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OK. I'll try to keep this brief...

I used to see a T. I like her, but there were lots of problems along the way, especially in the last year or so of the therapy. She used to shedule appointments in a random kind of way - not same times\days etc. I found this hard, but eventually asked for a regular time. I got Monday morning 9.45am. It was ok for a bit and I was working on some really tough stuff... then it was the christmas break (she likes to take a few weeks off over the holiday). I saw her mid-december, session was intense and I was not really ok. Then later I got an email saying that she had opened her post and been offered work at a school on Mondays, so she was cancelling all my appointments... and suggested a few random days/times instead. My daughter was only 2 and I had booked and paid for nursery to cover the sessions. The daycare only had mornings - which the T knew, but all her suggested replacement appointments were different afternoons (and not weekly). I was really in bits.

It got kind of sorted in that she moved another client (which I felt guilty about then) so I could see her wednesdays. we didnt work through what happened - she is keen to focus on what works and move on from any problems. I wasn't ok. Then her partner got ill. really ill. she had to keep cancelling appointments. It was awful and I felt guilty as I knew they were very poorly. this went on for months. eventually things improved. we didn't talk about this either though - despite that she knew I was upset by it. I was feeling very stuck and upset. It ended in a rupture. she was rejecting and afterwards said it (rejection) was what I could expect due to her being angry with me. I asked why she was angry, but she said it wasn't for me to know that - that it was her job to deal with it. I still dont know Frowner she says she isn't angry now.

she knows a lot about me. she can be really kind. but working things out with her is so so difficult. I admitted that I dont feel safe with her, and she suggested I sort out all my dissociative parts and get a consensus about how to work. and that any who dont like this can be put away in a safe place during counselling. I have no idea how to even start with working with dissociative parts of myself - let alone get a consensus - should I be able to just do that? and I want a therapy place that feels safe for all parts - not have to lock some up. I have said this to her. I feel confused, and like I must be a failure somehow. I would hope the end point of therapy was somehow being able to manage the dissociation etc? Not a requirement for making an appointment?

I'm seeing a different T as most of you know. This is way less confusing. The t is pretty attuned in sessions, but still puts me out at the end completely in bits. She just doesn't do grounding - and I'm not in a state to ask for it. I am not allowed any contact between sessions once a week. It's kind of limited.

I feel attached to the first T. but it is confusing because I can't work through the problems we have had. she doesn't want to - she wants to look at what works, not what hasn't. Only I'm really traumatized by some of what she said and did. Frowner I dont really want to be attached to her - I have tried not to be. It's now 16mths since the rupture.

I'm really messed up. And I spend all my time blaming myself. It must be me.

I know I should just accept the t I've got, until they/the t decide it's over. It's all so scary.

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That all sounds like a nightmare, from beginning to end. The first T sounds like she has some really huge issues that is only serving to traumatize you. I have been there and know what it is to feel attached to someone who might not be good for us. T # 2 sounds okay but it sounds like you could use more contact. What kind of therapist is T#2?
(((s-b))) I'm so sorry to hear how difficult things have been Frowner It really does sound awful and I really really hope you will be able to process how this is all affecting you with someone who is skilled enough to not cause more trauma. I know it's not so easy to always find that and can be extremely frustrating. I feel most sad to see how it's making you blame yourself though, I hope you can know this isn't you, there isn't anything that you've done wrong here although that feeling may be really strong. I'm sorry it's so scary Frowner
(((Liese))) Thank you. I do get completely traumatized by T1. I tried to work with her for 5 years and got (insecurely) attached. She is quite haphazard in how she works (there were issues with email and not knowing if and when she might reply, issues with session end times etc). I am attached and it's painful. She tends to feel it is me that is the problem though (although she did eventually admit some mistakes).

T2. It's via an organization. The rules (boundaries) are set out strictly. None of it is negotiable. It is inadequate at times. Frowner The other week I managed to turn up as 'child', stay that way all through, and leave as 'child' (not sure that it was the same child however). I dont remember after the session or how I got home (a drive of over an hour). The T said she was aware of the state I was in and left in. This week I was really unable to do any work - fearfully keeping it all locked inside, but left unable to speak and just cried and cried afterwards... T2 is humanistic (as was T1).

I'm not wanting to be here and complaining. I just want to be able to work through my stuff and be ok.

(((AH))) Thanks. I haven't anyone to process this with at all. No one. My husband listens when he gets time (works long hours and is exhausted). I do blame me. T1 blames me. T2 doesnt though... although I never talk about T1 with her as she is a counsellor for s*x**l ab*se and the organization is set up to deal only with those issues (this in itself isn't easy as I dont appear to be that compartmentalized? Also, my family of origin are kind of traumatizing in so many ways and it's all muddled into the mix. Along with a berevement of my only safe adult when I was 11...)

I'm an internal mess, hiding behind a thin facade of 'everything is good, fine, normal here, nothing to see...'

I contacted an organization for help with finding a T. The nearest one who is qualified and experienced and known to work well with trauma is 2 1\2 hrs away. This isn't possible for me.

Sorry to moan. I'm just struggling and tired. I just want to be ok.

OH thanks (((SP)))

sorry to hear about the little-pengle. Wisp-ette was not so well yesterday (at school) but was bouncing again this morning, so I've taken her in!

