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First I will stop at the floral

Department to select a bouquet

Of lavender chrysanthemums

Which I will stash in the soup of the day pot

After first peeling the leaves from the stems

And lining them with the garlic shrimp in the self-serve deli.

Then I will loop a rope around the soup cans

And when the aisle is empty

I will pull it tight and watch the cans tumble

While taking a bite out of the custard filled donut

I swiped from the pastry case.

I will push my arm into the blood pressure machine by the pharmacy

And if the reading is too high

I will take a magic marker and draw a hole on my wrist to let some blood out.

I will ask the butcher to open the blister pack of three toothbrushes

And use key lime Greek yogurt for toothpaste,

rinsing my mouth with calcium enriched orange juice.

At the checkout with a pound of red grapes

I will pause, deciding between a York peppermint patty and black licorice.

And when the bagger asks if I want paper or plastic, I will say,

Of course I took my medicine this morning.
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That's an interesting point, ((RT)) I guess grocery shopping is the one thing we do on a regular basis that lets a whole heap of strangers get a sneaky look into our personal lives (and larder cupboards!!) I've often wondered what other shoppers or checkout staff think when they peek into my basket Eeker If I see someone with a load of 'reduced item' stuff I tend to think "cheapskate" and then hide all mine at the bottom of the basket, LOL! Roll Eyes

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