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I think after a 2 month frustration search that I may have found the right T for me. Of course, he will never replace my T who i still miss and mourn and grieve for. But he seems to get my issues while at the same time he does not devalue what I had with my T and can help me to understand what happened.

As you all may remember I was seeing a female T that I called D. D attended that "transition" meeting with my T and she betrayed me and abandoned me during the session. This was a real transgression to me as my ability to trust anyone right now is in tatters. And the final straw was when in the next session I questioned her about attachment and she told me that she encourages her clients to attach to themselves! Eeker If I could do that I would not need a T right? How can you attach to yourself? I knew at that moment she would not be the one to help me heal.

So onward.... I went through the lists of Ts with a fine tooth comb. I did not want a female and I wanted a male who was not too young or too old and nearing retirement age. I found one who seemed knowledgeable about trauma and I spoke to him on the phone for 10 minutes and made an appointment. The catch was that he is only in my town once per week and I would have to alternate weekly appointments at 6 pm and 9 pm. He held the meetings in the pastors office of an old church in my town. I was not too crazy about going out at 9 pm for a session because I work and am busy in the evening with my son but I figured if he's that good I would manage.

I saw him 3 times and he was sort of a quiet, calm type of personality. He seemed intelligent and asked me some really good and probing questions. He explained how termination should ideally be handled, said I had experienced a trauma in what happened to me and he listened while I talked about my T. And while I thought he was good there was something missing. Part of it was the impersonal office. We sat on hard chairs and the office was shabby and kind of bare. No warmth, nothing that spoke of him or who he was. Not really his fault but the "space" I spend my time in is important to me. I'm sure his main office which is 30 minutes from me would have given me a different feeling. But the other thing was that I just felt nothing. There was no connection, no real attunement. I thought that perhaps I had the bar so high no T would ever feel like MY T did. And that maybe I was just spinning my wheels trying to find someone who was the twin of my T, which of course is impossible. I worried that I was looking for him in everyone I met and was scared I'd never be truly comfortable or at home with another T.

While lamenting this with my sister late one night she said to do a search for Ts in the town yellow pages instead of just using the list from Psychology Today to find a T. So I came up with a couple of different names and one was the T my friend at work uses. I had resisted seeing him because I knew she was but my sister insisted I call him and leave a message and so I did. He called me the next night and I actually had given up that he would call me.

We had a 12 minute conversation and I told him that I had an abrupt and traumatic termination and was searching for a new T. He asked me about the termination and I told him my T was not comfortable with attachment and trauma. And to my amazement he said to me... attachment is perfectly normal and in fact, it's a sign of health that you could attach! OMG... I was in shock. Then he told me that unfortunately most Ts do not handle termination...gracefully ... and they botch it up and cause damage. We talked a bit about that and he told me I sounded very intelligent and insightful and then I asked for an appointment. He gave me one three days from the call and I was actually looking forward to meeting him.

I could find nothing on him on the internet except for his phone number etc. No picture. He was the first T I would meet that I had NO idea how he looked and that sort of scared me LOL. I knew a tiny bit of him from what i remembered my friend saying although we do not discuss our therapies at all.

And so I showed up and he had a nice office in a medium size building very close to my house. There is a reception room he shares with 3 female Ts that is very comfortable and nicely decorated. His office was nice.... not too big not too small. Nice queen anne chairs to sit on or the leather couch. Nothing shabby here LOL. He is in his 50s and dark hair kinda short and stocky. Like my old T. He shook my hand and gave me some paperwork to fill out and then we went in. He was so easy to talk to and he said he knew who I was before I got there because my friend, who was with me in the ER that night with my T, told him a bit of what happened because she was so freaked out by it. He said he was very interested in hearing ME tell the story and I did and I cried and I tried to explain and told him how confused I was. He listened and hesitated a moment and then looked at me and said... it's very obvious that your T cared too much about you... he was very emotionally involved with you and that's why he had to take himself out of the situation. He got scared and didn't have any support to help him through this. Wow. That gave me a lot to think about.

