GE, Draggers, TN, Noners, CD - thank you so much. Your words helped.
I don't know what to do right now. There is a plug where my heart should be. I feel I'm walking in a waking dream all day long. Thank you for all the reminders that I will get through this
T tried... so hard today. She asked me to look at her, she said it would be connecting. I didn't want her looking back at me... that she'd see I have nothing in there. But I did, and she was teary and so I didn't anymore. She held my hands, and sat with me. I left feeling safe, contained... connected in a way. Right now I feel lost again.
I tried to explain to my protector part to at least breathe in and accept the connection I so desperately needed and give it to whoever he's protecting it from whenever it's possible.