Jones - You're right. A list of questions would make a phone call much more manageable. Or maybe, my list of questions could be, "Hey, does your secretary have an email address that I can send a list of questions to, because talking to you on the phone is giving me an anxiety attack?"
BB - I'm with you there. I actually never felt like I *needed* to have a Christian counselor, although I have felt it helpful to not have to explain things like why I don't stop tithing to pay for therapy, etc. In my case, I am perfectly fine not seeing a Christian therapist if it means that the T or P I see actually specializes in my stuff. I think a lot of T's have a spiritual perspective on their work, but don't necessary list it as a specialty...that doesn't mean they are UNspiritual, just that it's not a focal point of their work (take TN's T for example). H, for some reason, is pretty insistent on a Christian male. I think part of it may be that he's worried about his condition being judged and no believed. He struggles with that with T already, who keeps calling him dissociative, even though medical doctors have said he has a parasomnia.
DF - Thanks for the website. I will check. There is one particular therapist that sounds very nearly perfect for me and a couple of others that might do as well. I think H, despite saying that he isn't attached and "doesn't mind" starting over with another T, actually really does not want to, otherwise his list of qualifications would have been more flexible. I'd even be willing to risk erotic transference and encourage him to be open see a female T, honestly. I could accept that and it might be good for him to work through stuff in that way, but H feels understandably uncomfortable. The thing about seeing my current T more often is that it will never happen, because he is only here Monday and Tuesday and doesn't have time for phone calls on Wednesday or Thursday. The one time I went in both Monday/Tuesday (the horrible moving away from me session), I had to surrender my Friday session, unless I was "really overwhelmed" and then we could reevaluate. That had been my plan ANYWAY, but I'm pretty sure he won't do 3x per week with me.
BG - Thanks. What you're describing would actually be perfect for me. Someone who can understand where I am coming from, but maybe doesn't shove it down my throat quite so often.
Love my T anyway, though.
TN - Thanks for the helpful advice. Know something funny? Everything on your list was something I was looking for, except for the CPTSD. Unfortunately, the little bios mostly just say a few areas they focus in and the ones who do dissociation are like 10 and all but a few are just MA/MS MFTs or SW. There is one guy who is PhD Clinical Psychologist, Dissociative Disorders, PTSD, Mood Disorders, Personality Disorders, Men's Issues (well, at least helps when I tell him about H's crap), etc.. I'd say about 75% or more of the in network people just have their masters. I don't know why that matters to me and I'm sure there are excellent therapists without doctoral education, but my current T is a PhD and I almost feel like that would be a step down, LOL. Maybe my insurance carrier was lying, but when I asked if there was anything I could do about him being out of network, she just said, "No, no coverage." H could look for a T by himself, but he often asks me to research stuff for him, because I'm "better at it." Like, when we make purchases or big decisions, I do most of the legwork. It really doesn't bother me. When I leave things to him, I end up finding out that I could have saved thousands of dollars in the last year.
So, I was feeling pretty detached last night and this morning and some protective parts were saying, "Let's just break off all contact with T and disconnect in case you have to leave, it will be easier that way." But, I resisted and sent T a long text to read on his trip down and one particular kid (the one causing me so much trouble lately) popped up and started saying in little kiddo voice about how she just wants a hug from T. Ugh. So, you know what? I just told him. LOL. Whatever. The week I've had, I want a hug (any little kid would want to be held and comforted right now), and even if he can't give me one...I don't care that he knows all their/my feelings toward him. I think I have resigned myself to both praying and researching at my own pace over the next few weeks without feeling like I need to jump into anything. Maybe I just decide to ride out the year and switch to a PPO and see if that will save us any money.
((((((everyone))))))) Thanks for all your support and advice. It makes it so much easier to take these steps to take care of myself and Kiddo and little Yaku and the others, when I know you're all cheering us on. Jeez, I feel ridiculous speaking about myself in this way, but it's my internal reality as far as I perceive it, so who tf cares, right?