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How could T do this to me? He is rejecting me. I feel hurt, and abandoned. He doesn't give two hoots about me. I'm in pain; my gut is in a knot, and I'm sulking big time. There will be no 10am chat. Must I wait until 4 pm before we speak? I am too hurt to think about talking to him. I may not call. No one cares how I feel. No one understands me. I am all alone in this misery.

How dare he go shopping!
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The mongrel!

He has done this on purpose, to punish me. Who does he think he is? He didnt have to go shopping. Someone else could have done that for him. He knew this would make me feel angry towards him. I threw him over into the gorge again.

I cant tell him how I feel at 4pm though. What if he wont want to talk to me then? He will think I am stupid and selfish, and make me see reason. I dont want that. I just want to feel pissed off.

What if he doesn't understand how I feel? Will he be offended, and cancel Saturdays appt?

I am not brave enough to ring him at 4pm in case I get too angry with him. Settle, and try and reason it all out. I cant though, because I am confused by it all. I dont understand what is happening.

It's all too much to bare. What am I feeling? What will I do? I want to run away again.

Now I have a headache.

While I feel this way, it seems some unforeseen disaster may happen. I might lose control and go batty. The ground could open up and swallow me. I might have a prang when I go driving and never see another day. It's a horrible feeling. There is much angst. I don't feel safe at all.

Why must we always feel we are the only person going through this? That we are the only patient our T's have got?
10/10 Ten cents and a lollie to you Blu. You may not like an exam, but you come up with the right answers anyway.

Our anger threatens our survival.

As deprived bubbies we shut our eyes to rejection, and brain repressed the rage of no love.

As adults we shut off our anger by denying the way we feel, and suppress more anger.

Until Nuclear brain has had enough.

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