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Have you ever sued your Therapist?
or even close to sueing him or he made your so angry and crossed boundaries, your privacy and validation etc...

I am struggling right now becuase my counsellor is still a student. He is not registered with anything yet.

Should I wait until he becomes Professional counsellor???

Or should I send complaints to his professor?

I mean before I sue him. Which will cost money but I don't want to waste my money.

I really think he doesn't deserve to be a professional counsellor.

venting, venting, venting...
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I suppose you can contact the institution that is is training with and complain. If there is something serious going on then maybe it will be better if he never becomes a therapist.

My T is also in training. I think he might have completed his training already but doesn't have a licence yet. But I'm very happy with my therapy. I love him, but he respects boundaries. I'm in therapy for 6 months only so far, and he never made me feel that there could something else going on then just my therapy.

I you feel there was something seriously wrong, perhaps you could and should complain.
I should complain??

I've done that to the centre and you know what the director told me?
She said that I am paranoid and distorted.


I've talked to the police. He came to my place and we talked for hours.
He said this to me " Just get rid of all the e-mails and all the evidence(?) and move on"
He also told me that he is going to talk to my counsellor but I told him not to bother
because my counsellor is all about denial. He is really a coward and he won't face me.

He has given me some web site addresses such as this one to start with and he's been using my stories here and there...
trying to humiliate me and just wants to push all the buttons.

I really don't understand a person like that can be a counsellor...

It hurts so much every time I breathe, it hurts... I am chocked, I feel like crying all the time.
He really makes me think about suicidal strongly more than ever.

I thought I could just ignore everything and move on but the emotional damage is too much for me so I came here to vent.
I don't know how many of you are truly real but I am not going to be quite about this anymore.
Hi iam,

I am not sure about the legal side of things of what your counsellor has done.

But I have been following your posts and I am so sorry to see how much you are hurting and how much distress you are in.

I went through a really tough time when my therapist ended suddenly. He abruptly ended and blamed it on me and then refused to take my calls knowing that I was suicidal. About a week later I rang him and told him that I thought it was unprofessional to end like that and that I needed some closure. He agreed to let me come back. That was only one of the many problems that we have. I am currently trying to end with him but the grief is enormous and I am not coping with it very well.

What I am trying to say is that even when a therapist treats us very badly we are still so hurt - in my case I really had come to trust him. The emotional damage is enormous. I have huge abandonment issues and over the last year he had repeatedly reassured me that he would never abandon me. My medical doctor has been very supportive of me through this period and has helped me to find a psychiatrist who can help me with my problems and hold very tight strict boundaries. I don't start with him until early December. Waiting until then and going through the grief is extremely difficult.

Perhaps you could find a new therapist that can help you to deal with the damage this counsellor has caused you - after all we go to these people to get help to live a better life not to become more heartbroken, distrustful or broken.

I am thinking of you and hope that you can find the strength to find someone who can help to you heal.
Hi there

I am getting all the help that I need.
People have been telling me that just think of this experience as dealt with Fucked up.

I am not sure if it's because I idealized him too much, I strongly believe that he could have done more than he did with me.

He was definitely sound boarding a lot with me.
I think he really enjoyed how I as reacting, what I would say or do...I was very interesting subject for him. Sometimes I wonder what if he was already professional counsellor and I was paying a lot of money per hour. I think that would have been different. both me and him could have dealt with my sessions more professionally. Not like hanging out with your close friend...

I don't ask my self WHY too much anymore because
there is no Why, shit happened, I got hurt, humiliated and people are telling me to get some help because of this crazy counsellor.

What about HIM?
he is supposed to just walk away?

I'd like to say that counsellor or Therapist
are very powerful profession.

I was depending my LIFE with this person.
I believed him too much and told him too much
and he used everything against me.

legal side of things that he's done???

I didn't find any feed back about this guy on-line but I found something that contains what he does. He has this web site dealing with youth.
I made my account there. My big mistake was, I used my ordinary passwords. and He came to my e-mail account, blog, MSN account and messed up with my head. I found crucial evidence with one account. which had his IP address.

This is definitely invasion of privacy and he has been doing cyber bullying.

I am getting all the help I need. My family and friends are very supportive, my doctors have been telling me just move on.

It's always victims who have to walk away from

and that abuser was my counsellor.

I don't know why he would give me web site address like this and pretend like someone, using my private, personal, painful stories...

Yes, all I have to do is stop coming here and not read anything. and anyone could say. that I am paranoid and distorted, just like that director from the centre.

I am feeling really sick. not just emotionally
I've been trying to move on. I've been trying my best. Now I am physically sick.

every time I breath, some kind of fume is coming out. and It's so painful.

It's so painful that all I can think of is ending my life. I really want to get away from all the pains. all the pains that I went through... this counsellor, I thought that he was the one who could really heal me...

anyways, now I started to mumble...

what's the point of any of these...

I know that I am going to go through this again.
just like any other pains that I went through
but I feel that I am getting weaker and weaker everyday...

I think this was his ultimate plan.
wanted to find out what I had to say...
in this cafe...

I hope he is satisfied with all his work.
My super hero. Who controls my life..

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