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I went to my t session Thursday feeling really closed off and having nothing to talk about. The strangest thing happened - I was trying to avoid some deep issues T knows I have in my journal and asked her about partial memories I'd been having. I can't even be sure there real memories or not, but they must be. I was frustrated at getting bits and pieces and not being able to put a whole memory strand together. I told her about a piece I'd gotten about about remembering how i felt sick alot in elementary school. Then i remembered one of my dads employees staying at our house with my brother and I when I was about 7. I usually had my little brother sleep in my bed with me after my parents went to sleep because I hated night and had a hard time sleeping. When this guy stayed with us I had my brother sleep on the floor in front if my door. This guy was scary and all I remember is this scary Halloween mask he would put on. My brother puked on the floor and I stepped in it and had to get this guy up from my parents room. He put me in my parents bed and made me stay there all night. That's all I remember. Then T told me to tell her again and I had this very weird experience where I felt like I became 7 again and how I was so scared of my parents door always being locked and how I felt like my parents room was both a place of terror and a sanctuary. I started tearing up and I could smell their room and I was very frustrated because I couldn't get my adult mind to take back control. I've never experienced this in therapy before. Is this normal? Has this happened to others and what do you do about it afterwards?
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Raven, hi,

I'm not sure if it is the same, but I'm having memories of my childhood come back to me....I get snips of it at home after I leave (because something we talked about in session triggers something) and then when I show up to my next session, I'm so full of anxiety, trying to tell her the story....

In December, when T went on 14 day vacation, I was very sad but okay for 3 felt like I turned into a 12 year old! Like I lost my mom, was worried about my mom, hurting very deep....a few things happened when I was, sometimes, I can go back into feeling like this 12 year old girl and I am upset and want to be back in my adult setting. T keeps asking me, "Why 12? What is significant about 12?"

You know, I'm not sure what to do about it, but I have just gone with the feeling....curled up in bed in a fetal position just like when I was 12....cried myself to sleep, just like when I was 12....stuff like that.

I'm so afraid of more memories coming back. The first one that kind of haunted me was my mom turning the door knob around on my door and locking me in my room....I got this memory while I was at home journaling about my session. The next T session I did not want to go. I stared at her door, especially the door knob, for awhile. Till, I almost "snapped out of it" and moved on to talk to my T about something else....

I'm feeling very uncomfortable feeling like a child.

I was googling the other day to try to understand this better, but couldn't really find much. I did find this:
Raven - I get a lot of reliving type of stuff. When a lot of them come up, for me, it's parts stuff, so T will notice I am acting younger or I will feel young as your describing; sometimes I'm just not fully there and not even aware of it. I had one a couple of weeks ago where someone was building a table or nailing a picture into the wall in the office next door. I guess since T and I always run so late, they assumed no one else was there. I unexplainably got so scared about someone banging on the door, about to barge in. I really felt like five and kept cringing and shivering with terror as T tried to comfort me. He offered to go see what the noise was and try to make it stop, but I was literally TOO scared for him to open the door and leave, like someone might hurt him or he might not come back. I don't know if that is similar to what you're talking about, but it lingered off and on for about half a day, a kind of fear approaching doors. I had the same thing happen with the sound of zipping another time recently. Frowner

Anyway, I'm not sure if that helps...
Thanks for sharing your experiences. It was a really weird feeling for me to feel so "little". I remember actually curling into myself on her couch and wanting to be held. This was also odd because my family never held or hugged or comforted us. As an adult I don't even like touch. the only touch and hugs I'm ok with are from my nephews, nut I realized after that session, that even them touching on me is uncomfortable. Does this make any sense? I also have never startled easily as an adult and rarely get scared. This weekend, I would jump even when my nephews phone would vibrate? What is this all about?
happened to me 2 sessions in a row..
I dont rmemeber eerything that happened I have stupid memory.
from what I remember I remember very clearly the fact that I feltsmaller...and younger...
and i heard these horrible banging if it were my dad coming to my room....but I knew i was in T's office and she told me it was just the maintenence man...but

I felt I was somewhere else..
it was terrifying...and even when I left her office, I hadnt come out ofit

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