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The PsychCafe
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Hi everyone, I've been hanging around the forum for while now and thought it was time to say hello. I've been reading the posts (lots of them lol) and i'm surprised because a lot of the posts i could have wrote myelf. I've been in therapy 3 years now and i have to admit its a huge struggle for me, I find it really hard to express my thoughts and feelings.

Some of the posts must be hitting home because of the feeling i have been getting in my tummy, not even sure how to begin explaining that because i have no name for it.

Thats all for my first post, hope to get to know you all

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Hi Heather! I will add my welcome to everyone else's. I hope you just jump right in! The more of us the merrier! There are quite a few newer posters recently and I have not been good at making introductions. I am not sure if I have welcomed starfish or monte or blackbird or janedoe or allison, at least not officially. Hope I didn't miss anyone else I haven't met yet! Welcome to all of you (a little belatedly)! Big Grin
Last edited by mad hatter

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