He told me again that I was very intelligent and knew so much about psychology that i could be intimidating to some Ts... not him evidently...LOL...and and said he would be willing to talk about anything I needed to and that attachment is not an issue with him. He made me an appointment which would be in two weeks because he was leaving on a 1 week vacation. He said he does not take more than a week at a time because it causes some of his patients to regress.

The BEST part was that when he gave me his card he pointed to his email address and said... he is the only one who ever sees the emails and that I should feel free to email him whenever i need to and that if I don't hear back from him within 24 hours I should re send it because he may have missed it somehow!!!!!! I looked at him in amazement and said... I'm allowed to email you? And he said yes, it's not a problem. And then he said I can call him but if it's important I should beep him so he will call back sooner. OMG....have I found AGs Ts twin brother??

Then he shook my hand and I asked... are we allowed to do this? He laughed and said ... of course we are. So then I said have a good vacation and left.

That was 2 weeks ago. I saw him again yesterday and again had a fabulous session. He again assured me I did nothing wrong in therapy and it was my T who had such strong feelings for me and this is why he cannot face me now. He is afraid he cannot contain his own emotions in seeing and talking with me. He needs time. Again we talked of transference and get this... he has read IN SESSION!! He said transference does not scare him and he has read a lot on it.

I then told him that I was afraid he would not want me for a patient because of all my issues. He asked me what issues was I concerned about and I said my therapy damage. No T wants to deal with me. And he then told me that when he first came to practice in my town there were a lot of really bad Ts out there and he spent a lot of time working with people who were damaged in therapy. He assured me I was not scary. He said the most scary patient he had pulled a .38 revolver on him... had him at gunpoint... I said OMG what happened? And... he told me ... oh we went on to do another good 6 years of therapy and the guy left in a pretty good place! If he didn't terminate a client who pulled a gun then a woman crying over her T is not gonna scare him at all.

He told me that because I present as such a strong, intelligent, knowledgeable and in control woman my T had no idea what to do with the little girl part of me who is terrified. He could not reconcile the two and in fact... he said my T treated me more as a colleague or friend... even though we did good therapy which was pretty amazing. He told me my right brain and left brain were out of sync and we would work on that. He also again said attachment is very normal. He follows Kohut a lot it seems and also.... I asked him about neurobiology/neuroscience and he told me he specialized in neuropsychology. Wow I can talk to him about the brain etc. too.

When I asked him why there is nothing on him on the net he told me that he has not had an opening in 15 years. So I asked him how I managed to get into see him and he told me that I was "C's" friend and that he already knew my story and was glad I called him. He told me he knew I would get well and he told me he does not terminate patients. They leave when they are ready. Of course I looked skeptical and he understood why... how can I believe anything after what I've been through.

Overall it was a very good session. I would stop short of saying we have that special connection but at least he understands me and makes me feel less crazy. He gets attachment and transference and neurobiology and does not scare and is very smart. I feel like I can challenge him and he would enjoy it and challenge me back.

And so... have I found a T to help me greive and heal and move forward? I'm afraid to actually believe this. I will see him again on Tuesday.

I thought I would share this news with all of you who have been so supportive to me through my nightmare of termination and I thank you all for everything.

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I want him!
He sounds utterly wonderful, do not lose this guy!
You know I am going through the most horrendously painful termination with my T and I read your post and I actually felt I could have written I truly sympathise. My god, he lets you email and phone and be attached and you are never going to pull a gun on him, and he can even handle THAT! I think you have a great t - can I be jealous in a nice way? Smiler
I posted about my last session on Weds but only have had one reply. Been holed up hurting so much. Will try and post again today on this wall and see if I can get some helpful advice.

go for it with this one though! He sounds GREAT
WOW Big Grin True North, this was amazing news.. I SO hope this will work out, and after all the pain you have had to handle with your past T- you deserve the best T right now. I am very cureous about this new T, and he does comes across like a really nice, skilled T,the way you describe him, the way he speaks and assures you..

