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I had one of those classic dreams last night where I was driving a car and it fell off a cliff. After I left the cliff, everything went dark and I kept falling at an ever accelerating pace. Things kept getting darker and somehow narrower, it felt like I was moving towards a point or a portal and I had the thought "this is it! I am about to enter eternity." There was a sense of exhilaration, curiosity, and excitement, and then of course I woke up.

There was more to the dream than that, but I was just writing this to ask, have any of you ever died in a dream? I've heard it said that people always wake up before they reach that point (or before they land if it's a falling dream) and I wondered if that was true or not.

If you have. . . what was it like on the other side? (I mean in your dream world, I know we're not talking reality here.) Smiler
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I've had the falling and waking up dreams.

I've had the sure I'm going to die (either slowly or quickly) dreams.

I've had the I've already died and exist in some sort of netherworld or bodiless form, invisible to others, dreams.

I may have had a dream where I actually died, but when that happened I switched to another dream in which I realized I had been dreaming.

I've never had the whole thing together where I actually died and transitioned to some sort of afterlife in a dream.
"Heaven" looked like a museum. It was all marble halls and seemed like a surprisingly boring place!

Ah well, maybe I should be glad I woke up when I did then. Congrats on making it, though. You're the first person I've heard of who has. Wink

Anon, ooh, I've never been a disembodied spirit. Maybe that is next.

Catalyst, yeah, it's freaky thinking about it afterward but in the dream it was really cool! I was so bummed when I woke up. Nuclear

Anyway, nice to hear from you peoples. Thanks. Smiler
Hey HIC! I haven't been around in a while, had a quick look on the various threads and thought I'd respond to this one...

1. Have I ever hit the ground after falling? Yip , unlucky me. I whacked the ground with such force I thought I was going to die and clearly I woke up still feeling the shock of the fall! It happened twice so there is your answer - if you hit the ground you don't necessarily die Wink

2. Have I ever died and gone to heaven in a dream. No, I can't say I remember dying in my dream, but I think although I don't remember the dying part I may have been to heaven in my dreams. I was young and I remember I was very ill at the time. The place I went to looked like the garden of Eden. I've never seen or felt anything like it before or after. I remember being overwhelmed by the clarity and the colours - the colours were brighter than bright - like nothing I have ever seen on earth or before or after in any other dream, and I loved everything about it - the feeling of peace was more than I can explain. I wanted to stay but somehow it felt as though I was sucked back into my sleep and my body. As though I was removed from the window of that scene. I felt as though I was drawn into my body backwards if that makes any sense. I remember trying so hard to recreate that dream - to go back there, but no matter how hard I tried I have never seen or experienced it again and although it happened such a long time ago I remember every detail. Crazy huh? So I'm not sure if that was heaven or not, or if I died but I do know it was a dream that has stuck with me for life, and if heaven is even close to that then I want to go back.

I was just talking about this with someone the other day..

I've drowned twice in my dreams. Both times I was aware that I was drowning and knew I was going to die.. It was really awful. I've also dreamt I've died in other ways, like I was shot once. One time I was already dead and I was in a coffin and could see my parents around my coffin but they didn't seem to notice or care that I was dead.

That being said.. I've always woken up just at the point of dying. I've never gone to heaven in a dream.

Yeah.. Sorry for the morbidity!

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