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Has anyone ever read about before coming to earth, a soul will make a contract as to the life they choose?

Not trying to be weird or anything, but I read where some believe this to be true. My question is WHY would those of us who have had horrible childhoods CHOOSE this kind of life?

Don't know if this is under the appropriate forum...but would love to hear thoughts on this...especially from those who may know a little more about this...

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I actually subscribe to a belief that is slightly similar to what you've put out here. I know exactly why I would choose my life...

If I did have a soul that got to flip through a life catalogue and pick this one out, I know at the very core of myself I love an uphill battle. So if my soul is like me, then of course she'd pick something like this.

I feel too awkward to share the extent of my thoughts and beliefs but I can say that no one deserves a horrible childhood, and I don't think anyone in their right mind would choose it for themselves or anyone else. On a spiritual level though, I do and can make sense of it.

I don't know how the battles are picked, or why they are assigned to who they are... I don't know why some people live to 101 and others die barely weeks in to their lives. It has to have some meaning though... at least I think so. From what I've read about the process of therapy is that eventually a survivor can 'make meaning' out of their experiences. I think this belief is one way that people are able to come to terms with the meaning of things that are nearly incomprehensible to the mind.
I think this is probably going to sound weird, and it might not be helpful in the least, but I had an experience when I was pretty young that makes me wonder about that idea of a contract.

I think of it like the day I realized I was on the earth and was me. I was a toddler and I was sitting in the sand at the bottom of my driveway poking around with rocks and stuff, and then it was like something got my attention and I "came to." I just remember it was like I was suddenly aware and like I had just really arrived here and arrived inside myself. And it was quiet and calm and good, and this gets even weirder. I looked up at the sky, and I feel like "they" were dropping me off, and when they left they checked with me if I was OK to be there and if I was OK with the life I was going to have and I said YES.
Years later when I felt very bad, maybe around eight or ten, I tried to sit in that same spot and feel good again like I did that day. I knew it wasn't very likely, but I tried, and no, I didn't feel better. But I never forgot that sensation. I felt good and clear at the time.

I don't know why I said Yes to my life, but I feel as though I did know some of what was to come, on some level, and I agreed to it. I did say yes.
I've never heard of this concept & it sounds interesting. I myself, do believe in karma & that life is cyclical. If we had a crappy childhood we might get a break as an adult etc. with me I have the opportunity to make my rotten childhood fade a bit when I get to play w/ my kids & fingerprint, bake & all the things I wasn't allowed to do. Does it mean something bad will naturally follow? Maybe, but I have to focus on the hear & now. Who knows maybe I paid for my childhood already & it's smooth sailing the rest of the way home. Or maybe not...just a thought.

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