I am so glad on your behalf, good luck next session TN! All the best
tn, i am thrilled for you. this sounds so promisiing, and after what you have been through, it IS great to know that he didn't terminate the guy that pulled a gun on ridiculous is it that THAT is so reassuring, but, i'm with you, THAT is the amount of reassurance i need.

it is interesting that he admitted to knowing your story. but, there is some trust in there that i think he was giving you, that i find comforting.

i wish you the best on this. as to the sterile environment, i don't know, if you are comfortable it shouldn't matter too much, as soon the room will be filled with the therapy.

great, great answer!! just shows that when one door shuts, sometimes an even better door is around the corner...jill
((((( TN )))))

That is wonderful to read your post. Your new T sounds quite amazing (funny huh when that’s exactly the sort of T I once would have taken for granted as being the ‘norm’?)

I’m so pleased you’ve persevered through all the crap and pain and confusion and sheer awfulness of what you’re going through, in keeping on looking for a T. All kudos to you - it must have been so tempting to throw it all in and turn your back on therapy altogether.

As for D, thumbs down to her. I’m glad she was there for you to be able to talk about what had happened with your other T, but basically she sounds as if she wasn’t going to be right for you in the long run - she ought to have known that trust would be a BIG issue for you, especially now, yet she acted in a way guaranteed to let you down. Lol I also read her comment about ‘encouraging you to attach to yourself’ as a cop out - high minded sounding T-speak for ‘don’t count on me to be there when you most need me’!

Everything that your new T has said to you is just so wonderful! And he’s not afraid to tell you positive things about yourself (which must go some way to restoring a bit of confidence in yourself yay!) and he’s not only not afraid of your feelings and to let you work through the fallout from your other T, but he seems to know exactly how it’s likely to pan out - I love that he’s openly given you out of session contact, that he takes his holidays in consideration of his clients, and that he’s happy about normal human physical contact. Um don’t suppose you could give me his number could you lol.

Good for you TN, now maybe you have a chance to really work towards getting yourself whole and healed. Sounds like it anyway.

Hugs for you


This sounds like a potentially wonderful ending to an awful story. This T sounds very promising. I love his confidence, warmth and professionalism, and he doesn't take more than a week off???? Now THAT's kind of T I want!!! Big Grin

Seriously, I'm so very happy for you that you at least have a good prospect here. Kohut is the psychoanalyst who emphasized the role of empathy in therapy, correct? That's great stuff. Keep us posted!!


I read your post this morning and only had a chance to reply now, but I felt my heart swell for you when I first read it, and my heart swells for you still when I read it again! I'm so glad you took the chance to contact your friend's T...honestly, it sounds like one of the best situations, considering he had already heard the side of the story that hadn't been tainted by another T's view. I hope that your sessions continue to be as great as these first couple have.

And yes, please keep us posted. Smiler

I'm late to this post too, but oh am so glad that you have met someone who is so open and up front about what they are able to manage, without putting any pressure on you at all to behave in a way that they want you to. Hurrah.

Big gold star to you for being so brave and seeking him out, there were an awful lot of excuses you could have come up with for NOT doing so. I'm so pleased.

Thank you everyone for being so happy for me and for your supportive comments. I do want to address each of you individually when I calm down...

I came home tonight and found a letter from my old T. I had emailed him asking for a receipt for insurance that he forgot to give me back in August (I submit all the paperwork) and I asked him to submit a new treatment plan for me so I could submit all the outstanding claims I'm holding now. He never acknowledged the email and I didn't know what to do about the insurance mess I'm in because he refuses to communicate with me. So you can imagine my shock in seeing a letter from him in today's mail.

