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Hi all,

I have posted in this forum but not for a very long time, I do come back though regularly to read and see what everyone is up to Smiler

I am feeling a bit freaked out today. Had my fortnightly session with my psychiatrist of two and a half years and he said that I "almost certainly have DID". Ok, so not really a surprise to me, but it was sad because he doesn't think he can help me because the kind of therapy I need is too intensive and he doesn't want to screw up my therapy and he can't make that kind of a commitment to me.

I know he is trying to do the right thing by me but I am feeling abandoned and like I must be really just too damaged if he can't help me. He is the best T I have ever had (and yes there have been a few over the years). We are totally besotted with him. He is the first person that we have ever "come out" to. He is the first person we have trusted.

So very sad :*(
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Hey Wolfie,

great that you can post, nice to hear from you. Part of me feels happy that your psych has the courage to tell you this and to suggest you see someone else. So many psychs try and take on cases that they have no idea how to treat or get in over their heads - i think your psych has done a good thing, even though I can feel the anguish you are feeling over the thought of another therapist. IF you go see a therapist experienced in DID - does it mean you have to let go of this guy? Probably not...surely you can still maintain contact?

From what I have read about DID and treatment and from the ppl here - it is very intensive and long term. Someone with experience can offer their advice about it.

Love hearing stories when people are happy with their psychs - especially psychiatrists!!! Glad you have had a great relationship with him.

Keep in touch and let us know how it pans out. You know that there will be lots of people here ready to support you.

Thanks SomeDays Smiler

I appreciate you taking the time to reply to my post.

My psychiatrist has said that he will be available to me but he said he was 'relieved' that he wouldn't have to deal with it Frowner just feeling a little abandoned. Trust is so very hard, it is also hard to find someone that we connect with.

It is great that he will keep on seeing me, especially since I am not on any medication so he doesn't really 'need' to.

Tough couple of days, feeling flat and depressed :*(
Dear Wolfie,
So sorry that you are going through thus.

I hope that perhaps your P will let you stay on as long as you desire to, especially as you transition to someone more specialized. And SD is right - how honorable to see a P (or T) acknowledging that they're not enough. They have our lives in their hands to large extent, and "experimenting" with different approaches might be alright now and then, but if they really are in over their heads, it's only going to make it worse for us in the long run. And a good P or T will recognize and acknowledge that.

But with all that you're going through, I'm hoping your current P will let you stay on, even if less often, so you can hold on to that connection while you forge a new one.

Take care and be kind to yourself - all of you.

I understand how you feel. My shrink has told me I need to see a DBT therapist and I can't see her anymore because she can no longer help me. I feel lost, dejected, alone. I have felt like I am such a mess that I will never be normal or healthy, like a car that is a lemon.
I do not think your Pysc. should have told you he is relieved to not have to deal with it, who you, your illness, your visits? What a good way to make a client feel even worse than they already do.
Wolfie... I'm sorry I missed this post. Of course you must be feeling very sad and depressed over hearing this news from your P. I was abandoned and banished by my oldT so I know how horrible it can feel. I think the best scenario in your case is to work together with your P to find someone who specializes in DID and who can take you further than your P ever could. I do agree though that it was insensitive of your P to say that he was relieved. He should have kept those thoughts to himself if he had them. I am sure hearing that was difficult for you and I'm sorry.

It's a great help if you can still see him and if he helps you transition to a new T/P over time and remains a part of your treatment team if you can financially afford that. I know that for me I really tried to arrange a period of transition with my oldT but he flat out would not do it and I was no longer allowed any contact at all so it was very traumatizing for me.

I think with careful handling of the transition and your P's help in locating a good new T for you, this will work out in your best interest. Despite all of that, it 's still a loss and it's painful so please continue to reach out here for support.


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