downs. I'm home and safe now.

Cat... since you asked.... I am officially graduated on Monday, April 16th. Whew... it's been a long 3+ years. Thank you for asking.

Right now I'm basking in a lovely email from my T telling me how happy he was with our work yesterday and again that he reminded me of the mess I was in the beginning only so that I could accept there is nothing I can do now that would make him reject me. His email was in response to mine telling him about some fears and a challenge I'm trying to face. He said that he wanted me to know that we really work well together and have conquered some really daunting issues so he sees no problem in working out my latest challenge. I trust him on that.

Thanks guys,
TN, sorry I am so late to the party, but I just wanted to chime in here and congratulate you on your amazing feat of graduating with your B.S. through all of this, and with a! I read that as of today you are officially graduated. It must feel so good to have that accomplishment. I am very proud of you and hope you will feel the celebratory support you deserve from those who are closest to you.
TN I meant to reply here ages ago, to thank you for explaining what your T meant and clarifying how you felt about it. I also wanted to say thank you SO much for seeing my doubting him as coming from a place of concern for you – I’m so used to expecting people to think that I’m being bitchy or mean or pessimistic that I was pretty bowled over by your generosity

And I’m very pleased that what I interpreted in such a negative way was actually very very positive Smiler.

Hope your preparations for your celebration are well under way and that you’re looking forward to it – is it tomorrow?

(((((( TN ))))))

Thank you all for the nice congrats and warm wishes.

Cat... you are so sweet. Thank you. Yeah that email was a keeper

Puppet.. how nice to see you here. Hi It's hard not to grow with my T. He is really good at what he does.

seablue... how are you doing? Thanks for the congrats.

Cipher... have been wondering how you are doing. You are not late to the party. It does feel good and a bit sad but also a relief. I need a break from studying and with the nice weather I have more free time to enjoy it. I hear you are graduating also with your Associate's degree. That is awesome! We seem to have a big class of 2012 on here!

Ninn...Thank you for thinking of me.

LL... I could NEVER think you were mean or bitchy. Of course, I knew you were concerned for me. No worries. And yes, the celebration with my T is tomorrow! I am nervous and excited and ... oh nervous too LOL. I hope it goes well and we can both relax and enjoy it. It means a lot to me that he is allowing this (I think he wants to keep his fan club on here going

R2G... thank you for your generosity. I am still basking.

I'll let you all know how it goes.

As promised, I'm updating here with the celebration report.

I sent my T an email last night to ask him for a few minutes alone in his office so I can settle in (and set up). I told him I was having a little anxiety about it. I didn't hear back from him but I figured he would be sure to give me my few minutes.

I arrived with my little tray table and graduation napkins, the bottle of sparkling cider, a box of assorted cookies and a tin of mixed nuts. Not easy to lug that stuff up his long flight of stairs (I'm not as young as I used to be Eeker). When I walked in I could see his door was open so I figured he was out on his walk. I then peeked over towards his wife's door ... well because I'm always afraid it's going to open as I rush by. Instead, I jumped and squealed when I saw someone near that door... turns out it was just my T. He said to go on in. So I did.

It only took me a minute to set up the "table" set out the napkins, the food, the cider and the two plastic flutes for drinking. He walked in and looked down and said, oh that is very nice. You did a nice job. So I kicked off my shoes and sat on the floor with my blanket and he sat down. He began to open the cider and that's when things... didn't go as planned...

Turns out the cider had a foil seal around the neck but under that was a plastic cap (which was easy to open) but under THAT was a bottle cap... the old fashioned ones that are crimped around the edges and DO NOT screw off! Eeker Mad

So we were scrambling around for something to open the bottle! T thought he had something in his desk but could not find it... so I put my shoes on and ran out to my car because we sometimes keep a corkscrew there and I hoped it aslo had a bottle opener. No luck. So I got the idea to run into the bank on the lower level of his building (where I have banked for 20 years and they all know me) and ask them for a bottle opener. They had one! yay. So then I ran back UP the stairs, totally out of breath now... and presented it to my T who smiled and pointed to the tray... he had opened the bottle by then and had poured out two glasses for us!!