I opened it to find a one page typed letter to me. He said many lovely things in it but it upset me and it was like I was reliving the trauma of facing the fact that he is no longer my T. There is something else you all dont' know.... I was driving through the bank public parking lot near his building and OMG he was driving in the opposite way to me while I was waiting to merge back into traffic. This was on Tuesday. I had no place to run and hide and so I just smiled at him and waved. He was talking on his cell phone and he sort of waved to me with his pinky finger while holding the phone and steering with the other hand. I drove home and just made it into the garage when I burst into hysterical crying. I cried for my entire lunch hour and washed my face and returned to work w/o eating lunch. Lunch hours are really hard for me because I had my session during lunchtime....

So back to the letter... he wrote it on that day when I saw him in the car. He did not look good...very rumpled and frazzled and like he had aged. It was just a quick look but that was my impression. I think I've aged too.. I have more wrinkles and my eyes look dead.

And so I read the letter and he expressed the hope that I was now doing better with the transition and he knew how hard it must be to see someone else (he has no idea I terminated with D and now am seeing "B"). He also said that it was a privilege for him to be my T and that I worked so hard in therapy and that he can say that I am one of his greatest "successes" his quotes... because at that horrible meeting we had I told him that I wanted to be his greatest success and NOT his worst nightmare and this thought was so hard for me to live with. He wished me "godspeed" in my continuing journey and said that he was looking forward to one day hearing about it. He also told me how determined I am and how strong etc... the usual stuff. I burst into heaving sobs again. Each time I hear from him it's like I'm in that trauma all over again. I feel the abandonment all over again and it's so hard. I'm shaking now. He also reiterated that he has to terminate my son as he is no longer able to offer him the kind of therapy he needs. That hurt. And he said he is waiting to hear from me about a termination meeting for my son (he had emailed me about this last week but I ignored the email) and that he will provide a list of alternate Ts for him.

I don't agree with him and he has no ethical reason to terminate my son. I won't go into that here but I do want my son to have a termination "phase" and not be blindsided in one session. I want my son to "graduate" and to be welcome to return to my Ts summer camp that he attends. I learned from the other T that a client should have 2-3 sessions for each year in therapy with a T. That is the rule of thumb that is ethical because termination is a VERY important aspect of good therapy and the first obligation is to NOT harm the patient.

Okay... I don't want to go into that now... but... I am hoping that B will maybe talk to my old T and make him see reason at least in regard to my son's care.

I called my sister and read her the letter. She said to me ... don't you see all the love that is in that letter? Don't you understand that he is telling you he wants to see you again one day... not as a patient but to talk to about your journey?...that is is not totally cutting you off forever? I don't know. I am feeling really scared again and the pain is pretty unbearable. I'm afraid to hope that he does not hate me and that he is struggling too with the separation.

And so I placed a call to B my new T asking him to call me because this letter has pushed me to the very edge of my sanity. I feel like I just can't take this any longer. My head is in chaos and my heart is so wounded and so sad. I just cannot deal with this level of pain any longer.... it's been months. Starting July 1st when he said to me ... I suppose it would be difficult for you to lose me. OMG OMG... was death.

And so I'm sorry that my upbeat and hopeful news does not seem to even matter right now. I am just trying to breathe.


I'm so sorry you had that strange encounter with your former T, and that you had to read such a difficult letter. It sounds pretty clear to me that you're still grieving that situation.

But, I hope you are able to take at least a tiny bit of comfort and hope in the fact that now you have what sounds like a genuinely qualified, solid, super professional, caring, empathic, warm and insightful new T to move ahead with. I know this doesn't diminish the tremendous pain of how things ended with the old T, but maybe that pain and that experience is the perfect entry point for you and the new T to get started.


I'm sorry that you received such a confusing letter from your old T. That would send anyone into a tailspin. I still think that he cared too much and this letter was a way to try to reach out to you, but he couldn't see how damaging it could be at the same time. I hope you are able to talk to newT about it soon and that you are feeling a bit less overwhelmed today.

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