been thinking alot lately and knowing i need to make some changes in my life, but the truth is i'm really scared. and i think the scared comes from abandoning what i've always known and been comfortable with. i'm scared to quit booze, cuz booze has always been there for me. scared to change because to change means to be different somehow, and that means giving things up that i've always turned to. and to change is to face the unknown, and the unknown is what i fear. it's just easier to stay "safe" with my old reliables. trouble is, my old reliables ain't so reliable. i know that, but it's so hard to turn my back on that. so hard.
went to an AA meeting earlier today. i was in awe of everybody there ... such insightful, humble, selfless people! i couldn't introduce myself as an alcoholic. i chuckled internally whenever somebody said something they would prelude it with "name, alcoholic". i don't think i could ever be that humble. i told them i was just poking my head in to see what goes on. i can't even utter a sentence without getting all emotional and feeling like i'm on the verge of bawling like a baby and it makes me crazy! i don't know how to get over that so i can go to meetings and not fall apart every time. part of it seems comical to me but in the end it's really not funny at all. if you want/need help and can't even hold yourself together wtf are you supposed to do? i WANT to go home and forget about it, but i know that's not that answer. i want to ask what's the first step but am afraid people will say "the 1st step of course!" but seriously, how do you make that first step? how do you get over the fear?