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Well, I just had to acknowledge today. I was waiting for someone else to start a lonely hearts thread but it looks as though that honor belongs to me, unfortunately. Yes, I am married but things are a bit strained right now. Thank God for the distraction of the kids, who think it's Christmas again. What are y'all making for dinner? Something red?
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Happy Valentines Day. Have a very traumatic year with my husband (probably not appropriate for this section of the forum), but am glad we are working so hard to keep our family together through some extreme challenges. We went out to breakfast with our 2.5-year-old, but aren't doing anything else special, because hubby is sick from working 60+ hour weeks since before Christmas. Frowner
oh Liese, I didn't mean to make you feel as though you had made a mistake in creating this thread. I appreciate the warm thoughts on Vday, truly I do. You don't me well enough to understand when I am being silly/sarcastic. I honestly was just being silly and dramatic when I said that, but I am okay today. I even wore pink and painted my nails red! Smiler
Oh no! I wasn't complaining about the thread. I thought it was a nice idea! This holiday (which has never had much significance for me) is a nice reminder that we are fighting through some very tough stuff and still together. A year ago January, I thought I was going to have to leave him and take our daughter away from him and traumatize her the way I am by her not being connected with her Dad, so I am so glad to still be pushing through. I hope I didn't bum you out by making you think the thread brought up sad's a space I'm always in and will probably be struggling with for quite a while.
As with most "couples holidays" I am feeling sorry for myself. A couple of people at my office got flowers from their valentine's and it made me realize that I would never be getting a surprise bouquet again from a valentine. Left work early and plan to eat dinner and go to bed early.

Thanks for pointing out that tomorrow will be GREAT!!
Hey LG and Yakusoku, Thanks for letting me know you are okay with it.

LG, I kind of figured that you were being sarcastic. I know the day can be difficult and so I didn't mean to trigger anyone.

Permafrost, I was going to make something red or something heartshaped. But I ran out of time and ordered pizza.

DF, sounds like you had thebest valentines day after all. And, I love that you ordered flowers for yourself.

Zero expectations is great.

My 11 year old is a6th grader at school. Her teacher had them pick a name from a hat and then you had to make that person a box filled with their favorite, inexpensive things. So everybody got something, which I thought was sweet.

But the school did their own thing where you could buy a lollipop for $1.00 and send it to your friends around the school. My daughter was happy with the lollipops she sent and received but one girl in her class didn't get one lollipop sent to her and it made me very sad. Frowner I hate that the schools do that.
V-day brings up all sorts of conflicting feelings for me.

I had a baby girl who was stillborn on Valentines Day. Frowner It was many years ago, so the pain isn't fresh anymore. But I am cynical about it now; I figure she is better off than being raised by me. My poor kids now are the ones who really have the raw end of the deal.

The thing that is harder now on V-Day is that I have no romantic feelings whatsoever for my husband. I want him to stay the hell away from me. I can't say "I love you" without it feeling like a lie. And its not like he hasn't done some nice things for me. In the past week I've gotten flowers & chocolate, been taken out on a date to the theatre, and been spelled off from watching the kids. So why am I not responding with loving feelings for him? I am dead inside.
I've never been a big fan of V-day. When I started getting news feed on FB today where Barbie was professing her undying love for Ken, I decided it was time to go and get my car smogged. Big Grin Then, as I was running around getting errands done, I couldn't help but notice all the impromptu flower stands on every corner and I witnessed a couple of florist deliveries underway. Made me realize that not only is this a day for lovers, it is also a sorry reminder that some people (like moi) don't have a special someone to love or be loved. Thankfully, today was T day and that ended with a great hug so -- I'm good!
Happy Valentine’s Day to you all! Huge hugs to everyone who’s struggling with this day Frowner Frowner


I’m so happy, I’m totally in la-la land right now. My boyfriend and I went out to dinner and then when we got back to his house he said he had a surprise for me and got out his guitar. He played me an acoustic version of Teenage Dream by Katy Perry and changed most of the lyrics except the chorus. It was so perfect in every way! The song he chose (we have an ongoing joke about my huge girl-crush on Katy Perry) and his sexy voice and the everything that he sang sounded so heartfelt. He’s so adorable! Now I’m off to la-la land to take a bath and lay in fluffy clouds with unicorns and daisies!

I am feeling guilty now that I may have come across as a bit whiney. Just for the record, I don't begrudge anyone who has had a fabulous V-Day. I certainly don't wish misery on anyone! And my issues with my husband are probably all my own fault, so I'm not even blaming him.

There now I feel better having taken some responsibility for my own experience of this holiday.

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