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I think I would be scared if my T said/did something like that...because he knows how attached I am to him and that I cannot hold the boundaries. I am incapable. He knows my boundaries are in tatters and that I need him to be so steady. And I would want him to "rescue" me, and if he offered, even though I knew it wasn't right, it would hard for me not to want to just let him take care of me (in a paternal way). So, it's so important that my T be a rock. Even as just a fantasy, it would hurt me for T to suggest something like that knowing that I could never have it.
He travels all over the world and loves to report back to his patients his experiences. How they dont need medications in the jungle, noone has anxiety or suffers like western civilization.

That's complete crap, take it from someone who used to be one of the jungle-people.

I agree with the others that he sounds like he has boundary issues, even if he means well.
I'm not so sure about the red flag and you know me I'm on hyper-alert for Ts and red flags. I would have to judge his remark on all his behavior with you so far. Has he been unethical with you in any other way? Has he offered other unethical outside contact or meetings?

I think another way to look at his remark could be like saying "oh if I had a magic wand I would take away all your worries and anxieties and show you how wonderful another life somewhere far away can be".

Lizzygirl... you have to remember and keep in mind that nothing could ever happen between you. That would be very very harmful to you and illegal for him to do. If it starts to seem like something happen between you then I would say you had better run from him.

Keep us posted and let us know if you have questions about any other of his behavior. Keeping yourself safe is the first priority.

I feel so close to him, like he really does have feelings for me. Do you think he said to stimulate my thinking or is he satisfying his own fantasies of taking me away?
I'm very confused, and scared now to get his response.

I'm sure he means well, but just the fact that it's making you feel so confused and uncertain signifies to me that he is pushing boundaries a little...although again, I'm sure he's just trying to be nice like True North said. If I were you i would bring it up, just to get the confusion out of the way.

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