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Hi everyone...I haven't been around very much lately, but I guess I'll post a little update to let you know what's up with me. I've been really busy, since I'm such a procrastinator that getting ready for Christmas was a big deal last-minute affair. St. Nick was very good to our kids. Big Grin Smiler Frowner

The big thing right now is that I no longer email my T, so I'm pretty much disconnected from him, since that was my main avenue of communication with him, since our sessions are fairly infrequent by maybe, some people's standards. (every 3 or 4 weeks generally speaking, sometimes we manage to make them every two weeks)

The break between sessions is feeling reeeeeaaaaly long, now that we have no email contact. I was used to emailing him about three times a week, sometimes, daily. Finally yesterday we had a session, and he called me just to say that he was too sick to give me a session. So, I have to wait another week.

In the interim, i have had a lot of unavoidable personal contact with my SD, who is my spiritual counselor and also minister, (priest) which is emotionally wonderful/terribly confusing. He is eminently professional and quite removed- no special treatment there- everone is special to him, truly. He has no idea about how transference can play out in an individaul like myself, so fortunately he is probably unaware of how *important* he has become to me. It wouldn't be good (for him) if he knew. I suspect he has feelings for me that he himself is unaware of, but that is possibly just a projection or a (weird) hope from the past. Or, alternately, he is aware of all of this and his care and concern and fatherly-ness is *purposeful.* Eeker Confused

So, yesterday, I was supposed to have a session with my T who I have these *real* transference feeling for. Hm I wonder if my feelings for SD are transfered feeling from T!! T calls up, and I say hello, how are you? Eeker T replies: "No very good!" He had some terrible headache...and said he did not feel he would be able to give me "what I need" or be focused enough for the session. He seems in no hurry to hang up- but I am thinking T pleas hang up and go rest. Frowner I wonder if I give him a headache? He says it is good I emailed him some stuff after our last session- stuff about my past, that we had agreed on that I would email, and that he read it, and said there is a lot of "deep stuff" and that he is very glad I sent it. Confused then he say: "I can try, but I have this sort of foggy-ness and headache, so mayb it owuld be better for you if we reschedulae" I just wanted T to rest, gosh, I can't stand it- please just go rest. Eventually we rescheduylae for next week sometime, He hung up. Frowner

hmmm I guess I am confused and I email quick one line to T next day, just to see is he ok? He said yes he is now ok, and nice of me to ask! I am just confused, since he used to would have said, I am not supposed to hav enay concern for him, but now he is ok with me having concern for him. Weird.

Therpay is weird. I just don't know about it anymore. How can I love so much, someone I pay so much money too, and never will see in RL? I know it's not ideal, or has problems. I just don't know anymore. Just struggling with therapy....lately. Was easier in ways when I could email T. Now it's like, no relationship.

So that's ehre I am and hope it's ok. Getting through the days...


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Thanks DF, June. I think that the rule is that we should only email briefly about subjects that are not therapy-related. Except that last session, a few weeks ago- we had a discussion that ended up that I was supposed to send him some information about my situation that pertained to what we are talking about, so I sent him that and a brief thank you for the session. He responded briefly, but I have done no other emails, except for the one to see if he is ok, yesterday, cause I was worried about T. We used to do quite a lot of emailing about stuff, so it's a significant change for me, as I was in constant contact with T. Now I just feel kinda disconnected from him I guess. Today I started to miss him again after seeing his face briefly yesterday.

I have to catch up on a lot of threads. I hope you are all well...

(((Beebee))) sorry for late reply here, i was glad to hear from you, missed you around here! oh..that e-mail cutting down must be really really difficult.. you had it, and now its "taken away" from you, after learning to use it and maybe depend on it. No wonder why you feel discontected since the e-mails contrubuted maybe a sense of (safe) contact with T... i totally understand why this makes you feel disconneced and maybe feel a little "left out" from your T. Even a sense of loss and would be a "normal" reaction to this, IMO, anger as well. (are you a angry at your T as well for not allowing email anymore..?)I do think though, that you will learn, with time, to adjust to this new "no-mail-policy" also. That it reinforces the need to express things in session rahter then in writing..? (via email) maybe it can come something good out of that after all? Anyway, sorry its so hard for you now.

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