It's just so hard. At least working with T2 has shown me which bits were T1 being feckless and scary and which bits are just the way I am... and in some ways I've done more work in 6mths with T2 than in the 5 yrs with T1.

your exT sounds just too awful to put into words... there were so many things wrong but i cant believe she said she was angry with you, and then wouldnt even explain or tell you why!

it also sounds like your current T is not doing too much to help, everything you say about her (and the organization) is just so limiting...

you need and deserve a lot more, and i believe the right T is out there for you, it might just take a little longer, i hope you can get back your hope in the meantime.

Thanks Puppet and thanks Liese.


T1. I love her. Painfully, child-ishly, like she is my mother kind of love her. I am ashamed to feel this way, but it is true. I hang on to the hope that she will, if I try hard enough, rescue me, be there for me, keep me safe. Like my real mother she wont. I should give her up, and I can't quite do it... sometimes she is soothing and kind (by text).

Seeing T2 showed me how traumatic seeing T1 was to be honest. It is a long way from ideal, but I am not completely messed up on a weekly basis due to her comments or behaviour.

I will, at some point, try to find another T within a reasonable distance. Once I start work and get settled in (and have money). Until then I will do the limited work I can with T2.


OH SP, the excruciating shame of wanting to be loved and cared for is so awful - I feel so terrible.

It is hard not to feel it is me - if only I could sort myself out and be a good client, I'd get what I needed, or at least get better. She is a member of some organisation that is to do with trauma. She is a member of BACP (but NOT acredited - says she doesnt work in a way they will acredit or something). I know that we have an unhealthy dynamic and are stuck. Even text conversations end up in confusion and my being in insane pain... Frowner

I know, I know, I know I ought to cut contact with her. I feel such a failure though. It's like I need to leave it in a better way - leave, but not traumatically (cos of what happened to me via NHS I think). There have been moments where she has been there for me - and I appreciate that.

Thank you so much for your thoughts - it is helping me to work out where I'm at...

Uuuuuggggggggghhhhhhhhhh Frowner

I usually see T2 (current T) on Friday morning, but my littlest Wispette was poorly in the night and will be off school today. T2 gave me her mobile phone number, with strict instructions that it could ONLY be used if an emergency would prevent me coming to session - snow or child-illness etc. so she (the T) wouldn't make an unnecessay journey to the office. (head office wouldnt be open in time to let her know). I MUST NOT contact her for any other reason - so I have her number - but only for her benefit.

I texted her this morning, explaining that my child is poorly. And I said that I was gutted as I'd been struggling and had a hard week after the last session.

I guess some human compassion would have been nice. Like 'hope your little girl is better soon' 'sorry you have been struggling' etc. Nope. It said 'ok see you next week' she didn't even put her name. It was so cold Frowner I know texts can be and I know I'm only feeling this because I feel really needy right now... but Frowner Confused

I guess it's her boundary. I can't have any connection by text or outside of sessions. She is sticking to that by just doing what she did. Confused Frowner Does it mean I shouldnt have said I'd been struggling and was gutted to have to miss a session - have I broken the rules do you think?

Yeah, thanks sp


I guess part of me feels afraid that she might think I'm lying - that my little one isn't ill. I dont lie, but she doesn't have proof does she?

There isnt ANYTHING of her in the reply. Not even her name. Not even her first initial. Pretty sure the rules dont mean replies must be abrupted and totally inpersonal? I know, I shouldn't be thinking about the detail. Gonna go cuddle my little and then tidy up my home.

I did feel guilty too that I wanted to see some T (who doesn't seem to give a damn) when my little one clearly needs me.

Thanks SP, I know... I find it odd, the experience of her in the room at times and the total lack of her in anyway outside the room. A couple of months back I said to her that once I left the room it was like she stops existing (I know this is something wrong with me - sometimes I find it hard to maintain a level of permenance when people are out of sight - no idea why). The cold text didn't help. I think that is why I wanted her name on it - to make it from her? I'm crazy...


Yes, I told her I was struggling so she would know I wasn't lying. It is also true that I have had a difficult week. Some weeks an excuse not to go would be welcome! Part of me doesn't want to go - it's like a very long dental thing - you know it will help in the end, but its painful to go through it...

And for me, sometimes, I feel counselling makes me LESS present to the kids. The processing between sessions makes me tired, irritable and withdrawn. I feel I am a crap mum at times (hubby doesn't agree). I feel I'm never going to get there. It's all painful. I wish seeing a T made me a better mum in the short-term. I realise it has in the longer term in many ways.

wispette is on the mend. thank goodness! She got her cuddles on and off throughout the day - in between me doing the housework and clearing the laundry that this type of bug leaves you with (I'll spare you the detail! lol).

Thanks again Pengs

OH thank you both

Therapy does knock me for six. Although T2 less painfully than T1 did. It took at least 3 days to 'come back' after seeing T1. Now, I go, say probably more, definitely cry more (though that still isn't all that often) and whilst I am really tired the day after I'm not totally out of it.

Last night I read some stuff about the history of parenting (cos I was feeling fragile thinking about my failings as a mother). Our current ways of parenting are very different to that of the past -and whilst I fully agree that attachment and affection are good things... we in the 21st century sometimes put ourselves under enormous pressures to parent in a very intense way. I hope, hope, hope, I am a good-enough mother, enough of the time.

Pacing. I'm beginning to understand this. As I'm beginning to understand just how totally awful my upbringing was - not in a feel sorry for myself kinda way, just more 'oh, that is why I'm so messed up'. I need to be gentle with me, because it really actually wasn't my fault (must be having a good day here... but, hey, whilst I'm here I'm being nice to me!!! Yay!)

Thanks again SP and Jillann. I bet you are both lovely kind mothers to your little ones.


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