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I asked him if I could bring in parts of the quilt I am making, sometimes. To show them off to him, I guess. (I did not say that last bit!) And I said that I wanted to bring in my cornet and show him how it works. And that I keep bringing a photo album that holds pictures of me growing up in it, from birth to 21. I said I had so liked showing him my quilt two weeks ago (in a 15 minute dropping by time that came out of the blue) that I now wanted to do that sort of thing more.

He replied that all of that would be fine. He liked seeing my quilt very much and found it very impressive and he liked seeing my progress on it. He also said that he would love seeing my cornet as i play it a lot and he hears about my concerts and performances. He also noted how I liked to give him CD's of my singing performances and that it was obviously important to me to be able to have him praise me and be impressed, as my parents did not do any of that when I was growing up and it was obviously very helpful to me that he did. He then added that he would be very pleased indeed to see some photos of me. He said he would like to see them very much. Whenever I wanted to.

He also remarked that I had been building up to asking this for two whole agonising weeks and that I still expected him to say 'no' when I asked for things. [True]

Then he suggested something totally utterly unexpected.

He said:"And we could go out for a walk sometime, as we are right next to the park. If you like and if it is not raining, we could walk around and talk at the same time."

I was so stunned that I looked at him with the sensation of my mouth dropping open. I then eventually said: "BUt I have SO wanted to do that all the time I have been seeing you but always thought you would just say 'No'!"

He laughed and said: "Well, I might say no if it was raining like it is today but usually it would be fine. The only other time I would say no, is if I thought you were avoiding looking at something that really did need addressing and you wanted to go for a walk in order to avoid it. I would then call you on that."

I said:"and I would expect nothing less of you."


Wow. Of course being me I instantly imagined him buying me an ice cream and of us feeding the ducks together (Little Me getting carried away LOL) but the thought of walking and talking is wonderful as I love walking and as he well knows am unable to walk on my own at the moment and so feel the frustration of that. Also, I know walking and talking is not unusual in therapy but it just seemed so unlikely to me that HE should agree to that, never mind suggest it himself.

So much is happening in therapy just now, that was only an eight of our last session. so much going on, but boy oh boy, am I looking forward to a walk already. THe only problem is I don't know HOW we would record it whilst walking.
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Hi Sadly,
What wonderful experiences your are having with your P/T. It sounds so great that he is responsive and has taken a great deal of interest in your endeavours. He sounds very supportive. It also sounds very special that you will have an opportunity to go on a walk with him. I have done some things 'outside of the box' with my therapist that I treasure. It's made me feel very special. Well I hope that the weather clears up for you soon and that you will have a special time.
Oh, a walk sounds lovely and I hope it goes well. T has offered to do a walk when I asked about what we could do and even to get ice cream before like your kids want. Except, I sometimes think T is more of a kid than all my inside kids, since I can hardly ever get excited about such things. I just feel too exposed to be out in public view with my T for some feels unprotected and I feel like in trouble that my T has to be seen with me. Frowner Anyway, I really hope it goes well for you and someday I am brave enough to do that with my T.

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