I sat down and it took a few minutes before I could catch my breath but I was also very rattled and I knew I had "wasted" 10 minutes of my session just running around. I didn't anticipate the bottle issue and that made me upset with myself because things were not perfect and I messed up somehow. I had to work hard to focus back on the occassion with T. But I think I was more dissociative today than usual because I cannot remember what he was wearing and also.... I had a bad moment when I left because I dont' think I shook his hand and I cannot remember! I didn't have any contact with him today of all days! I sat back at work and tried not to cry over this. I had a few moments of thinking that HE avoided shaking my hand because I did something wrong by moving closer to him today. That damn inner voice is scaring me.

So back to the celebration... my T made a little speech about how impressive it was that I graduated and with honors and did that while working full time and raising a child. He told me he was really happy for me and that I should be proud of myself and to take this all in because it really is a remarkable achievement. We talked about how I was supposed to be in the class of 2011 but I had to leave school for six months when I was traumatized by oldT. I told my T that I wanted to celebrate with him because he played a huge role in putting me back together again so I could finish school.

We also spent time talking about graduate school and the two programs I was looking into but the cost is really prohibitive and there are other challenges I'm not up for and of course my T said he believes in me and aside from the cost (which I guess is not his area LOL) he said he had absolute confidence that I could do the program and that "we" could work on the challenges I felt were too much for me.

We then drifted off into talking about attachment, dependency and individuation... which I will save for another thread. He said some interesting things and I just really love talking to him.

So we munched on cookies and drank half the bottle which I left with him and it was time to pack up. Before I did though he said he wanted to tell me that this was the most fun he ever had sitting on the floor with me LOL! Most of the other times I was either angry, non-talkative or sobbing hysterically. So I guess this really was fun. He again congratulated me and wanted me to sit and take in the achievement and what it means. I was then so busy packing up that I think we forgot to shake hands but honestly, I was so activated I cannot remember. I do remember when I had to get up from the floor I felt like I could not move. I had so much emotion hit me all at once. I didn't want to leave my T and felt that the time we had was much too short and I needed to do or say something but I couldn't. He did notice and asked if it was okay to end but what could I say. I said yes, I will be fine.

It was nice and different. I just wish that I was less anxious so I could have taken in more of the way he looked and what he said. I think I needed to write at least this much because it has helped me to remember how it felt to share that with him. I am so very lucky to have him in my life.

Thanks for reading,
((TN)) YAY!!

What the heck with the cider? You'd think it was made out of liquid gold or something. Plans have a nasty habit of not going as planned!

I wish I could hang out with you in real life; I'd love to know someone who has a corkscrew in their car! I'm so glad the people at the bank could help you I was sort of sitting at the edge of my seat the way you wrote and hoped it worked out.

I'm glad you could focus afer it even though it felt awkward. I hate feeling like I have "wasted" time Frowner it hurts and I'm sorry you felt like that.

It sounds like you and your T had such a sweet conversation and could talk not only about what you did accomplish but what you'd like to accomplish as well. I'm glad your T included both of you on thinking on how to work out the challenges to help you meet your goals Smiler That is so sweet.

It sounds like it was a really 'freeing' session in a way; I could relate because it sounds almost like what it's like to paint or color with my Ts. It's relaxing and at the same time building a connection

I'm sorry it was so hard to end Frowner It IS difficult when we feel close and are on a roll with them to get up and leave. I'm sorry you guys forgot to shake hands (ask for two next time!!). I really, really understand what you're describing here I've been through the same type of thing and it's heart wrenching and difficult - I get activated after sessions that are relaxing and connective too.

I hope you are able to document the rest of your appointment and alll your thoughts and exactly what it looked like and went. Sometimes, for me, I find as the day goes on I'll get more peices of my session back when the anxiety barriers settle and I hope something similar is true for you; if not what you have here I think is really beatiful. This will be a good resource to draw on in the future.

Thank you so much for sharing and congrats again!
I'm so glad it went well - at least for the most part. I've never heard of a bottle cap being under a screw cap. What kind of convoluted bottle is that? I would be completely flustered if that kind of thing put a crimp in the plans. If I've been running around doing a bunch of stuff right before my session, it often takes me a while to settle down. And I completely get that that kind of ruined the "perfectness" of the session, but unless you decided to get a second bottle ahead of time and open it just to make sure you could do so in an easy manner - there was no predicting that one!

Even though it probably doesn't have the same weight coming from someone my age (lol), I really am proud of you for graduating - let alone graduating Summa! What an awesome, awesome accomplishment considering everything you've been through. Big Grin

I've gotta run - but thank you for letting us know how it went!

