I have posted in this forum but not for a very long time, I do come back though regularly to read and see what everyone is up to
I am feeling a bit freaked out today. Had my fortnightly session with my psychiatrist of two and a half years and he said that I "almost certainly have DID". Ok, so not really a surprise to me, but it was sad because he doesn't think he can help me because the kind of therapy I need is too intensive and he doesn't want to screw up my therapy and he can't make that kind of a commitment to me.
I know he is trying to do the right thing by me but I am feeling abandoned and like I must be really just too damaged if he can't help me. He is the best T I have ever had (and yes there have been a few over the years). We are totally besotted with him. He is the first person that we have ever "come out" to. He is the first person we have trusted.
So very sad :*(