Before I told my T, I was struggling a lot with feeling I was dishonest. I continued to hide, for a while, my knowing much about psychology for similar reasons (I thought I would be "wrong" or that there was something that would be perceived as my challenging his authority). He is not like that at all and has told me several times that even without talking explicitly in psychological terms, he thought I had studied psychology before (even before I joined the forum) just from the way my journals were written. I had only studied basic attachment and development stuff in Early Childhood Education and it just so happens that's the way my brain seems to work.
Once I started telling him stuff I did know and getting his input and being slightly more OK with being wrong, that was kind of a relief. I did really feel as if I was hiding something from him. T has said I am compulsively honest, which makes my constant insistence that I am somehow unknowingly lying to him like
for him. Now that trust is better than it was, I just want to tell him stuff. I don't feel like I "have to" and it doesn't feel quite as scary to tell him hard stuff either.
So, for me, sharing this sort of stuff with T ended up being really positive. I have found I don't get shamed or aggressively corrected, though he will give input, nor is he worried about outside information undermining his authority. His biggest concern is that information about my diagnosis, for example, seems to be fodder for self-invalidation that is disruptive and very painful. I think the support and information here has helped me in my (in session) communication with him so much that he's probably really grateful you all are here for me.
My T doesn't teach me too much in the way of terms and theories either, though they'll come up on occasion, usually just to help me understand and label the sort of dissociative experiences I'm having. I think I use more psych terms than he does, without even realizing it. A lot of these I've been using for years and I have no idea where the heck I picked them up.