Thanks so much for sharing how it went. I thought of you several times throughout the day. I'm sorry about the ordeal with the bottle, but glad it all worked out in the end. Your T is right to be proud of you. It's an amazing accomplishment with the variety of things you have on your plate and dealing with the trauma from OldT. Finances aside, I also believe you could do anything (in terms of grad school) if you can make it through working, raising a kid, being in therapy and excelling in school. I have wanted to go back myself, but do not for the same reason (or at least fear that I won't live up to the investment if I took out loans). I can't wait to hear about how the rest of your talks went. I'm sorry you had to leave in such a disconnected place. I know about saying I'll be fine when it doesn't feel that way, because what else would we really say, right? I do hope you're able to touch base with him via email or phone and feel connected until next week.
Yeah Cat - you just know you love a person who keeps a corkscrew in a car - always wannna hang around people THAT prepared.

Love your account TN. Don't let the thing about the bottle throw you - that was a minor bit of a beautiful and special occasion.

I love how T really got into it. he probably loved the casual feel to it as well. When that happens everyone always seems to relax and words can tumble out. Even your T would have felt better - he didn't have to have his T'ness turned up so high.

He said such lovely things.

Can't wait for the talk about Attachment, dependency and individuation. They are hot topics for a few of us at the moment.

I am so happy for you TN. just so happy.

Wow!!! What an amazing accomplishment. You have every right to be proud of yourself and to celebrate. It is a big deal and to do this while working and taking care of a child is amazing!

The celebration sounds like it was great after all of the confusion at the beginning. I'm so happy that you were able to share that with your T.


Thanks to everyone who posted. I will come back to this later when I have more time.

Two notes:

As for the corkscrew in my car... LOL... we don't drink in the car but we are a "wine family" meaning that my in-laws live in Italy and own a winery. We used to do a lot of wine business for them here in the U.S. I worked for years as the U.S. Rep and as a liasion between them and our importers. There were times when we would forget our corkscrew when we were headed to an event and so we just always kept an extra one in the car. The openers are really cool because they have our family name on them.

Hmmm... just thought of a great gift for T

Second note: to Liese and others...

I just posted about my attachment conversation with T in the Personal Stories forum if you are intersted in reading.

I’m late to the party, but TN I wanted to say that’s great your celebration session went well (despite recalcitrant bottle tops and having to waste precious first minutes. Lol I take it your T isn’t one of those macho men who rip off bottle caps with their teeth!)

I hope you’ve been able to remember more of the details of your session since writing this, it would be a shame to have gone to all that effort and then only have a hazy memory of what should have been a memorable time. But it’s understandable that you were feeling anxious, and I hope that as this celebratory session turned out so well you won’t feel quite so anxious next time you want to do something a bit ‘extra-therapeutic’ in a session.

Great to hear you’re feeling so good about therapy and your T and your own achievements Smiler.

No one is late to the party at all. All congrats are sincerely appreciated.

Last Sunday I thought I was attending a party at my sister's house for her brother-in-law's birthday. So I innocently walk in (15 minutes late due to the weather) and I discover it was a surprise GRADUATION party for ME!

I was so completely shocked. All my mom's side of the family was there (cousins, 2nd cousins, and even baby 3rd cousins, my last aunt and uncle too). She had catered a wonderful Italian dinner and I had a huge cake and they got a real graduation cap and made me wear it for pictures LOL. People even gave me gifts! I am still smiling over it. She really surprised me. My dh didn't even know so he was surprised too. It was a wonderful day.

Thank you pf for the wishes. I do have a wonderful T. And yeah, that bottle cap really threw me into a tizzy.

LL... I totally cracked up at the thought of my T tearing off the bottle top with his teeth. More details have come back to me since the party but the most wonderful was the little speech my T gave me before we drank the cider and then we clicked our glasses together. That was so special. He seemed to get as much joy from this as I did. I'll bet he never did that with another client so it's sort of special to me to just think of it. And since that time we have been really connected. We had a recent blip but it was barely that and it was repaired quickly and easily.

Unbroken thanks for your congrats. You make me blush.

Hi JenDark... it's good to see you here. Thank you for being happy for me.

hi effed. You read my story 5 times? You are such a dear. I hope you find some inspiration in it. My T is my trusted Teammate and also my T soul-mate. He is the best. Thank you for posting.

Beebs... dear friend. Thank you so much. Hope you and Cowboy are doing okay. Much love back attcha.


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