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I am really excited! I just finished my third apprencticeship shift earlier today and I've been greenlighted to go solo. Starting in June (first shifts still open) I'll be taking phone calls all on my own. I am now a full-fledged TW (telephone worker.) It was an awesome shift, I got the head of the program who is a really wonderful woman, who gave me wonderful feedback and a huge amount of encouragement. I have so much to learn that will only come with experience but she was clear, despite a few areas I need to keep working on, that she thought I was going to be great at this.

Actually one of the areas she told me I needed to work on was that I'm too hard on myself. Red Face Wink

Can I say thank you to all of you? If it had not been for the opportunity to post here and receive the support I needed to heal and the wonderful feedback, I would never have been able to venture out and do this. I am unspeakably grateful for this opportunity and the help you've all given me which has made it possible.

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Yay!!! That is so awesome, AG. I have no idea, so this is complete speculation, but I think that as soon as you start realizing the difference you will, no doubt, be making in other people's lives, you might ease up a little on yourself. You seem to have the natural human compassion that, IMO, makes the biggest impact in helping others through a hard time. Training helps, but you have to have the goods (which you do)! Big Grin
I am so genuinely proud of you AG!
You are taking not only what you've learned, but also some of what you have lived perhaps, and turned it around for good. You are a true inspiration. Someday that is my goal. I would love to be an adcocate- perhaps in the courts for a child who is in crisis. I do not have the freedom to do this yet, but perhaps someday.Thank you for sharing your stories and your struggles with us about this process, and I know you will be absolutely amazing at this. Bless you for giving back!

How wonderful, AG - congratulations to you. This is a great opportunity for you to share the treasure of yourself with others, and a wonderful development for those others, too, who will benefit so much from that treasure. Smiler

I think we should all chip together to buy you a telephone slapper. Wait, is that bad? Razzer

Great news AG Big Grin ... if you are anything like as helpful and as supportive as you have been here, then the callers are in very safe and special hands indeed. And what an affirmation to be told that you are 'going to be great'...well she should have asked us in the first place!!


Oh and the being hard on yourself bit. Well that's true really for most people who really care about what they're doing - I KNOW out Ts strive desperately for more self compassion, but if that was her only criticism, well I guess it's nothing you didn't already know Smiler
woo-hoo! awesome AG...I am so happy for you, and I know you'll be great! It really shows that you are willing to take a comment like that! And use it constructively, now that is progress. One of my many elusive goals is to be abel to take criticism in the spirit of helping, instead of panicing and freaking out at it! WTG, AG!

Look at all the people you have seriously impacted in a great way on this site, and I am sure there are many others- couple this with all of the future people you will touch in a mighty way, and wow. Someday I want to do the same. You are an incredible role model for me, and so is my T. Thank you! Big Grin
Hey there AG!

Great to hear from you and THANKS for asking! I'm pretty good for the moment (a nutshell description in my other post so I won't repeat...). It feels like I am coming back to myself although this link is still tenuous and easily shaken. I do feel the therapy is working, isn't that ABSOLUTELY MIRACULOUS???? Such a gift from the universe or who/whatever organizes these things. For the first time in my life I am feeling I am not actually having to make sure every butterfly flaps its wings properly so sacks in China don't do funny things.

Saying that I have just killed a toad in my front garden trying to discourage slugs with salt. That's NOT good! I do get careless at times.

It's so lovely to see you're still around and getting to do what's dear to your heart. Just goes to show hanging in there is worth it Smiler! Is everything else good too????

a virtual hug
Hi SB,
Thanks things are good SB. The past year was kind of bumpy with some family issues and health problems but everyone is doing better. Therapy is going really well (you can read my sagas in my still overly verbose posts, some things never change Big Grin) enough so that I have stretched my appts out to every two weeks. But I'm taking leaving very slowly as it has kicked up a whole bunch of stuff. But I must say that I am experiencing a great deal of change in myself and really enjoying it. Thanks for asking.

Hi Songbird - welcome back! I don't think we met before, but I had the cheek to pinch your avatar while you were gone - unintentionally, though; I hadn't realised someone was already using it. I've just changed mine now so we don't confuse people, but I reckon if I get into trouble for anything there's still a chance I might pretend it was you - fair warning. (Just kidding though.) Anyway, nice to meet someone else with excellent taste in avatars - hope to see you around more.

Hi AG, wow, thinking of leaving you T! That sounds like a hard thing to do. For me my T is a bit of an insurance policy that I won't be screwing my life up totally, don't think I could manage. He's having his summer holiday soon and I know that will be hard. I hope your T will be suitably gutted to lose you!!!

Hi Jones,
good to meet you! Sorry I've caused confusion and you changing your avatar. Thanks for doing that! And for the warning ... Smiler Smiler Smiler. I'll better catch up with all the threads then so I know what to expect...


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