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Some people get a pimple while others like me get a boil. Mine was on my bum so I couldn't see what it looked like, but I sure could feel it. Doc T reassured me my body would heal the boil. That antibiotic's and hospitalization wouldn’t be necessary. I trusted his opinion.

I didn’t want anyone to know about my embarrassing boil problem, but I needed Doc T's understanding about the pain it was causing. I had shied away from other people and the possibility of them ridiculing me about my boil. Also, it was less likely anyone would bump my boil and cause even more pain if I kept that secret to myself. I avoided everyone as much as possible, and lay low to protect myself from more pain.

I felt isolated and alone with my pain as my boil grew bigger. I continued to pay Doc T to hear how I was suffering. It helped a little to talk with him, but the boil kept growing, and so too its pain intensity. I became more and more frustrated when I felt nothing could be done about the said boil.

I decided to stop talking about my pain in case Doc T had had enough and showed me the door. I was afraid he wouldn’t understand, and that I might let him "have it," since I felt our talks were doing nothing to fix the boil. I was afraid of how I felt, and totally convinced Doc T withheld a magic wand in his back pocket that could cure me of my pain. I became angry towards him, and told him he didn’t understand what I was going through, and that I was afraid the boil would never get better. I expected the door right then and there.

I was a bit gob smacked when Doc T showed me where his boil had been. It was a big blighter too, just like mine. I didn’t stop complaining about my pain then, if anything I complained even more because I knew he understood what I was going through. The pain came and went as the boil "pustulated" and popped over and over until the core started to freely ooze out. I couldn’t see the healing taking place where the core had been, but felt its effects when the pain became less.

I have grown a little more patient knowing and feeling my "boil" is finally on the mend.
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