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Good evening! Smiler

I guess I have a question and not sure what to do. I have been seeing the same T for over 2 years now. He is an awesome T and I really enjoy my sessions. I started seeing him due to a series of events involving my ex-husband and those issues have been resolved. I have been through the whole 'transference' thing, not sure if that is resolved though, lol. Like I said, he is awesome and I have been doing great for over a year and even came off my meds. I know that I do not need to see him anymore (he has even hinted at it) but the thought of not going to see him every few weeks makes me sad. I have not discussed my transference issues with him as it is too embarrassing for me to bring up. My question is this; Should I just quit going to therapy or find another therapist? Can someone be too dependent on therapy too? Thank you in advance.
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chumchum, welcome to the forum!

My question here would be, is it really a transference issue, or do you just like/love your T and feel sad about not seeing him for that reason? It seems normal to me to develop an attachment to a therapist and want to keep seeing him or her for that reason, just like if you made a close friend you wouldn't want to suddenly stop seeing him or her. That would be one of those things where you just have to weigh the financial cost against how valuable the relationship might be to you...
Thank you, BLT. Smiler

Well, my therapy is paid for by the state. So, money is not an issue. That is another source of guilt for me, btw. LOL I guess he has become a really great friend. He opens up to me a lot too. Maybe, I sense his need to have a confidante as well. He is not from the area and feels as out of place as I do in this small town. I just don't want to take up his time, I suppose. Letting go is hard to do. Frowner
In a way I am in a kind of similar boat to you, actually. My T and I have taken a liking to each other, and I expect that we will stay in contact somehow after therapy ends, although there is a waiting period where ethically they can't immediately relate to you on a social basis after termination. In my case I think there is a bit more work that needs to be done in therapy first before I want to end, but we are winding down maybe and it is bittersweet. My insurance is still paying most of the cost, but I also feel like ethically I can't just keep going for fun forever, unless I can pay for it myself, lol.

I do think you need to decide based on your own needs, though. This is not about taking up his time or meeting his needs, but about what is best for you Smiler

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