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So I have been doing this ACT (acceptance and Committment Therapy) groupf or people with chronic pain and so far, it has been good.

Yesterday was session 3 and we were talking about acceptance of pain as it is while still meeting the goals that alligh with your values...

i talked about the diffficulty I have with dealing with pain because of it increasing in intensity with various activities and how frustratingt haqt becoems.

The therapist says somethign about 'buying into' the messages your pain gives to you which keeps you from doing something you may want to do.. or somethign like that

whatever the case, SOMETHING really got to me and i got MAD... or well upset.... like i was trying to express it but i just got upset and i tried to .. i dont really know... i just cant explain WHAT got me so upset but i did...

therapist asked me how i was feeling.. Like DUH if that wasnt obvious.. so I said.... upse4t.... b/c saying angry just is too much for me.... so she says.. something about yeh... angry? Than someone else in the group said i wasnt alone....

so she said more to me about what was going on and i zonned out... i was doodling to calm myself down and i just started getting tearfull and so FORTUNASTELY she had uis all go on break and i took off as fast as i was able hobbling out the door, down the hall and into the bathroom to cry and get myself back togehter. I Have NO idea what got me so bad but yeh.. man that SUCKED.

Well at least i have ears pierced....
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