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I am so grateful for all of you on this board. May you have a very Happy Thanksgiving in whatever way you most like to celebrate!

Please share a list of things you're grateful for, if you'd like.

Here is my Gratitude List (the short version Big Grin ):
my two beautiful daughters
my strong and caring husband
two grandmothers who love our girls as much as we do
my two wonderfully goofy brothers
my sweet and adorable sister
my new baby nephew
two fantastic sisters-in-law
my former babysitter and aunt who is now one of my best friends
my Spirit Mom
my Seoul Sister
fairly good physical health
a warm and safe place to live
two cars that run consistently
accessible education and medical care
last but not former and my current T Smiler (all lessons learned are good ones)
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I am thankful for:
Jesus, Who promises to never leave nor forsake me.
For my T for helping me learn new ways to think.
For her patience, understanding, acceptance,and stability in spite of all the crap I dumped on her for two and a half years.
I am thankful for my husband of 32 yrs who loves me and is faithful.
For my precious children and grandchildren.
FOr all my family members.
For faithful,awesome friends.
The roof over my head,employment and the bills are paid.
That I can still move in spite of this wicked Rheumatoid arthritis.
Most of all I am thankful that even though I do not have all of my children and grandchildren with me today I know they are alive and well in their own homes and just a phone call away.
I am thankful for this forum which has so much love and support and such wisdom!
First, Happy Thanksgiving to all those who celebrate. And a Happy Day to everyone else!

I, unfortunaely, am not in a very thankful mood. But if was, I would be thankful for...


Forget it, I just typed about 3 lines and thought - I really do not feel that way right now. Maybe I will be able to express things later.


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